Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Everything goes wrong when we're home alone.

"Yes we were, and nothing happened" He walked over to my bed.

"Then why did you call him cute and stuff at dinner last night?"

"Because you were making him feel bad and I had to make him feel better, also I knew it would tick you off" He looked at me. "What?"

"You did that on purpose?" he said. I nodded and then he talked me. Then he started tickling me. I then turned into a laughing mess. "Ow" he stops tickling me and he holds his arm. He got the cast taken off during vacation, but he still has to be careful with that arm.

"You okay" He nods, and shakes it off. He looks at me and starts tickling me again.

"KIDS, COME DOWN STAIRS!" Jackson stops tickling me and he gives me a quick before he runs out the room. I get up and I follow him out of my room.

We ended up downstairs in the livingroom. "Okay kids, Kimmy has to go plan a party, Stephanie has a gig, and I have to go to the clinic. So Ramona, I need you to watch Jackson, Max, and Tommy. Jackson, you watch Max and Tommy and Max you watch Tommy." She picks up her purse. "Get it?" we nod "Got it?" We nod "good" Dj opens the door and leaves with my mom and Stephanie following behind her.

"So basically I'm in charge" I say cheerfully.

"Yes you are, so feed me" Max says crossing his arms.

"Okay fine." We walk past Jackson who is on the couch rocking Tommy. I walk into the kitchen with Max following behind me. I made Max a peanut butter and jelly sandwich then I walked back into the living room.

"Your the best brother ever, yes you are, you don't try to steal my girlfriend from me, that makes you the best brother ever" Jackson says as he's talking to Tommy while rocking him.

"Jackson!" He whips his head up at me.

"How long have you've been standing there?"

"Long enough to tell you, stop being jealous of Max" I say as I walk over to him and sit next to him on the couch.

"J-Money, don't get jealous." I roll my eyes.

"Whatever, also no one calls you that"

"Not yet" He mumbles.

"Can I hold Tommy?" I ask as I extend my arms.


"Why not?" I pout.

"He might try to steal you away from me" Jackson says.

"He's not, now give me the baby" I say reaching out to get Tommy.

"Fine" Jackson hands me Tommy then he walks away. "The diapers are in the bathroom" he tells me before he leaves the living room and walks into the kitchen. I groan and I pick up Tommy. I walk to the bathroom and lay Tommy down on the counter. I then change his diaper. There's no trashcan in here. I guess the toilet will do. I toss it in the toilet and then I flush the toilet and I walk out the bathroom with Tommy on my waist.

I walk into the kitchen to see Jackson cooking something and Max is coloring a picture. "Howdy guys" I say as I walk over to Jackson and see what he is cooking. He's making eggs.
"Who are those eggs for?" I asks as I poke him in the side.

"Me" He says as he keeps stirring the eggs well then. I look over to my shoulder to see Tommy sleeping. I walk upstairs to Tommy's room and I lay him down in his crib then I hear the fire detector go off. I pick up Tommy carefully and I run downstairs safely. Max isn't in the kitchen and Jackson is standing at a stove that's, caught on fire!

"JACKSON WHAT HAPPENED!" Tommy starts crying because of my sudden out burst I sit him in his highchair and I run over to Jackson.

"Okay so, the eggs started to burn so I poured more oil on it and then this"He points to the fire.

"Well put it out." He starts looking arounfld frantically for something to put the fire out.

"Ow" I run over to the kitchen door, to see Max laying on the ground I help him up. "You do know water is flowing out of the toilet?" Max asks as I pull him up.

"What!?" I run past Max, then I stop as I hear a scream come from the kitchen I run back to the kitchen to see a bigger fire. "What did you do!?" I ask running over to Jackson.

"I poured water on it." I slap the back of his head.

"You don't pour water on hot oil dummy!"

"Oh" that's all he has to say! Max runs out the kitchen. Then Jackson picks up a broom.

"What are you gonna do with that?!" I ask as I start to back away from the stove.

"Don't worry I saw this on Icarly" He then starts smacking the fire with the broom. The broom catches on fire he screams and drops the broom Max runs into the kitchen.

"The washer has bubbles flowing out of it!" Max says as he runs into the kitchen.

"Who turned on the Washer!" I practically scream.

"I did, I wanted to do something for mommy so I washed the clothes for her well at least I tried to" he put his head down. I walk over to him and give him a hug.

"It's okay it's the thought that counts." I say as I rub his back.

"SERIOUSLY!?" we turn our heads to Jackson.

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing I don't want to start an argument" He crosses his arms and glares at Max.

"KIDS I'M HOME!" I know that voice that's DJ's voice. We all look at each other.

"RUN!" Jackson yells. I run to grab Tommy next thing you know we are all out the back door.

"Now what?" I ask Jackson.

"We go to Bobby's house." He runs and Max and I follow behind him.


"You guys started a fire, that is so cool you should've recorded it" Bobby says.

"Yeah, you really should've" Andrew agrees.

We're all in Bobby's backyard sitting in a circle and by we're I mean. Jackson, Bobby, Andrew, Vicky, Max, Tommy, and me.

"I can't believe we just did that, I feel so alive" Max says. I laugh at him.

" We started a fire, made the toilet over flow, and we made the washer machine over flow. This should be a record" Jackson says.

"THE BATHTUB!" Max yells.

"What about the bathtub?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"I left it running and I also plugged the drain so there's a possibility that its over flowing right now" Max says as he plays with his fingers.

My phone rings it's DJ. I show Jackson my phone and his eyes widen he throws my phone across the yard.

"Dude!" I slap his arm.

"Don't get mad at me. You threw my chicken!" Jackson yells back at me.

"Really, you're still mad about that?"

"No I'm mad... Never mind" he puts his head in his hand and I lay back in the grass.

Well today was fun I guess.


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Xoxo~ T

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