Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Jealous Jackson and a Diet.

Ramona's POV.

"Mom!" I say with both worry and panic.

"Yes it is I your mother. You're lucky I'm not DJ. Now get in the car both of you." She commands. I get in the front seat and Jackson gets in the back it takes us like two minutes to get back to the house. I get out the car and I feel an arm wrap around my waist. I look up and smile at Jackson and he kisses my forehead. My mom unlocks the door and we walk inside. "What were you two thinking? And Ramona why do you have all that makeup on your face?" My mother asks, I look down remembering the reason why I'm wearing all this makeup.

"We just wanted to get out of the house" Jackson answers. "And why do you have all that makeup on your face?" He looks down at me and I take his arm from around me and I run upstairs I bump into something and I look up. "Sorry Stephanie"

"Its okay kiddo" she helps me up. "Why are you wearing all that makeup?"

"Long story" I reply.

"Is it really a long story, or do you not want to talk about it?" She arches an eyebrow at me.

"I just don't want to talk about it" I say looking down and sighing.

"Okay well whenever you want to talk I'm always here" I give her slight head nod and smile and I walk to my room I sit in my bed and stare at the wall. I'm so bored. I lay back in my bead and I stare at the ceiling.

"RAMONA!" Max jumps and lands on me.

"What?" I ask him worried and hurt because he jumped on me.

"I finally passed level fifty" I glare at him. I thought something bad had happened.

"Good for you" I give him a smile.

"Uhhhhh, what is going on here!?" Jackson walks into my room and sees Max laying on top of me.

"Jackson he was just excited about something"

"Yeah, he was excited to get his hands all over you" Jackson looks like he's getting angry. He can't be serious.

"That's not at all why I'm excited" Max makes a disgusted face and I laugh because he looks adorable. "I'm excited because I beat level fifty on my game"

"Mmmhmmm, and Ramona how come you never laugh when I make a disgusted face?" Jackson asks crossing his arms and pouting.

I decide to just tell him straight up. "Because you're ugly when you make a disgusted face"

"That's it Sherlock Jackson is on the case" Jackson says as he points to the floor emphasizing his point. I laugh.

"And what is the name of this case?" I asks.

"Max the girlfriend stealer" he glares at Max and Max gets off of me. Then Max walks past Jackson the he stands at the door and before he leaves he says.

"I'm Mr. Steal yo girl" Then Max closes my door behind him. Jackson looks at me.

"I knew it!" He yells before he storms out of my room. I pull out my phone and I decide to text Vicky.

R: Sup
R: Turn off your caps lock
V: sorry
R: anyway, he layed back and said that was awesome.
V: really!?! Do you like Bicky or Vobby?
R: those are both horrible
V: any who how's life going.
R: I'm grounded for who knows how long.
V:how bad was the fire
R: everything around the stove is black
V: yikes, well I got to go to some fancy dinner bye.

Then my bedroom door swings open. "Who were you texting? Were you texting Max?" Jackson asks as he hold a magnifying glass up to his eye. Then he arches an eyebrow at me.

"Max doesn't even have a phone"

"Okay, true. I'm watching you" Jackson says as he slowly backs out my room and closes the door.

I roll my eyes and I pull out my laptop and I start scrolling through Netflix. I'll watch Hoodwinked.

I close my laptop as the credits roll in. "RAMONA, MAX, JACKSON, DINNER!" I roll out of my bed and go downstairs. Roast beef and rice.

I walk over to my seat and Jackson sits across from me and Max sits next to me. Jackson glares at Max and I take a small bite from my roast beef. If I don't eat a lot then how can I get fat and I can also lose weight so Jackson and Lola and probably everyone else won't have a reason to call me fat.

"Sweetheart, you barely touched your food, are you alright?" DJ asks as she takes a bite out of her roast beef.

"Yeah, I'm just not that hungry. Can I get a salad instead?" Everyone drops their forks and they stare at me. Its so quite you can hear crickets.

"Ramona" I looked down at Max. He slapped his hand against my forehead. "Are you feeling okay?"

I nod "you didn't have to slap me on the head" I say removing his hand.

"Sorry, I thought I could smack some sense into you." I stare down at my plate. I know why there all acting all surprised. Its because I hate salads. There is way to many vegetables. I mean I'll eat salad on certain occasions, but one time I threw my bowl of salad at the cafeteria lady because she refused to change my lunch, yeah I know I was being dramatic when I did that, but I wasn't paying attention when I grabbed my food.

"I can't believe you two are just going to flirt infront of me" Jackson practically screams, then I feel something touch my cheek I turn my head and look at Max who just kissed my cheek. "I KNEW IT!" Jackson yells as he stands up and points his finger at Max.

"Jackson remember. I'm Mr. steal yo girl" Max says pushing Jackson's finger out of his face. Jackson walks around the table and he picks me up bridal style. He opens up the back door and we walk out side he closes the door and we walk over to a bench and we just sit there.

"Why did you bring me out here?" I ask looking at him.

"We need to talk"


"Why are you wearing so much makeup, Why are secretly dating Max, and why do you suddenly want to eat salad?" He asks as he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"I just wanted to wear makeup, Max is just messing with you for the last time Max and I are not dating, and I'm going on a diet" he turns his head and he puts his hands under my chin and makes me look up at him.

"Okay forget about Max I know you two have nothing going on I just like messing with y'all." He says as he let's out a small laugh. Then his smile starts to turn into a frown. "But why are you starting to change all of sudden?"

Should I tell him?


Do you think she's going to tell the truth?

What do you think Vicky and Bobby's ship name should be?


Xoxo~ T

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