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"Mal?" Ben asks, looking up. "Mal, come down!"

I laugh and shake my head. "Why should I?"

"Because everyone's waiting," Ben says. "And your class starts soon."

I sigh and jump down. "Fine. But only because of the class."

It's been four years since we graduated from Auradon Prep, five since Ben brought us from the isle. Evie started up her own design studio; I have my own room there for art. Carlos and Jay started a veterinarian's office to take care of dogs and any other animal they can. Carlos is the doctor while Jay helps him calm the animals and grooming. The opportunity Ben's given us has bene a great thing. There's even talk of bringing more children over. Fairy Godmother is still the headmaster at Auradon Prep, where I work. I am the Professor of Magic and Villainous History, meaning I teach students the reasons behind why the villains do what they do and help anyone who can't control their magic.

Jay and Evie discovered there powers our second year here. They have more basic magic than mine but it's still powerful. Ben's been trying to let us visit the island but apparently there's a lot of red tape and hoops to jump through. Lonnie and Audrey run a hair salon and spa. Sometimes they work, sometimes they're the clients but it's a great place to relax.

After the coronation, we descendants were accepted more into the Auradon community. Don't get me wrong, a lot of people still had their reserves but it was a lot better. My mother, however is still a lizard. She hasn't learned a thing about love. Ben's parents gave her a cell made especially for her. I'm allowed to visit whenever I'd like. In fact, they gave me and the other descendants each a room in the palace. Evie, Jay and Carlos have all moved out, though. Evie lives in her studio while Carlos and Jay stay in an apartment above their office. And that pretty much brings us to today; the first day of school.

"Come on, the student's will love you," Ben says. "Your class is totally unique and never taught before!"

"That's because you've never had any villains turn good before," I smirk.

Ben shakes his head. "You were never a villain. You're just misunderstood, like many of us."

"Most villains start out misunderstood," I reply. "In fact, a lot of villains wouldn't be villains if people just listened and welcomed them and their darker personalities instead of pushing them away."

"See, you'll do great. You're speaking like a teacher already. Now, come on. You don't want to be late on the first day."

"Okay," I pull him back for a moment. "Being late is one of the few ways I can still express my evil side. Let me have some freedoms."

Ben chuckles and takes my hand. "If you're late, I won't show you a surprise later." I smirk and my eyes trail down his body. He laughs and tilts my head up. "Not that kind of surprise."

I pout and his laughing makes butterflies scatter in my stomach. "Fine!" I exclaim, exasperated. "But it better be a good surprise."

"I promise. It'll be the best surprise you have every gotten. I'm sure of it. Now go, or you won't even get the surprise."

I take off in a light jog towards the school. As I get to my classroom, I see nobody there. Then I see the clock. Ben sent me here a half an hour early! I sit down anyway and start to write things on the board. Finally, students start to come in. I see all the younger siblings of the people I went to school with. When the bell rings, I call role and introduce myself.

One student raises their hand. "Is it true you tried to betray Auradon because your mom told you too?"

I sigh and nod. "This is going to be a long day," I mumble to myself.

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