Found out

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"I miss you!" I say, holding the phone to my ear. "When are you coming home?" Ben left earlier this morning and I've been struggling to find something to distract myself with.

Ben laughs. "I've only been gone a couple of hours. Mal, you're going to be fine. Why don't you hang out with Evie, Jay and Carlos?" he asks.

"Jay said he needed the week to plan something for Audrey leaving Carlos completely booked at the vet and Evie is visiting the dwarves with Doug," I explain.

"Then why don't you help Carlos? You said he was booked up and Jay was the receptionist and muscle. You could spend time with him after school to fill up your time."

"I'd rather spend time with you. Just sit around and chat for a while," I reply.

"No can do. Queen Aurora and King Phillip planned a pretty busy couple of days for us. I'll try to get away when I can, but it won't be forever. I'm sorry. I'll be back before you know it."

I sigh and smile. "If only I had a time machine to just skip this week." Ben laughs.

I reach for my spell book and as I flip through the pages, Ben speaks again. "I have to go now. And Mal?"


"Don't even think about looking through that spell book. Don't mess with time. I love you and will see you soon. Bye!"

I hang up and sigh, throwing my spell book to the foot of the bed. When will this week be over.


"Where are they?!" I scream, looking around. "Carlos!"

"What?" he asks, jolting up. "Who? What's going on?"

"Carlos, the twins. Their missing!" I yell.

He jumps up, running around. "What? We need to find them, now! Where could they've gone this late at night?"

I look at Carlos when I remember our last conversation. "No. No, no, no, no, no!" I scream. "They went to the castle to see Mal!"

"Jay, I haven't seen them all day," Carlos interrupts. "Have you?"

I sigh and shake my head. "They are so dead when I find them! Cover for me, I'm going to find them."


The guards stand outside the door to the room where the twins are being held. Inside, they're freaking out. "Mal is going to kill us!" Sophia screams.

"She needs to find us, first," Ben says. "There's no telling what that guy is gonna do to us!" As they sit there, scared and curious, no one notices as their eyes start to glow.


Mal sits up in bed, moving robotically as she reaches towards the door. Slowly, her calculated steps move her to stand before the room surrounded by guards. "Mal," James, one of the guards greets. "You can't go in there. King Ben's order." Mal reaches out starting to attack the guards. After fighting her way through those standing at the door, she enters, taking care of even more. As more start to enter the room, Mal casts a spell to protect her and the twins. She turns to them, staring into their souls. "Run and don't come back here." Her gold and silver eyes flicker as she turns back to the guards. As the twins crawl out of the window, Mal's shield falls. She continues to fight off the guards as the twins make it out of the castle.

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