First Glance

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I stand up on the balcony, watching the limo as it approaches, I glance back towards the forest and see Mal, just reaching the edge of the town. She talks to Dr. Facilier before taking off running. I catch her eyes for a moment before turning my attention back to the limo. They're just parking up front. I swing down from my perch when I see the door open and they start to come out. "Welcome to the Isle of the Lost," I greet. Audrey comes up and gives me a chaste kiss and I smile. "Hello foxy."

Audrey wears a dress that reaches her knees and a pair of leggings. The colors are a patchwork of dark pinks, golden flecks and red trim. Perfect for my princess. Audrey's hair is in a braided ponytail that sits along one shoulder.

Lonnie wears a kimono style outfit that's dark blue and pick accents. Her hair is pulled back into a tight bun with a few bangs hanging loose.

Doug has a loose t-shirt and shorts on. He looks awkward in the outfit but it suits him. There are a mix of dwarves axes and hats littering the pants.

Jane's wearing a tight shirt and flowing short skirt, leggings covering her legs. She's continuously attempting to pull it lower, obviously hoping for something that won't come.

Ben wears a tight button down T-shirt with a mix of blue, gold, purple and green across it is random splashes. His shorts are their usual shade of blue. He still has his crest plastered along his outfit.

The other descendant's wear what they wore the day we were brought from the Isle to Auradon. Fairy Godmother wears her usual outfit. Guess Evie didn't want to even attempt to change her ways.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet a friend of Mal and I. Everyone this is-"

"Gus," he cuts in. I look at him confused and that's when I remember the connection between his father and Ben's parents. "Call me Gus. Mal and Jay have been friends of mine since we started school at Dragon Hall."

"Who's ready for a tour?" I ask.

Ben looks around, confused. "Where's Mal? Did something happen?"

"She'll be here any moment," I reply. "She must've lost track of time"


I run across the roofs, trying to get to where we're supposed to meet the others. When I get there, I'm immediately on edge. There has to be tension between Ben and Gaston Jr. because of the history between their parents. I reach the edge of the roof and peer down. I swing through the street until I get low enough to where they can see me. Only Jay notices me. I smirk and take a big swing before flying over everyone. When my feet touch the wall, I do a flip and land behind Gaston who turns around and meets my punch. "Reflexes still sharp. I was worried there for a minute."

"Always," he replies. I draw back my fist and stand up straight. "Especially when little Maleficent's around."

"How many times do I have to tell you? Don't call me that!" I scream. I jump on his back and mess up his hair.

"Hey, my dad's gonna have a fit when he sees this," Gaston complains. "Thanks a lot, Mal."

"Not a problem, Gus," I reply. He looks at me and I return his glance, knowingly. I turn back to everyone and Ben smiles, walking over and pulling me into a kiss. "It's great to see you," I start. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, my queen."

"Oh, so you actually recognize our rulers as rulers not just another villain?" Gus asks.

Ben looks at him. "What's he talking about?"

"Last I checked, Adam thought he was in charge of the Isle. You recognize we rule ourselves now?" Gus asks again.

"Thank you, Gus, for not being able to keep a secret at all. Ben wasn't referring to that in the slightest," I interrupt. "Gus here is talking about how the people elected Jay and I as King and Queen of the Isle until he rightful rulers take their place."

"Alright," Ben says, still confused.

"Gus, if you want to remain free of my anger, you'll shut your trap before you dig yourself into an early grave. Let's not continue tensions through generations, right? Gus!"

Gus slowly lets him go and nods. "You're right." Gus dusts Ben off ad steps towards Jay and I. "Sorry, Benny-boo."

Ben nods and shoots me a light glare. "You had to tell him. What did you mean continue tensions through generations?"

"All will be explained in time, I promise. Now, come on. We have and Island to tour!"


We make our rounds, showing The people from Auradon, Carlos' house and Evie's palace. We made a stop by Jafar's shop and Dragon Hall before reaching my house.

"This is where we'll be staying for the next week," I start. "I managed to find some comfy couches for us all to sleep on."

"Couches?" Doug asks.

I nod. "A lot of people here don't really have beds or even couches. My mother had a collection of what people wanted most. I've given most of it out to whoever needs it most but kept some for this. I was never allowed to touch it, before."

"My palace had dozens of beds," Evie comments. "Your mother let us keep everything where it was, even when we were banished."

"I thought we'd actually go in tomorrow," I explain. "Didn't think that some of us would be comfortable sleeping in the home of the Evil Queen." I glance and Doug, Evie taking his arm. "And besides, who doesn't like a sleepover."


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