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"Mal, wait, I'm sorry." I freeze for a moment and he catches up to me. All I can remember is Gus saying those exact words. I stomp on his foot, spin and try to make it down the stairs only to tip over the banister. "Mal!"

I try to grab onto anything I can when I flip over the banister. I barely manage to find a catch at the bottom of the banister. I try to pull myself up but each time I try, my other wrist flares with pain. "Ben?!" I scream.

"Mal, just hold on." He reaches over the banister and tries to reach me but he tips a little too far, barely able to catch himself before he follows my lead. "Mal, can you reach up any? My arm's too short."

"I don't know. My wrist!" I call back.

"Mal, you have to try," Ben insists. "Come on!" I weave an arm through the banister before trying to let go of the floorboard. Ben stretches down, taking my wrist in his hand. "I've got you. Mal, let go. I've got you."

I slowly unwind my arm and Ben pulls me up. He holds me to him as my legs fall over the banister. I cry into his chest as he tries to comfort me. Belle and Adam run out a moment later. "What's going on out here?" Belle asks.

"Ben? What happened?" Adam continues.

Ben looks down at me and rubs my arms up and down. "We had a bit of a fight. Mal fell over the banister. It's okay now. We're both okay."

"Why don't you get Mal back to your room? I'll bring you something to eat; I heard Mal had a rough day," Belle says.

Ben looks at her, appalled, "You knew what happened and you didn't tell me? I should have been told of this!"

"Ben!" Adam reprimands. "Now's not the time for this."

Ben looks at me and nods. "Come on, Mal. Let's get you somewhere safer." He helps me stand and leads me to his room. After helping me there and helping me into pajama pants and a tank top, I sit in his lap, my head against his chest. Belle brings in some cookies and milks for us to eat but it just sits there. We sit there in silence for a while before Ben speaks up. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you, Mal. I should have let you explain. It's just, those photographs and you being missing all day, it's been a long day and I let it get to my head. I promise, I won't let it happen again."

I nod against him and turn so that I'm curled further into him. "I'm sorry I didn't call. I should have tried to get through again. And I shouldn't have stormed off like I did."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I'm the one that overreacted. Can you give me another chance?" Ben asks.

I nod, smiling. "I think I can." Ben smiles and gives me a chaste kiss. "I will find that ring tomorrow, by the way."

"I don't doubt it. I love you, Mal." He kisses me again and I wrap my arms around his neck. "Why did you attack me, earlier?" he asks.

"What you said, those exact words, they're what Gus said earlier today. It freaked me out a little," I respond. Ben gives me a sweet kiss and when we pull away, Ben scoots us down. I curl up on his chest and fall asleep.


The next morning, I get ready and grab my bag, starting my walk to school. I manage to find the ring tucked under storage cabinet. I teach through the first half of the day, teaching the students and what could have been done better or smarter in the Jasmine's story. What people don't realize is if they were just more aware of everything, a lot of what happened could have been avoided.

As the next class begins, a knock rings through the door. "Come on in!" I call, writing the lesson on the board. I'd already called role so I knew exactly who it was. The Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland's daughter, Bunny. "Put your note on my desk and take a seat, Bunny."

I hear some snickers from the class before someone walks closer behind me. "I'm not Bunny," they say. I smile and turn around to see Ben standing there.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I continue writing as he talks. "I thought I'd visit my favorite girl for lunch!" Ben holds up a picnic basket and I smile.

"That's really sweet of you, but lunch is next period," I remind.

Ben nods, looking down. "I know. Is it wrong to spend more time with you?"

I shake my head and smile. "Then take a seat. You get to sit through the lesson." Ben smiles and moves to the edge of the classroom. "Alright. Now; where was I?" I teach my lesson with quite a few interruptions from Ben, interjecting opinions and random facts that he knows. By the time we finish, the class is snickering and trying to stay focused. As they leave, I close the door and turn to Ben. "I am so pulling a pop quiz tomorrow. See how much information I need to go over again."

Ben laughs and shakes his head. "Is that some small way you keep your evilness alive. Pop quizzes and lectures?"

"Look who's talking," I bite back. "You still wear swim trunks with crowns on them, trying to do the impossible and please everyone in every way."

"Oh, someone's got a bit of a bite today. Something happen this morning?" Ben asks.

"I found the ring. Maybe I'm just a little tired," I reply. "I'll catch up tonight."

Ben steps closer and takes my hurt hand in both of his. "This looks pretty bad," he says. "He did this just with his grip?"

I nod. "Yeah. It was a little tight. But, it's just a fracture. I'll be out of the brace in a few weeks."

Ben nods and pulls me against him. "That reminds me. The big wedding, we should probably plan it at some point."

"Max of one thousand guests," I say. "No if's, and's, or but's. I don't care if there is a rule or political purpose. One thousand guests. And if possible, way less."

"Mal, as the King of Auradon, there is a lot of political invites we have to send out. Remember my coronation?" I sigh, nodding. "That many people were my parent's idea but a lot of them were political niceties."

"Ben!" I draw out.

"Mal," he whines back. "We may not have a choice. If you want, I may be able to bring a few friends from the Isle over for the wedding!" he tries.

"All my Isle friends are already here," I assure. "Evie, Jay and Carlos."

"I'll see what I can do about the political portion of the guest list. Just give me a list of the people you want there and I'll make sure they all get invited."

I smile and nod, giving Ben a long kiss. "I will."

"Great," Ben smiles. He serves us lunch as we talk about the upcoming wedding. I wonder how Ben and Sophia are, over on the Isle.

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