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She curls into me and hides her face. I feel my side grow wet with her tears. "I didn't say anything," she mumbles. "I ran away because I didn't know what to do."

"It's alright, Mal. I'm sure everything will be fine," I tell her.

"No it won't," she replies. "I really want to say yes- to be with him for the rest of my life but I can't."

"And why do you say that?" I ask.

Mal sighs and plays with my hand. "You know why I can't. We can't leave them to run the Isle while they're so young."

"I can take care of that. You can still help if you're engaged or even married to Ben. Don't forget, it takes two to reign."

"What do you think I should do?" Mal asks. "I was going to go back soon."

"I don't want you to say yes because I told you to, but Ben came and got our blessings and his parents' blessings before he asked you. We can work everything out, I promise. Do what you feel is right."

Mal smiles and dries her eyes. "Thanks, Jay."


"What was that for?" Carlos asks.

I sigh and shake my head. "You know what it was for. Mal and Jay were friends longer than all of us. She needed to talk to someone she's known forever. They know all of each other's secrets."

"Alright." Someone bangs on the door downstairs and Carlos sighs. "We better get that. Might be an emergency. Mind helping?"

"Not at all." We walk downstairs and see Ben banging at the door. "It's Ben, what do we do?"

"Don't tell him anything. Just basic info that someone else could give."

I nod and we open the door. "Hey, Ben," I say, walking out. "What's up?"

"I haven't seen any of you in a few days. I was wondering what's up with you guys."
"Mal's been sick," Carlos says. "She's upstairs resting. We've been taking care of her, no need to worry."

"Can I see her?" Ben asks. I can see the worry and nervousness in his eyes. "Please, just for a moment."

"You probably shouldn't come in. She's really sick. It would be bad if the king got sick and Mal would feel guilty if she got you sick," I say.

Carlos nods. "We closed the vet so she didn't get anyone else sick."
Ben nods, frowning. "Can you tell her I came by? And that I love her?"

I smile. "Sure thing. We'll have her call you later."

Ben smiles slightly and gives a short nod. "Alright. Thanks. I hope she gets better soon."

We watch him leave before walking back into the vet. "That was kind of close."

"Yeah," Carlos agrees.


"So, feel better?" Jay asks.

I smile and nod. "I do. And I know what I'm going to do."

"Good." Jay gets up and adjust the pillows so I'm sitting up.

Evie and Carlos walk in a moment later. "Food's ready," Carlos says. They set a bowl of pasta in my lap and I nod my thanks, digging in.

"Ben just came by. We've been avoiding him for the last few days cause we weren't sure what happened," Evie says. "He hopes you get better and we told him you'd call later. He thinks you're still sick."

"Why didn't you bring him up?" Mal asks.

"That would me my fault," Jay says. "You were sick when we first found you and haven't told anyone you were hurt." I nod and eat my pasta. I'm just realizing how hungry I really am.


Ben came how with a slight smile that night in time for dinner. "What did you find?" Belle asks.

"Mal's sick. They've kind of closed ranks to take care of her. Wouldn't even let me see her," Ben comments. "They've been staying above the vet."

"Any idea when she'll get better?" I ask.

Ben shakes his head. "They just said it was pretty bad. She's gonna call later. Now, if you don't mind, I should get some work done so I'll be in my room."

"A good king doesn't rest until the people are safe," I comment with a smile. Ben returns the smile, taking his plate and leaving the room.

After Mal's call that night, Ben seems more relaxed. She hasn't return yet but says she hopes to be back soon.


"This could be our chance to get her side of the story, not just accuse her," Belle says.

For the past few years, Mal would receive these letters and never open any in front of anyone else. They've been coming more abundantly lately and when one came in with it stamped "Urgent" my wife and I opened it. Inside were royal documents about recent events and that "Queen Mal" needed to return at once.

"For all we know, this has been the plot from the beginning!" I almost scream.

"I gave you a second chance," Belle reminds. "After all Mal has done, can we not offer her the chance to explain?"

I sigh and turn away. "You're going to hold that over my head forever, aren't you?"

She smiles. "Only when you choose to be bull-headed. We'll go tomorrow, while Ben is in meetings."


So that's what we do. The next day, we go to the vet before hours and knock on the door. Carlos greets us. "What's up?" he asks. "Is something wrong with Dude?"

"Nothing is wrong with an animal, we need to speak with Mal," Belle replies.

"She's sick, you probably shouldn't go near or you might get sick, too," Carlos says. He shifts on his feet, nervous.

"We only need a moment. We'll keep our distance, I promise," Belle tries.

Carlos shakes his head. "She needs to rest."
"Carlos," I say. He looks up, nervous. "We need to speak to Mal now, it is important. About the Isle."

Carlos's back straightens. "One moment."

He runs in and locks the door before calling for someone. Jay appears a moment later, coming out. "What about the Isle?"

"About how she's queen?" I hold up the letter and he reads through it, quickly.

"This was addressed to her. Why did you open it? That's against privacy laws," Jay says.

"It was marked "urgent" and we weren't sure when Mal would be back so we opened it, thinking it was from the school" my wife assures. "We meant no harm."

Jay nods, sighing. He wipes a hand over his face before turning to go in. "Have you told Ben?" we shake our heads. "Good. Mal didn't want him to know yet. We'll explain everything."


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