New Villain Kids?

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Everyone starts to gather around us, cheering and looking up. I feel Mal grab my hand and pull me along. We make it into her house again. As she heads to the balcony, I pull her back. "Hey, wait a second." She comes back, taking my hands. "I've been meaning to tell you; we're going to be bringing back a maximum of five other VK's. I was thinking definitely Gus but I'm not sure on the others. What do you think?"

She smirks and walks towards the balcony. "I got you're back. I know exactly who to bring over. Come on." She takes us to the balcony where I stand behind her. "People of the Isle, there is great news. As you all know, the king of Auradon has been staying here on the Isle for the past week to understand what you all live through every day." She jumps up, swinging over the rail and sitting on it. I rush up to her, making sure she doesn't fall. "Don't worry," she whispers before raising her voice. "King Ben has just told me that he and the council agreed to bring over five more children."

The people break out in chatter as Jay walks up. "Settle down everyone." I nod my thanks as Jay stands up on the railing. "Since we VK's have the experience of both worlds, we had the deciding votes on who comes back with us. We have chosen the people we believe can adapt the best to Auradon life and show the people there what a Villain Kid is really like."

"Together, Jay and I have decided on the five kids to bring from the Isle. Will the following people please come up to the balcony when we call your heritage?" Mal asks. "Son of Ursula, Daughter of Governor Radcliff, Daughter of Drizella, Son of Gaston and Daughter of Captain Hook."

I pull her inside as the kids make their way through the crowd. "Are you sure that the son of Gaston is a good idea."

"What, nervous about meeting your parent's enemy?" she asks.

I shake my head. "Nope, not at all. Never." she gives me this look and my shake starts to turn to a nod. "Oh, totally. Never been more terrified in my entire life."

"I don't know. You looked pretty scared when you meet us for the first time." Mal turns on her heel and starts to let them in. "Welcome to round two. Ben, let me introduce you to the latest kids to be brought from the Isle of the lost to Auradon. The son of Ursula, Ayden. The Daughter of Governor Radcliff, Adrianna. The Daughter of Drizella, Anya. Son of Gaston, Gaston Junior-"

"But his name is Gus," I correct.

Gaston Junior sighs and looks away. "My father is a very egotistical and self-absorbed individual. Both my brother and I are called Gaston Junior. I've been going by Gus so I don't scare you away."

"Anyway," Mal interrupts. "Finally, we have Daughter of Captain Hook, Isabella." Two birds fly in the window and start to peck at Mal. I swat at them but Mal catches my hands. "Don't do that, please." She turns to Jay and does a slight curtsy. "Can you take care of this? I need to do- that thing-"

"Yeah, Yeah, I gotcha. Go deal with that- that thing," Jay says.

I watch as Mal awkwardly leaves before turning to the others. "What was that all about?"


When I make my escape and walk into the other room, two birds shift back to human. "Mal, why didn't you choose us to go with you?" Sophia asks.

"I couldn't choose you two without uncovering who you are. You both need to be safe."

"You're the Queen, you can lie to them!" Ben insists. "We just want to spend more time with you and since you won't bring us there, why don't you stay here.

I shake my head, looking between them. "It's only temporary. I've started a life there and I'm engaged. I feel like I belong there."

"Why do you have to leave us?" Ben asks. "You're choosing to disappear and leave us alone?!"

"You can't do this!" Sophia screams. "You're our sister! You can't leave us just because you found someone else! Mal, please. Don't do this!"

"Sophia, I love him. I can't just leave my feelings like that. You will always be my family. I will always be there when you need me or want me but-" I sigh and sit down. "but I need to find my way."

"You can find your way here. With us. You don't have to go back there, Mal. Please!" Ben suggests.

I shake my head and turn away. "I belong there. My life is there. I can't be here to protect you for your entire lives."

"Why don't you bring your fiancé here?" Sophia suggests. "It's a win-win!"

"He'd never agree. And he wouldn't be able to. His parents are very strict on such points."

"I hate you! Why do you insist on leaving us? You barely come back and are never here! Is this guy really more important than your family?" Sophia asks.

"I lost the person who raised me. I had to stand against her to protect you two, to protect him, to protect everyone! I had to stand against my own mother. She was my family, too. I didn't get a choice then. He- he accepted me, helped me adapt to his world. I had three people in Auradon. Three people that knew me. He just accepted me. If you can't accept my choice to be with the one person who makes me feel special- who I can be myself around- then how can you say that you're my family. A family should support one another no matter what. My mother betrayed me and my choices. Please don't do the same. I can't lose you both, too." They stay silent and Ben takes Sophia in his arms. When they don't say anything, I nod and leave a letter on the night stand. "I better go or I'll be late for the ride back to Auradon." I give them one last look before turning and running out.


I walk out of the room and pick up my bag, walking past everyone to ditch my bag in the trunk. As everyone loads into the limo, I swing myself onto the top and just sit there. We start to move and once we're through the barrier, the sun roof opens and up pops Jay. "What's wrong?"

"What makes you say somethings wrong?" I ask.

Jay sighs and climbs out, sitting next to me. "You're sitting on top of the limo. Away from everyone else. Brooding. What's up?"

I move closer to him and look at the sun roof. Jay closes it before turning back to me. "She said she hates me, Jay. And, they refuse to even consider my own personal feelings. I told them I had a life and they suggested I move it all here to be with them. And I couldn't have brought them over; they'd have been in danger. What do I do?"

"They'll come around, don't worry. It's a big change, Mal. You need to give them time to adjust. Give them a little space and they'll see what's right. Now, come on, let's get you inside."

I shake my head as Jay opens up the sun roof and climbs back in. He offers me his hand and helps me in. Ben straightens up as soon as he sees me. "Hey, Mal. Everything alright? You look kind of broody." I sit on Ben's lap and he wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. "Mal?" I tuck my head into his shoulder and just sit there. All sound slowly melds together as I slowly drift to sleep.


Mal falls asleep in my lap on the ride back to Auradon. Didn't even wake up when the new VK's screamed, terrified of us driving off a bridge. We make it to Auradon Prep where we drop the new students off with Fairy Godmother and Jane. Even if they're too old for Auradon Prep, it was decided all VK's should go through at least one semester. After dropping off the others at their homes and making it back to the castle, I pick Mal up, carrying her to her room. "Sleep well, my Queen." I plant a kiss on her forehead and pull the blanket up to her neck. As I turn to leave, she reaches out and grabs my wrist. I look back to see Mal's eyes open a crack and she weakly pulls me back towards her. I smile, walking over to move the air from her face. She continues to pull me towards her, prompting me to lay beside her. She curls up against me, her head resting on my chest. I notice a tear sliding down her cheek, drying it off. "You were so happy before we left for the Isle. What changed?"


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