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"Alright," I start. "First stop, is downstairs. You get to meet Carlos and Evie and you can tell him who you really are."

Ben and Sophia links hands as I lead them downstairs. Carlos and Evie are talking as they play with the puppies. "Jay!" Evie cheers looking at me. She gives me a hug before kneeling down before the twins. "And who are these to rays of sunshine."

"I'm Ben and this is Sophia. We're twins!" Ben says.

"They snuck off the Isle in my bag," I inform. Carlos and Evie look at me, surprised. "Mal and I believe these two are the twins from the prophecy."

"How are you two still alive?" Carlos asks. "Maleficent practically hunted down everyone who could have been a twin to make sure. She killed those she did find."

"According to Maleficent, these two are dead," I reply. "Mal was instructed to leave them outside to die from exposure but she couldn't. Carlos, Evie, I want you to meet Mal's little brother and sister."

"That's not possible," Evie says. "Mal always said that she killed the two. She told everyone that. Left them out for the exposure."
"All a ruse. Mal's raised them since they were born and kept it a secret to protect them. It's why Mal was always disappearing. When we found the forbidden fortress, we hid them there."

"Are they going to stay here?" Carlos asks. "In Auradon. They can stay here at the vet; help take care of the animals."

"We'd love to!" Sophia cheers.

She wraps Carlos in a hug and he smiles. "Are you sure Mal raised them?" he asks. "I didn't think Mal would raise anyone to be a hugger and lovey-dovey. Even now."

"Mal's always had a tough front she puts up," Ben says. "To protect herself. She raised us to be kind and great rulers when we grew up."

"So, what are you three gonna do today?" Evie asks.

"Jay said he's show us around Auradon!" Sophia exclaims. "But we have to use different names."

"Why?" Evie asks, looking at me.

"Mal doesn't know that these two are here. I made them a deal. They have to do exactly as I say in order to stay here. No wandering off, no telling people who you are and listening to every word I say," I explain.

"We promise!" the twins chime together.

"Would either of you like to join us?" Ben suggests.

"Sorry, little man. I have to work today. Busy day of appointments," Carlos says.

Evie nods, "And I have a wedding dress to design. Sorry, guys."

"It's fine, we better get a start to the day," I interrupt. "That is, if you want to see the city before we come back. We're not staying out past dark. I have to keep track of you two."

"Jay!" They whine.

"Or I can ship you to the Isle now!" I force compliance.

"We'll be good!" Ben screams.

I smile and dust my shoulders. "That's what I thought."


"I gotta love Saturdays!" Ben cheers. "You're off from school and I managed to get Dad to take over so we could go cake testing and look at flower choices."

"You are probably the only guy to go out of your way to look at flowers," I comment.

"Only if it's with you," Ben replies. "Ready to go?"

I smile and nod. Ben takes my hand and leads me out into the thralls of the world.


"Ben, this is the fifth place we've looked at for flowers and the seventh place we've looked at for cake! Maybe we should stop for the day," I suggest.

Ben shakes his head, violently. "No. This may be one of the only chances we get to work on the wedding together as a team. I am going to spend every last moment of it with you. Especially since tomorrow I'm going to be swamped with extra work that Dad finds I should do."

"You're gonna be very grateful when I'm queen and can help you with all those royal duties, aren't you?" I ask.

"You have no idea," Ben replies. He pulls me close and kisses my temple. I laugh and wrap my arms around his chest. "I don't suppose there's any way that you can start helping me now, is there? I mean, please. I really want you by my side in ruling the kingdom."

I laugh and shake my head. "If only!"

Ben ruffles my hair a little before straightening up. "Jay! Hey, what are you doing here?"

I look up to see Jay looking at us like a deer in headlights. "I- I came to pick something up for- for Carlos. We ran out of- ah- of treats. For the dogs."

"You're lying," I cut in. "And badly. Who are you and what have you done with Jay?"

"I am Jay!" he screams, offended.

I frown. "What are you hiding? I thought it would be impossible for someone to lie this badly. Especially you. It's worse than Ben."

"Hey, I can lie if I want too," Ben says. I turn to him with a look that says "oh really". "Just not to you. Or anyone else from the Isle. Or my parents. Or any kid from Auradon."

"That's what I thought." I turn back to see Jay gone. "Well, I guess he really needed to get those dog treats back. Couldn't even stop to chat!"

"We can go visit later," Ben suggests. I nod and he takes my hand, leading me off to yet another cake shop.


"That was too close," I mumble, looking at the twins.

"Was that Mal?" Sophia asks. "She's never acted that way before around us."

"She's changed a lot since we came to Auradon. And that was her fiancé, Ben. Now, if I know Mal, she and Ben are going to go to the Vet to check up on me or chat. Let's get some dog treats and hurry back!" I cheer. I give Ben some money and he runs into a store, buys the treats and rushes back before we all run to the Vet.

"Jay, what are you three doing back so soon?" Carlos asks.

"Ran into Mal and Ben at the Market. I wasn't ready and my lying sucked. Hide us!"


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