Return to the Isle

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          The limo pulls up to my old house where a few old my former classmates wait. Jay and I step out and immediately set to work. We climb up to the balcony to overlook the people. Everyone is gathered. "People of the Isle," I call. "Before we begin, does anyone have any disagreements with Jay and I being the temporary rulers?"
"You were elected!" someone cries. "No one voted against it."

"Alright, then we shall begin. I have arranged for a few citizens of Auradon to come to the Isle." Whispers spread amongst the crowd. "They'll be here in two days. The King or Auradon, is coming with them. He hopes to gain your respect and calm the people. Treat him as you would any other newcomer. Life should remain as normal. Don't do anything you wouldn't normally do. He is willing to consider your hopes of letting children from the Isle study and live in Auradon. Show him the true nature of what occurs on the Isle and he will listen. When he is here, he is no more important than any commoner from his kingdom. Just another man."

The people agree and when I turn around, they start to respond. "Queen Mal," Mr. Smee starts. "As someone in your position, we believe it is only right for you to wear the crown of our people. Same to you, Jay."

"No way," Jay says. "I'm not wearing some crown."

"And I don't believe to have earned the right to wear the crown. I'm hardly here."

The crowd breaks out in uproar from my words. Captain Hook silences them. "You can do more good there then you ever could here. You have earned our gratitude, Queen Mal and our respect." He gestures towards one of the Gaston Juniors and he walks forward with a crown. "Do you, Mal, promise to rule the Isle with a king heart and a fair mind until the prophecy is to be fulfilled?"

"I do," I promise. He sets the small tiara on my head and gives a quick bow. "Everyone, when the people of Auradon come in two days, remember my words and stay true to yourself. Many of you have completely given up your darker pasts in hope of a brighter future. You've started families. Shown the people of Auradon what really happens here and they will listen. Many of the new generation have no idea about the life we live here. Many of the former generation who sent us to this place don't even know. Show them the truth."

"Do not treat us as if we are better than any of you in any way. We are all united in our fight for hope and a better future. Mal and I are no better than any of you. Treat us as you would before any of this occurred," Jay finishes.

The crowd cheers as Jay and I walk back in. I catch Drizella and Gaston Junior on their way out. "Hey, wait. Have you been successful in delivering provisions to the goblins?" I ask.

They nod, smiling. "They're doing fine, Mal," Drizella says. We see them every couple of weeks when they're outside. No one has found them either. They're safe. And they really miss you."

I nod. "Thank you." They walk out, leaving Jay and I alone. "Think you can hold down the fort for a day or so?" I ask.

He smiles. "Go, they need you. It's been five years."

"They're ten now. I'm surprised they still remember me. They were so young when we left," I whisper.

Jay turns me and pushes me towards the door. "Go see them, they miss you. Say hi for me!"

I launch myself at him, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Take your time. They need you more than I need you here. Take care of them. And tell them I said "Hi"!"

"You got it!" I cheer, running out. I run through the streets and into the forest. When I catch sight of the forbidden fortress, my powers activate, getting me past all the protections around it and head into the castle.

Everything's so much brighter than before there's new life in these old ruins. I search around until I hear laughter ringing through the halls. "Hello?" I call. "Anybody home?" Everything goes quiet. I look into the rooms until I hear a clatter from one. As I walk in, there are two young kids hiding under the bed. "Hello?" I ask. "Hey, it's alright. It's me, Mal."

"Mal?" the boy asks. His eyes shine a bright silver color as they stare into my eyes. I respond with a neon green. "Mal!" He runs out and wraps me in a hug. He's about two heads shorter than me and his light blonde hair is speckled with purple and green streaks. His pale complexion matches mine very closely. His eyes fade back to their normal blue. "Sophia, it's alright. It's Mal!"

Sophia, the girl crawls out and look at her. Her eyes glow gold as they scan me over. I repeat my eyes glimmer and soon enough, she's smiling and joining in the hug. "Mal, where have you been?! We've missed you so much! You and Jay just disappeared!"
"I'm sorry, Sophia. I never meant to leave. We were called away to Auradon, the then-prince Ben decided to give some of us a chance. Jay and I came back this morning because the others are coming soon," I explain. "How has life been for you and Ben?"

"It's boring here, Mal. No one ever comes by," Ben complains. "Can we come back with you? We'll stay hidden."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. Some of our friends from Auradon are coming here. We need to keep you hidden until you're ready. For your own safety. The prophecy-" Ben cuts me off.

"We know! Truest hearts know both love and hate, they'll decided the future's fate. Through twins of evil and light's upbringing, let the darkness depart and love start singing. The mother's darkness could end their light, but a sister's love could help end the fight. A future's secret's knows no bound, but two as one can hold their ground. It's practically engraved in our memory!" Ben says.

"What if we're birds? We can stay with you and Jay as birds and we'll be safe," Sophia asks. "Please, please, please, please, please!"

"No, and that's final. It's not safe yet. Until you are of age to take the throne, you must be kept secret. Only a select few know that you're still alive."

"Mal, you've hidden us from Mother since we were born. You said you even took her memory. What is the danger?! She's locked away in Auradon, anyway." Ben turns to me and wraps me in a hug. "Please. We'll be safe. You've protected us from our Mother since we were born. Raised us since then, too. Please, have some faith in us, too."

I ponder this for a moment before sighing. "I'll come back in a few days when things have calmed down a little. Bring you into the main part of the Isle. You will be birds and stay out of trouble, alright?"

Ben and Sophia smile and nod. "Deal!"

"Any you have to listen and do as you're told, no matter what I say, understand," they start to complain but I put my hand up. "Or I can lock you in here. Your choice. You know that if I don't feel you're safe, I will do it."

"Fine," they say in unison.

"Anything for our older sister!" Ben finishes.


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