Ideas in Motion

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"What are we doing here?" Audrey asks. "I have a spa day scheduled in an hour."

"We're all going," Lonnie adds. Evie, Jane and Audrey smile.

I frown and look at them all. "Why wasn't I invited?"

"You never go on these spa days anyway. Never have before. Nothing's happened to change you that much," Janes says.

"We'll sorry to rain on your parade, ladies, but if you accept our proposition, you'll need a new wardrobe," Ben says, trying to put a positive spin on it for the ladies.

"Well, I'm interested. What's this about?" Evie asks.

"The council, Mal and I have decided that some people should go the Isle and see it for themselves. Mal and I had hoped you all would go with us."

"We're in!" Evie, Jay and Carlos cheer.

"It would be nice to see our parents again. We haven't really talked since that video chat before family day," Evie says. "My mother may be cruel but she had great beauty tips."

"Is it safe for us to go, Ben?" Jane asks. "I mean, we are talking about going into the midst of the villains and their sidekicks."

"You'll be under our protection," Jay says. "Mal and I have a good chunk of power in the Isle. Being ambassadors gives us that."

Jay looks at me and I nod. "Each Auradonian will be paired with one of us descendants. And Fairy Godmother is going with us. So are you in?"

"I'm not really in danger here. Now that Maleficent's gone, there's no one after revenge on my family. I'll go if you all do," Audrey says.

"Well, there is Diablo," I mention. "My mother's pesky little bird."

"Isn't he the one that sent us into that death trap for no reason?" Carlos asks. I nod. "Just making sure."

"Death trap?" Ben asks. "Alright, we need to talk about your definition of "not necessary" and "doesn't matter". He says. "Sleeping curse and death trap qualify as don't matter?"

"Sleeping curse?" Audrey asks. "But there isn't any magic on the Isle. You were under a sleeping curse?"

I sigh and glare at Ben. "It was before we got here. My mother's staff was cursed and I picked it up. I knew what was going to happen. I figured I'd sleep for a thousand years and wake up in a better time. It only lasted a couple minutes; I broke out of it. And about magic, the barrier just restricts magic for evil purposes. Good or bad magic for a good cause is not stopped."

"I'm in," Doug agrees.

"Same," Lonnie and Jane echo.

I smile and look at Evie. "Looks like you have your work cut out for you. Don't want these four sticking out like sore thumbs. Hope you for are ready for your transformation to the Isle style!"

"That's actually a great name for a line," Evie comments. "Can I use it?"

"Sure," I reply. Just make sure everyone ready. We have two weeks to get ready for a week of staying on the Isle. Jay and I are heading over two days earlier to prepare. Evie, you think you can do it?"

"Always. Isle chic is my original passion. I should probably tone it down a little for them though, what so you think?" Evie smirks.

I think for a moment before shaking my head. "No sore thumbs, Evie. Make them blend."


Throughout the two weeks, Jay and start to prepare the others for a week of Isle life. I'm starting to pack my bag when Ben walks in, wrapping his arms around me. "Are you sure you're going to be safe?" Ben asks. "I don't want to get there and find out something happened."

I turn into Ben and hug him. "I will be fine, Ben. They're my people; they wouldn't hurt me. Have a little faith. You seem to forget that I grew up there. It's my hood."

Ben nods, sighing. "The limo will he here to take you and Jay to the Isle after breakfast. Can you call me when you get there?" he asks.

"Nope." He looks at me, confused and slightly angry. "There's no phone service, remember. Well, I guess there is for landlines but it really sucks. Ben, I will be fine. You'll see me in two days and I will be perfectly fine."

"I'm still worried. I've never seen the Isle in real life, only in dreams."

"I saw you in a dream once, I think. It was weird."

"You seemed relieved when I told you we were friends because you thought it was a dream," Ben replies.

I pull away and look at him. "How do you know that?"

He smiles and helps me pack. "Because they weren't dreams. And I had them too. That's how I knew about all of you. I never told anyone but I used to have these visions of people from the Isle."

I nod. "And you didn't think it would be important to tell me about those?" she asks.

"I thought you knew. Your look when we first met made me think that you recognized me. And I kind of froze when we were shaking hands."

"Alright, I'll forgive you. This time." Ben smiles and pulls me into a kiss. Before long, I zip up my small bag and throw it over my shoulder. "Let's go!"

"Are you sure you want to go there before us?" Audrey asks. "It could be dangerous."

"It's my home," I remind her. "I know my way around. I'll be perfectly safe."

"Jay, please," Audrey says. "I don't want to be alone when we get there."

"You won't be," I say. "Evie, Carlos, Ben, Doug, Jane, Lonnie, and Fairy Godmother are showing up with you guys. It'll be fine."

Audrey nods and wraps her arms around my neck. I shelter her away within my own arms, as if I were protecting her. "You promise you'll be there when we get there?"

"I promise. I'll be waiting at the drop off."


Just after breakfast, Ben led me to the limo where Audrey and Jay were waiting. I give him a final hug and kiss before stepping in to the limo. We wave farewell to them as the driver pulls away.


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