New Hopes or Crushed Dreams?

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"Introductions," I start. "From the Isle, we have brought five new kids to experience life here in Auradon. Captain Hook's daughter, Isabella." As I say their name, they walk in. "Governor Radcliff's daughter, Adrianna. Drizella's daughter, Anya and Ursalla's son, Ayden."

"I thought you said there were five, sweetie," Belle says. "You've only said four."

"We thought you'd want a moment to prepare yourself," Ben says. "This last one is a bit of a doozy."

"I'd like to introduce you to a personal friend of mine and someone Ben got to know is a good guy, Gaston." I can see their horrified expression. "Junior. Gaston Junior."

We wait a moment before I march to the door. Looking around, I see no sign of Gaston Junior. "Where is he?" Ben asks.

I share a look with Jay before he tosses me my book. "Page 42."

Smiling, I flip through the book until I reach the page. "Good idea, Jay." Turn to a clear spot in the room. "Trouble's brewing through a forgotten thought, bring the man here when he is sought."

A billow of purple smoke appears before us all and when it fades away, Gaston sits there, confused and looking around. "You're getting the hang of those spells, Mal." I offer him a hand up and he jumps up. "Now, where am I, what am I doing here and who are those two?" He gestures blindly to Belle and Adam, who look appalled.

I pull him down by his ear so that I can whisper my reply. "You're at the Castle of Auradon, Ben's home where I stay because they invited me. You were supposed to be here earlier and you're late again. You're here to meet the former rulers of Auradon, who also happen to be two of the most influential people in Auradon. The two people you just very rudely gestured to are Belle and Adam, better known as beast; Ben's parents. Your father's-"

"Hey," Gaston interrupts. "I am so sorry about my previous reaction. I completely forgot I was supposed to be here today. I'm Gaston Junior. You probably remember the egotistical, self-absorbed mons-" I smack Gaston about the head and as he rubs the spot, he waves me off. "Man- I meant man- that is my father. I am very thankful for this opportunity that your son and Mally gave me to be here. I hope that you both can give me a fair chance to prove I'm not like my father and to show you that I can be good."

Ben walks up to Belle and Adam, nodding in hopes to sway them. I can tell they're still hesitant. I walk up and ruffle Gaston's hair. "I'll vouch for him. He's a nice guy once you figure out which one is Gaston, which one is Gaston Junior and which one is Gaston the third."

Gaston Junior sighs and hangs his head. "Thank you, Malicious, for pointing out how much of an egotistical, self-absorbed, self-centered mons- man that my father is. I'm sure that of all the people in Auradon, you need to point it out to these two." He grabs me in a headlock and messes my hair up. "I'm trying to make a good impression here, Malicious."

"Then stop doing this," I reply. "People in Auradon don't act like this."

Gaston Junior nods, "Got it." He lets me go and attempts to fix my hair. "This is going to be a little harder than I thought. Is everything always this-"

"Cautious?" I suggest.

"Soft?" Jay adds.

"Gentle?" Evie interjects.

"Fragile?" Carlos throws in.

Gaston nods, grimacing. "Yeah, all those things. I thought so. Yeah, definitely harder than I thought. But I'll still try it anyway."

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