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Maddie Pov.
Gosh I hate these halls, they're are so ugly, gosh I just wished they would get new ones and I wish they would get rid of the one and only Jack Gilinsky, with his little other friends, except Jack j and a little bit of Sammy. They're just so nice to some people, like me. But I have to deal with Jack Gilinsky every day in the halls, he's always flirting with me or trying to get with me, which is so stupid because he has his wanna be whore, Madison , to fuck with since they're dating. Anyways I have to go to the office to get something and Im sure I have to go by Jack. Wow, what's up babe? He asked. See what I mean. Fuck off Gilinsky, go to your whore Madison. I said. But she's not here. He said. Than go to club and get yourself a slut, because I'm not falling for your stupid trap. I said. Mhmm..... Nah? I'm good, I got you. He said traping me with his arms. Look Jack, Im not into you... So just deal with it. I said getting in his face. Maybe you should deal with that every time you deny me, I won't stop. He said. Maybe you should just deal with your horny ass dick and tell Madison to help you with it. I said. Oooo! That is cold. Nate said. Shut up Skate. Maybe you can help me, instead of Madison. He said. Never in my life I would help you. I said. Thats what you say now. He said getting closer. You think your gonna win, Gilinsky, the only reason why you win, is because some girls here don't know how to say no, to your stupid ass. I said. Please I could a kiss from you easily. He said. OK, you see a kiss is way different from what you do to other girls in this school. I said. You want me to do more than just a kiss? He asked smirking. Fuck no. I said. He started to get closer to my face. Hey look Madison. Sammy said. Thank you Sammy. I gotta go,bye. I said and left.

~~after school~~
I'm making my way to my car when Sammy calls my name. Ya, oh and thank you for that Madison thing. I said. No problem, and um... I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? He said. Ya, sure, when? I asked. Today. He said. Ya, sure what time? I asked. Idk, I'll text you. He said. OK. I said. I'll see later than. He said. Ya. I said and made my way to my house.

~~ 3 hours later ~~
Sammy is on his way, while I'm finishing up some homework, but for some reason the doorbell ringed. I went downstairs and opened. Hey. He said. What do you want, Jack? I asked. Just wanted to hang out. He said. Well I already have plans. I said. So are you just saying that so that I leave or did you know I was gonna come over and you just wanted to get right into it, since you only have a sport bra and shorts? He asked. Shut up jack, and I actually have plans, hes on his way. I said. Oh it's a boy, huh? He asked. Oh and it's non of you business. I said. Come on, Maddie, you know you want to do it. He said coming closer to me, while I'm walking backwards, until I hit a table and Im suddenly trapped. Jack, just leave. I said. No. He said wrapping his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. Jack? I said. Ya? He asked. Your a fuckboy. I said. Mhmm. He said smiling while just looking at my lips. If your horny, Jack...just go to- he cut me off setting his lips on mine. Remember Mads' do not kiss back, even if it feels good, he's just a fuckboy like some of the boys at school. God damn it, my lips just had to do it. He was smirking in the kiss. He picked me up and sat me on the table, he just kept kissing me, like if he doesn't have a girlfriend. Wait?! He has a girlfriend. I pulled away. Fuck you Gilinsky. I said. Ya, I know you want it. He said. Why the fuck did you kiss me? I asked. Why did you start kissing back? He asked. Because I knew if I kissed back, you would leave me alone. I said. Well guess what, Mads'? He asked. What? I asked. I'm not gonna leave you alone, until I have you. He said. And how do you plan on getting me? I asked. It's a surprise. He said and kissed back, I just kissed back once he landed his lips on mine. It was like he meant it, but I know he's lying. Than I saw lights parking in the driveway. Sammy. I pulled away. What's wrong? He asked. He's here. I said. I dragged Jack to the back and pushed him out and closed the door.

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