Maddie pov.
Yay today's Saturday! I decided to go running around town for awhile and than. So I put on my clothes that I sometimes run in, I don't run often so usually I'm just doing yoga or something.I grab my phone and ear phones and play my playlist. I turned right and kept running until when I looked up, I noticed I was right in front of Jacks house running. You know, if you want me to leave you alone. You shouldn't come by my house! He yelled. Well maybe your house should stop wanting me to come to your house. I said thinking what I said. You know that didn't make since, but I know what you mean. He said. Jack, who's your friend? His mom asked than she mumbled something to him. Mom this is Maddie remember her? He said. Aww, Maddie your so grown up, come on in. She said coming out and hugging me. Um... Actually- it's OK don't be shy, i know it's been awhile but we're your family. She said cutting me off. Only a few, I can never be rude to you guys. I said faking a smile. I looked at Jack to see him smiling big. I thought you would've probably denied my mom, So I would leave you alone. He mumbled walking next to me. Well, your mom is actually nice, unlike you. I said. OK, look I'm sorry, He said pausing to push me in the living room. I know I was a.... fuckboy, but look I'm changing for you. He said. How do I believe you, you took so many girls virginity's and probably got some pregnant. I said. That's my past, none of your business to get in. He said. I'm done with this, let's just go back to what we were doing. I said. So is this one of them? He asked pulling me closer to him. Than putting his lips on mine. I kissed back and it felt good. Aww, Jack and Maddie sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Laura and Molly sang. No, Jack and Maddie never in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. I said pulling away. Ya sure. Molly said walking towards me to give me a hug. Haven't seen you in a long, long time where've you been? She asked. Home and I've been busy over the years. I said and looked at Jack. Well I'm sure Maddie miss us, but not me because she sees me at school and can't get enough of me. Jack said and smirked. Are you guys a thing? Laura asked. Yes, we are. Jack said. I looked at Jack and gave him the ' excuse me' look. He just smiled. So your dating? Like official? Molly asked looking at both of us. Ya. Jack said. Maddie? Laura asked. Yup. I said. This calls for a celebration, a party later. They said. Actually we're gonna go to Nate's Party. Jack whispered. Breakfast is ready! His mom yelled. We all walked Into the kitchen and sat down. Mrs. Gilinsky im not hungry, I'm just gonna be sitting here. I said. Maddie what did I tell you when you were little? She asked. You told her eat up child, I don't want you skinny. Molly said smiling. And look at you now, skinny. She said smiling, I smiled at that thought. I looked at Jack to see him smiling while laughing a little at me. OK, only because I don't want my mom to get mad at me either. I said. I do remember telling your mom that you didn't eat anything when I took care of you and she was pretty mad. She said. Ya. I said I grabbed the fork and began. So where David? I asked. Oh he went to work in early. She said. Mom, guess what? Laura and Molly asked. Whats up girls? She asked. Molly and Laura looked at each other and than back at Mrs. Gilinsky. Jack and Maddie are dating. They said I choked on my pancake and so did Jack. Wait? I thought you were dating Madison? She asked. Shit. Actually I forgot to tell you mom, I broke up with her a while ago and been spending time with Maddie. Jack said. Congrats guys, you guys are a cute couple. She said. Thanks mom. He said. She looked at me, this isn't good. Honey, are you okay? She asked. Ya, of course, why would you think that? I asked. No reason, just you look like you've seen a ghost or something. She said. No, I'm OK. I said. We all soon finished and went to the living room. Guys I really got to go, I'll come another day. I said walking towards the door. You sure honey? You didn't bring your car? She asked. I'm sure and I actually came by running, wanted to get some exercise. I said. Jack can take you home. She said. No it's fine. I said. Babe Im taking you home, mom don't worry I got her. He said. Drive safe. She said. Bye. I said. We walked out and got in. Then we hit the rode. Really?! You had to say we are dating?! And you couldn't at least take my side?! I asked punching him in the arm 3 times. Ow! Your gonna leave a bruise and i told you im gonna get you. He said. Your such an asshole. I mumbled. Excuse me! He said and pulled over. What are you doing?! Your suppose to be taking me home?! Not pulling over on the road. I said. I am taking you home, but after you take it back. He said. Take what back? I asked. The part when you said 'your such an asshole'. He said and cupping my face. Fine your not an asshole, now will you take me home? I asked. After this. He said kissing me. I kissed back. He picked me up and sat me on his lap. God I fucking- he stopped what he was gonna say. What? I asked. Nothing. He said. No, Jack tell me. I said. No OK, I said nothing. He said. Fine. I said and sat back in my seat. He looked at me and than rolled his eyes at me. Drive. I said. He started driving. Once we got at my house I got off and slam the door. I kept walking until I had to unlock the door. Wait it's already unlock someone's here. I can't go in, what if a robber is in their. Let me go in first. Jack mumbled walking past me. I followed behind him. I stayed in the kitchen. Theirs nobody here, you probably just left the door unlock. He said. I never leave my house unlock. I said. He gave the ' ya sure' look. OK maybe I do leave my door unlock, but I don't leave it still open. I said. Honey, we're home! My mom voice said. You've got to be kidding me. I mumbled. Mom, Jack is here, I'm gonna go change. I said. Oh, Jack is here I haven't seen him in a long time. She said. Well... He's in the kitchen. I said. I went to my room. And just got in the shower, but only got my body wet. I got out and got dressed.

Halls J.G.
FanfictionJack and Maddie have a lot of history In the hall, but the thing Maddie doesn't know is that Jack really loves her. Maddie has trust issues with Jack and jack has overprotective issues. What will happen? BTW!!!! I WROTE THIS BOOK WHEN I WAS LIKE 12...