Jack and Maddie have a lot of history In the hall, but the thing Maddie doesn't know is that Jack really loves her. Maddie has trust issues with Jack and jack has overprotective issues. What will happen?
Maddie POV. Sis, wake up? Someone whispered. Leave me alone, I'm sleeping. I said. We have school. They whispered. Right, ok I have your outfits on the draw over their. I said. Ok. She said. I got and took a quick shower and than putting on my outfit and than coming out and we look good.
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I swear I gave her my extra pants. We walked downstairs I grabbed my phone and called jack. Conversation Jack❤- hello? Me👻- hey, how are you? Sorry for not calling you. Jack❤- babe, it's ok. Me👻- no it's not. Plus my dad wants to meet you, and he says sorry for punching you. Jack❤- it's OK, plus your dad doesn't punch very well. Me👻- haha, jack shut up. Jack❤- what it's true babe. Me👻- you'll give me a ride, right? And my sister? Jack❤- sure, I'm sure Johnson will like her. Me👻- don't hook my sister up, I already have someone for her. Jack❤- who? Me👻- Cameron Jack❤- nah, he's a fuckboy, plus my boy Cameron Dallas would take her. Me👻- ya, that's who I'm talking about Cameron Dallas. Jack❤- wait you were talking to Cameron Dallas from California? Me👻- ya, hey I'll see you later bye. Jack❤- ok bye. End of conversation My boyfriend is gonna give us a ride. I said. Why, your car is good. She said. Because jack likes giving me a ride. I said. Ok. She said. I grabbed a granola and grabbed her taking her outside. Ange' this is jack Johnson. I said introducing them. JJ looked up from his phone and opened his mouth but didn't say anything, I looked at jack and he was smiling. But than he saw, so he bumped JJ arm. I'm jack johnson, but you can call me whatever you want. He said. Well hello, johnson. I'm Angelica, but you can call me ange'. She said. Jj, get out we gotta get in. I said. Here, you can ride shot gun with jack, I'll ride in the back with ange'. He said. But you- don't argue with me, you know I love sitting in the back. He said cutting me off. Ok. I said. Jj helped my sister in the back and I was smiling at them. I got in and held jack hand, on the way.
~~~~ after school ~~~~ Gosh, can she go out with not being a sweetheart, like I don't know how dad took care of her. I left her at school because she wanted to try out for cheer leading since we're barely a few weeks in. I would've left her at school even if she didn't stay for cheer leading. Jack tried talking me in not leaving her, but he didn't change my mind. I might seem like a bad sister, but she gotta stop being so nice. After like 2 hours she came to my room, squealing. Ow, can you stop squealing? I asked. Sorry, but guess what?! I made the band. She said. I thought you were doing cheer leading? I asked. I am. She said. It's called the squad or the group. I said. Same thing. She said. Now do you want me to show you around? I asked. Yes. She said. I got up putting on my vans making sure my outfit was good. I grabbed skateboards for the both of us. We walked downstairs and said bye to our parents and started our trip. So how do these things work? She asked. You ride them. I said. Ok. She said. I got on my skateboard and saw her sitting on the skateboard. What are you doing? I asked. I'm riding it. She said. Not like that. I said.
than how? She asked. Stand up and get on it and I'll show you. I said. But she wouldn't get up. Seriously ange' get up. Your acting like a kid and people are watching. I said. Who cares. She said. Seriously get up. I said. She finally got up and finally tried getting on it but almost fell, but I caught her. Your suppose to act like you know at least. I said. I'm sorry, I don't know how. She said almost crying. Don't cry, try again. I said she tried again and almost fell, this time she just ran back inside. Great. I picked both of the skateboards and ran inside. You let her ride skateboards? My dad asked. Ya, she likes to ride them. My mom said. I ran upstairs and saw her in the guest room. Why are you crying? I asked. Because it's humiliating you know everything, what people like here. And I'm just the mystery new sister of the bad girl Maddie. She said. Well that's different because I've know this town for 18 years. I said. You know, I made my dad move from California to here because I wanted to meet you and the one who gave me birth, but this turned into a disaster. She said. You mean the parents who gave us life? I asked. Same thing. She said. Look, the only reason, why everything is so difficult for you is because you live in the sweet hearted land.... Nobody likes that here! I said. Oh, that's why I haven't made friends and why people were giving me strange looks when I was giving out candies. She said. Yup, and i promise you this, that tomorrow theirs gonna be a jock who's gonna bully you for the rest of the year for that. I said. What?! She asked. I was kidding, I won't let that happen and if it does I'll get jack to talk to them. I said. Ok good. She said. Babe, Im here. Jack said. Oh hey. Jack said. Hi. She said. Jack as you already know my sister, ange' this is my boyfriend jack, the one I was telling you that gets jealous over things. I said smiling. Than I felt a pinch on my butt. What it's true. I said. Hi, jack. She said. I shook my head. I mean hey Jack. She said. I nodded. Are you trying to get her to be in the squad? He asked. No, now let's go have some dinner. I said. We walked downstairs and everything was set up. Jack sat next to me and my mom on the sides like if she's the queen and my dad and ange' were in in front of us. Jack. My dad said codly. Mr.- it's just derek. My dad said. Sorry Derek. Jack said. So why are you dating my daughter? My dad asked. Well she just surprised me one with her kindness and smartness, I heard one day that she was interested in me so I went for it, I took her on a date and we had a blast, she just made me happy and change for the better. Jack said. Inside my brain I was laughing so hard... Of My kindness and my smartness ass. HM.... How long have you guys been dating? He asked. Um...we've been dating since we first saw each other. Jack said. Shit. When was that? My dad asked. Oh no it just feels like we've been dating for that long because we're having a lot of fun going out together. Jack said. And I burst out laughing, I couldn't hold it. I'm sorry.... I'm sorry....hahha....OK, I'm sorry. I said trying to shut up. Well jack... What are you doing after high school? He asked. Well actually me and jack are gonna go produce more music in LA. You know we've been getting bigger and than fandom has been getting bigger. Jack said. Wait?! What?! This nigga hasn't told me shit about what he's talking about. Ohhh, go for the dreams. My dad said. Jack nodded. Well.... Welcome to my family. My dad said. We all just bursted out laughing. After like 3 hours, jack was sleeping over and my dad had left with ange', I wondering what happened to my step dad. Mom, what happened to step dad? I asked. He's on a business trip. My mom said. Ok. I said and ran back upstairs. Jack was laying on his back so I jumped on top of Him. What ya looking at? I asked. Just looking at Instagram. He said and than putting his phone away. I kissed him and he kissed back. I like where this is going. He mumbled, I just smiled. We kept going until I feel his hands going down to my ass. He goes down My neck, I move my head to the side. Jack. I let out, feeling him going to my sweet spot. I move my head back and start kissing jack on his jawline, than going to his neck. I sucked on his pot and he instantly squeezed my butt. Jack!? My mom yelled I got off of jack. I grabbed a jacket next to me and put it on. Than got closer to jack. In my room! I yelled. She walked in and had the 'aw'. Yes, mom? I asked. Sorry, jack your mom called asking if you were here and I let her know you were staying the night, she also told me not to do anything with my daughter and I'm letting you know... Don't do anything with her. My mom said. That sounds like my mom. Jack said laughing. Mom, I won't let him. I said. Ok, goodnight. She said. Goodnight. Me and jack said. She left and jack kissed My cheek. No more. I said. Awww. He whined. Let's just cuddle, you can give me kisses if you want while netflixing. I said. Ok. He said. After like 2 hours we soon fell asleep.