Maddie pov.
I woke up to Jack moving a bit. Jack stop moving so much. I said opening my eyes. Sorry, baby. He said, kissing my forehead. It's ok. I said smiling than getting up. I went to the bathroom, I looked down and saw I was starting my period again. You fucking kidding me! I looked under the cabinets and grabbed a tampon. Once I finished I walked out really weird, since I don't get comfortable in them. Why are you walking so weird? He asked rubbing his eyes. Because I'm on it again. I said. Im sorry baby. I'll go to the store and buy you candy and ice cream. He said. Actually I already have ice cream and candy, I always have some leftovers from before. I said, Laying back in bed. Maddie, we have to get up its already 11. He said. I wanna cuddle all day. I said wrapping my arms around him. Ok, only for you. He said and cuddled with me.~~~ 5 hours later ~~~
Later on we heard someone slam the door opened and saw my dad standing their. Dad, what are you doing here? I asked. It's 3 in the afternoon and you guys are still in bed? He asked. I was tired and I guess we fell asleep earlier. I said. Ok honey, but remember no business in here. He said pointing a figure at me. I nodded and he left. I got up ad changed into sweat pants and a sweater. I woke up Jack and he woke up instant. I didn't know we fell asleep. He said. Neither did I. I said. You still tired? He asked. Ya because I'm on my month. I said. I'm sorry baby. He said. Baby it's ok, we have dinner in 2 or 3 hours, so get ready to talk to my dad. I said. Already am. He said. Well I'm glad. I said and smiled. Baby I know your probably nervous of me talking with your dad, but I'm not. It's ok. He said grabbing my hand. I know, but I'm afraid he won't like you and I really like you. I said. Trust me he will. He said. Ok I trust you, wanna go outside, by the pool? I asked. Sure we need to go outside and see the world. He said. I nodded and got up. I'm gonna ask ange' if she wants to come outside, I haven't seen her in 2 days. I said. He nodded his head and went downstairs, I went to her room and knocked, I heard shuffling. I opened the door when I saw her slam her desk cabinet. What are you hiding? I asked with my eyebrows scrunched together. Nothing. She said. Ange' you better tell me. I said. No. She said. Ok fine, it doesn't matter. I just came to ask you a question and that is you wanna join me and Jack outside? I asked. Sure. She said we walked outside and saw Jack sitting in the chairs. Hey Ange' Jack said. Hey Jack. She said. So why'd we come outside? She asked. Because we need some peace and I haven't talked or seen you in almost 2 days. I said. She made an 'o' shape. I nodded. I heard you guys yesterday arguing, that's why I didn't come out. She said. You should've came out it would've made us stop arguing less. Jack said. I nodded my head. I didn't want to interrupt. She said. It's fine, Ange'. Do you guys want anything to drink? I asked. Ya ill take a water, babe. Jack said. I'll take a juice. She said. I nodded my head. I went inside but went to Ange' room to see what she was hiding. I went to her draw that she closed. I opened it and saw blades. No! She can't possibly be cutting?! I grabbed all the blades and threw them in the trash in the kitchen once I got downstairs. I grabbed jacks water bottle and her juice, while I grabbed my Fiji water. I walked out and slamned the drinks on the table. Mads' what the fuck? Jack asked. Let me see your arm! I said putting my hand out for Ange'. No, why do you wanna see my arm? She asked. Ange'. Give me your fucking arm. I said aggravated. For what? She asked. Give me your fucking arm or I'll make mom and dad check your arm. I said. She sighed and gave me her arm. I pulled up her sleeve and saw about like 20. Why would you do this?! I asked. Because everybody hates me! Nobody likes me! Everyone loves you, everyone adores you! Everybody wants you! She yelled. That's not true! I yelled back. Wowowow! Girls, what's going on here? My mom asked coming out. Maddie, is being a snitch! Going through my room and not respecting my privacy. Ange' said. Mom, that is not true! Ange' is fucking cutting! I saw her hide something so I went to her room and found blades! She even showed me! You have to believe me! I said. Ange is this true? Let me see your arm. My mom said. No! Ange yelled. Jack, Maddie go upstairs. My mom said. Jack grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. You should've respected her privacy. Jack said. So your standing up for my sister and not me?! I asked. No, babe. I will always be on your side. It's just I think you should've gave her privacy if she didn't want to tell you, you should've left it behind. He said. And let her cut?! No way! I said. I'm sorry It's just, your her older sister. And you should've talked to her out of it, not yell at her. He said. I guess you have a point. I said smiling. I know I do. He said and started kissing me cheek. Stop! I said laughing. We kept laughing for awhile until we finally just calmed down and watched tv for awhile.~~ 2 hours later ~~
My mom and dad finally called us down for dinner and I can tell Jack is scared or nervous. We sat down of course I sat by Jack just to hold his hand. So..Jack. How old are you? My dad asked. 18. He said. And you wanna date my daughter? My dad asked. I wanna spend my life with her. Jack said makin. Me blush like crazy, I looked up and saw Jack smiling at me. What? I asked. We're you blushing? He asked smiling. Maybe. I said. Aw. He said kissing my cheek. Then we heard a cough, we looked at my dad and he was starting at us. Sorry. Me and Jack said at the same time. Maddie, does he make you happy? My dad asked. Yes he makes me happy. I said. Well than I accept you together. My dad said again. Jack squeezed my hand and smiled at me, than kissing me. We pulled away and I ran towards my dad and hugged him. We're gonna head upstairs. I said running out while dragging Jack with me. When we got to my room we jumped and hugged each other for a log time I had this big smile on me. I love you, Jack. I said. I love you too, Maddie. He said quietly looking in my eyes. He leaned in and kissed for a good 3 min. Than pulling away to cuddle the whole day. Soon we fell asleep.

Halls J.G.
FanfictionJack and Maddie have a lot of history In the hall, but the thing Maddie doesn't know is that Jack really loves her. Maddie has trust issues with Jack and jack has overprotective issues. What will happen? BTW!!!! I WROTE THIS BOOK WHEN I WAS LIKE 12...