Jack pov.
I don't know what happened to her, we used to hang out, but she just stopped talking to me. I guess when we stopped talking, I lost myself. But now I want to know the story.Maddie POV.
I know I'm gonna have to tell him, I'll tell him after school if he asks. I got ready for school.I got a text message, jack is gonna give me a ride. Ok. I went downstairs to see my mom and step dad, I call him dad anyways, I'm never gonna see my real dad anyways. Jack's giving me ride. I said entering. Ok, honey. Pancakes? She asked. Um... jack is gonna take me to get a quick breakfast. I said. Starbuck? She asked. Yup. I said. Well that boy better keep you safe, because than I'll have to get him in trouble. My dad said. So I was wondering.... What happened to Jenna she left all of a sudden? I asked. She had to leave. My mom said. Ok, well I'm gonna go see if jack is here. I said. Ok bye. She said. Bye. I said. I grabbed my book bag and my phone and out the door. Right than Jack got here, with JJ I haven't seen him since we were little. JJ! I yelled happy. Wassup mads' long time no see. He said. I know. I said hugging him. Let's get to school for your education. He said messing my hair. You mean our education. I said. Ya, whatever. He said smiling. We blasted off to school. Wait! I want Starbucks I didn't get to eat breakfast. I whined. Already got you babe, a vanilla bean frape. He said handing me the Starbucks drink. Thank you. I said drinking out of it. Wow, when were you guys a thing? He asked. Since I broke up with Madison. Jack said. Ok JJ, me and Jack aren't dating, but we told our family that we are because jack said he would change for me, but we're not dating, apparently he wants the whole school to know we're dating, but we're not. I said. Sounds like the old Jack and sounds like he's serious. JJ said. See. Jack said. Whatever. I said. We soon arrived and JJ left, Jack was still with me. We walked in and Jack grabbed my hand and held it. Jack, they're looking at us. I said hugging his arm. So what, we look hot. He said. Shut up. I said smiling. He looked at me and pecked my lips. He makes me feel like we're actually dating. Basically all the girls are looking at me, with a look they either want to kill me or be me. On the way Jack does his hand shame with his friends. He took me to my locker and even opened it for me. Well, thank you. I said. NP, babe. He said. I grabbed my Books. I'll take those. He said taking my books. Give them back. I said. No I can't, I'm your boyfriend and I'm suppose to carry your books for you. He said. Well than, thank you. I said. Your welcome babe, now do I get a reward? He asked. Ya, but later when we get home. I said. He winked at me smiling. Not what your thinking. I said. Aw. He pouted. Don't make that face, your gonna make me feel bad. I said. You should. He said. Your mean. I said. Thanks, tho. I said taking my book and walked away. He ran After me. I have to take you to class. He said. OK. I said he wrapped his arm around me.
~~ after school ~~
Jack hasnt talked to me, looked at me, made contact me, and I don't know why. We apparently have new kids at our school, jack has been all over one of the girls that's new. I made friends with some. But seriously I might look like im jealous, but I'm not. Hey, you guys should come over at my house. My parents won't care. I said. Ya, I'm down. Jasmin said and Ed nodding to. OK, well did you guys bring a car because my...um best friend gave me a ride. I said looking at jack, still all over Lexi. I find out about their name. Ya, I brought my car and Jasmine rode with me, of course you can ride with us. Ed said. Thanks, I said. I'm gonna text my other friend who is gonna come to see if he's gonna come or not. I said. Ok. They said and went to Ed car. I soon saw Leo walking out. Hey, where've you been buddy? I asked hugging him. I've been busy, my parents. He said rolling his eyes. Come over, please. This time Jack won't come with us, I want you to have more friends. I said. OK, just let me tell my mom. He said. Your still telling your mom where your going? I asked. I have to, because than Ill get in trouble and I don't want get in trouble. He said. You have a point, buddy. I said. Of course I do. He said. Piggy back ride? I asked. Get on. He said, I got on and felt someone staring. I looked around and only saw Jack staring, he had his jaw clenched. Eh! I don't care. He carried me halfway to where I was telling him to, until Jack stopped us. Mads' aren't you riding with me? He asked. Wow, so whenever he wants to talk to me, he can. This isn't gonna work. No, I'm riding with my new friends, but I'm sure lexi, would like to ride with you, go Leo. I said smacking his butt. Ow, gosh. I'll go. He said and started walking away.~~ 2 hours later ~~
I'm sure Jack hasnt stopped calling or texting me because my phone is going on and off repeating over and over. I think you should answer him. Ed said with Jasmine nodding her head. He can deal with it, and if he wants to talk to me, he can come and speak to me in person. I said. OK. They said. I think we should watch a movie, we've been playing these games for 2 hours. Leo said. OK, ill go make popcorn, you guys can pick whatever movie. I said standing up. I made my way to the kitchen and started the popcorn. While I was waiting for the popcorn, the door bell rang. Leo was gonna get. Maddie! Ed voice yelled. I ran out of the kitchen and ran towards the door. Jack! Get off of him! I yelled Jack was punching leo for some reason. Stay away from my girlfriend, how many times have I told you?! Jack said. I ran towards jack and pulled him off. Wtf?! Jack! What are you doing here? I asked looking at him, but saw he's high. I grabbed his hand and shocked him in the bathroom. I went back downstairs and looked at Leo. He looks bad, but makes him look bad ass and a turn on. Can you give us a min. ? I asked the girls. They nodded their heads. I'm sorry about Jack he's high I don't know what happened to him I'm really sorry about Jack. I said. it's ok, I already knew he was high. I saw his eyes. He said. I thought I hid his weed or whatever he does in a good hiding spot, but I guess he found it. I said. Ya, but he has Sammy and Nate. He said. True. I said putting a bandaid on the side of his lip. After I finish I cupped his face. Im really sorry about him, but I'm not sorry you look bad ass. I said. Thanks, and plus you look hot. He said smiling. It was awkward. He looked at me In the eyes and than swiftly kissed me. It felt good, but their was Something different from Jack. I still kissed back, but than pulled away. I'm gonna go see how Jack is. I said. OK. He said. I went upstairs and went to the bathroom, to see Jack pacing back and forth. I walked in and closed the door with lock. I'm really sorry, I was over at Sammy, he was getting high and he told me to stop worrying and than he gave me one. Than he said something about you and Leo. Jack said pleading to forgive. Well jack theirs a thing as saying no, your so stupid. I said. I'm stupid, what about you? You can't see that friend, Leo, has a thing for you and you have something for him. Jack said. He's just a friend! What about Lexi, huh?! You were all over her today, why don't you actually see that your the one, who actually can't keep a damn promise! I said. At least I'm not flirting with her. He said. Are you not listening because your all over her! You hold her like she's your girl, she's your girlfriend, she's your everything. I said. He stayed quiet. Jack leave, I have friends here and you ruined everything for us. I said walking out of the bathroom. 5 min. Later someone rings the doorbell. Um... I'm looking for Jack. Lexi said. Right then Jack came downstairs. I can't believe you. I said and walked away. 4 hours later they all left and i was getting ready for bed because I was stressed out. I just came out of the shower in sport bra and short and I've been on my phone checking social media. Than I get a face
time call from another friend.
Hey, what's up? I asked. Nothing just checking on you, we haven't talked in a few weeks. He said. I've been stressed out for awhile. I said. Wanna talk about it? He asked. I don't know. I said. You can trust me. He said. I told him the whole story, he said to ignore him and wait for Him to come to me, which i thought was stupid and than we left our conversation at that, because we were falling asleep.

Halls J.G.
FanfictionJack and Maddie have a lot of history In the hall, but the thing Maddie doesn't know is that Jack really loves her. Maddie has trust issues with Jack and jack has overprotective issues. What will happen? BTW!!!! I WROTE THIS BOOK WHEN I WAS LIKE 12...