Jack and Maddie have a lot of history In the hall, but the thing Maddie doesn't know is that Jack really loves her. Maddie has trust issues with Jack and jack has overprotective issues. What will happen?
Jacks POV. So glad I can still call her mine. I might sound like a creep, but I basically watch her sleep all night. Ya I know I'm a creepy boyfriend, but I don't care. Today, considering its 5:30 in the morning, I'm gonna beat Nate's ass for trying to get with my baby. I don't care if Maddie, gets mad at me. Im gonna do it anyways.
Maddie POV. I woke to jack kissing me. What are you doing? I asked whispering. Well we gotta go to school, so I wanted to wake you up in a good way. He said. You could've just poured water, so I didn't have to take a shower. Plus why are your eyes red? I asked. Because I didn't sleep last night. He said. Why didn't you sleep last night? I asked. Because my girlfriend slept in my bed and in my arms, i couldnt keep my eyes off of her gorgeous face. He said. Jack stop. I said blushing. What? He asked putting his face in my neck. Why are you hiding, I should be the one hiding. I said. I don't know because I want to. He said. Thanks for letting stay over, I know my parents would've smelled the alcohol. I said and than realized I'm still grounded. Babe, whats wrong? He asked noticing my face expression. I'm still grounded, and I'm sure I'll be even longer. I said. Why are you even grounded? He asked. Because I stole your car the day you told me of your dirty thoughts. I said. Here, I'll talk to them for you and hopefully they will un-ground you. He said. Jack it doesn't work like that. I said. Then how does it work? He asked. Never mind. I said. I'm gonna borrow your shower. I said. Ok, whatever is my family. Its yours, just like me. He said smiling. Cheese head. I said. He just laughed. I soon finished and changed into my outfit. Black crop top and ripped jeans, with my converse. Jack was already waiting for me in the car so I hopped in. I looked at him and saw he was basically wearing the same thing as me. Jack decided to stop in the valley. Come here. He said making me get off. Why are we here jack, I don't like it here. They're staring at me. I said. Baby it's OK, your safe with me. He said. Why are we here? I asked. Because he's gonna take a picture of us. He said. Why? I asked. Because we look cute, basically matching. He said. I love you. I said. I love you to. He said. Jack started talking to the guy while I look around. Girls giving me looks and guys looking at me like I'm a piece of meat. Jack all of a sudden turned me around and picked me kissing me. I kissed back.
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Jack carried me over to the guy, I grabbed on to Jack harder. He just chuckled. I like, babe what do you think? Jack asked me turning around so I could see the photo. I love it. I said smiling. Than jack turned me us around so he was looking at the guy and not me. Than I decided to get off. Jack let's go, were gonna be late for school. I said. OK, see ya later man. Jack said. I ran back to the car and got in. You friend, girlfriend or whatever they are, are scary. I said. Once we were out of the the valley we went to school. And the school was surprised of me and jack.
~~ after school Jack came to my house after school to talk to my parents. Im gonna go take everything upstairs into my room. I said. OK. He said. I ran upstairs and put everything in my room or on my bed. I charged my phone before walking back downstairs. I heard voice in the kitchen. Jack, you shouldn't take the blame because of her responsibility. My mom voice said. I'm not taking the blame, I'm telling the truth. I left her the keys, I told her my thoughts when we were walking in school before I told her, I gave her the keys so I wouldn't lose them and that's how she got here. He said. That's not what Maddie told me. She said. Maddie was saving me from getting in trouble, I knew she would leave try to make a excuse all on her. He said. We'll see jack, I'm gonna call her down here. She said. Don't have to, I'm already here. I said walking in. So you heard? My mom asked. Ya. I said. Is it true? She asked. I looked at jack. In his eyes he was telling me just say yes. Ya. I said. God Maddie why didn't you tell me. She said. I didn't want Jack to get in trouble for his dirty thoughts. I said and than smiling. Your free than. She said. I squealed and ran towards jack to jump on him. He twirled us around and my mom just laughed at us. Get out of here, I'm making food. My mom said. Jack ran out of the kitchen and to my room. I kissed him for awhile and than got down. So Nate's throwing a party again, wanna go? I asked. So he can try to get to you again, not happening babe. He said. He won't get with me, you'll be their for me. Plus I won't leave you. I said. Babe...are you sure? He asked whining. Yes, now first I sha'll do my homework. I said. Getting to work.
~~ 2 hours later ~~ Jack and I just finished doing our homework. Jack I'm gonna get ready. I said. You sure you wanna go still? He asked. Ya. I said. I got in the shower and took my time. I soon got out and put on my dress.
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Than putting on some black Boots. Babe you almost done? He asked. Ya, just doing my makeup. I said. Than he came through my bathroom door. Hey I'm getting ready. I said. No makeup today. He said. Why? I asked. Because guys will wanna be after you, your already wearing that dress, and your giving me a boner. He said. I looked down a glimpse. And just started laughing. Let's go already then. I said. We said bye to my parents and soon arrived at the party. Remember stay away from Nate, babe. I don't want him near you. He said in my ear. Ok dad. I said sarcastically. We got off and first thing jack does is wrap his arm around me. We walked in to the kitchen. And jack glares at Nate. Jack don't do anything please. I said whispering to him. No promises. He said. We've been in the kitchen for like 2 hours sitting here. Jack keeps drinking and getting drunk. Hey what's up buddy. Lexi said coming towards us and wrapping her arm around him. I pulled him back. He's to drunk. I said. Babe I'm not drunk, I'll be right back. He said. Fine, but if you do something you regret. I'm not giving you another chance. I said. He just shrugged his shoulder and walked away. Than I see someone coming towards. Nate leave me alone. I said. Why? He asked. because I have to, I was messing around with you yesterday. I said. I wasn't messing around, I could fuck you right now and I wouldn't care if people were watching us. He said. Just go find another girl. I said. Fine. He said and walked away. I turned around and saw Madison walking towards me. Hey. She said. Hi. I said. What's wrong? She asked. Nothing. I said. So wheres jack, he should be here. She said. He's with a friend. I said. Girl or boy? She asked. Girl. I said. Wanna hang out some day, I know you probably think I'm a whore and all, but I'm not. She said. Ya, sure. When? I asked. Tomorrow, if that's good for you. She said. Ok. I said. Here, put your number in So I can tell you where and at what time. She said handing me her phone, I put it in and handed it back. I'll see ya later. She said. Bye. I said. Where's jack? I've had 2 conversation with 2 people and he isn't back. Than I see him walking back. What was Madison talking to you? He asked. She asked me for my phone number so we can hang out. I said. Was she the only one that came up to you? He asked. Other than her, Nate came and talked to me. I said, jack eyes started to turn dark. Let's go home. I said. Don't you wanna loose up? He asked. No, your already drunk enough. I said. Ok, hold on. He said and grabbed the bottle of beer and than walked out. I helped him into the passenger seat and put on his seat belt. I got in the drivers seat and then drove to his house. When we got to his house he was already asleep. Jack, babe. Wake up, your to heavy to carry inside. I said. He woke up and finally got up to walk inside. When we got In his room he went to sleep. I grabbed his shirt from his draw and and put it over me. Than went to sleep.