Chapter 10

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Mika and I both turned and to my horror I saw Ferid sitting on the bed. He came through the window.

"....." I didn't say anything. I could not. If I say something I would try to kill him and I would brake my promise with Mika. I snuggled closer to Mika and pretended he wasn't there. Mika protectively wrapped his arms around my body as if to protect me from Ferid's eyes.

"Aw, come on guys, just going to ignore me. "

I said nothing.

"Oh, come on. I'll even tell you one of my little se-crets~" at this I looked up and saw Ferid's evil eyes glance at me. His gaze shifted to Mika.

"Got your attention now didn't I? Well, what if I told you, I came to every fight you ever had. The first time I came to that disgusting place, you were the first human I saw. Watching your cute little face as you cried for the first time~"

"Ferid Enough." Mika said to Ferid. His face filled with worry while Ferid just grinned and continued.

"It got addicting, I even contacted your handler to buy you off him but he would not allow it. So I started giving you food and knew what you would do~"

"FERID STOP." Mika commanded. Mika hugged me tight as if he was preparing for an earthquake. I held on tight.

"And surprise! You did. Then you told me your name and asked about your precious family and I knew you had to be Mika's girl. After all he muttered names in his sleep and Your name came up quite a lot.~"

"You watched me sleep?" Mika questioned in shock and his fists clenched. I just died to focus my attention on his beating heart.

"Oh no, well maybe sometimes when I am bored but most of the time I could hear you call for them." I clenched my fists around Mika, afraid I might attack of I let go. I bit my lip and blood trickled down.

"But she might have not had even had to say her name to me. She is your type after all~ her petite frame and delicate face. "

"Shut. Up." Mika said as I started to dig my nails into Mika's clothes.

"And her hair and big crystal blue eyes, she was barely in age preference range though for me. Her beauty made up for it. Her blood tasted so unique. Then to see her petite frame on the floor nak-"

"I said...SHUT UP!" Mika moved so quick I didn't even see him move at all. One second he was embracing then next second he was holding Ferid by the throat. Mika's usually calm was now twisted in anger as he snarled, "GIVE ME ONE REASON NOT TO KILL YOU!"

" MIKAELA! LILY! OPEN THE DOOR!" People banged on the door I was leaning on and I scurried away from it. Tears falling on the floor.

"I can give you two reasons, Yuu. " Ferid smile appeared evil.


Mika's nails cut through his skin and left crescent cuts on his neck. Someone broke through the door and let everyone in.

"Tell me, why do you do this? Why do you... Torture us?" Mika whimpered in defeat as Shinoa's team ran in and saw Ferid being held.

"To see your faces twist in despair, shake in anger, cry in fear." His smile grew and Yuu touched Mika's shoulder. Yuu dropped Ferid who said, "Ouchie Mika-kun, that hurt, I think I might have to wait another day for this injury to heal."

Crowley jumped through the window, "What? We are staying another day. How annoying. This place is getting boring. "

Yoichi helped me up off the ground. He held one of my hands nervously but I didn't notice.

"You really are a terrible disgusting monster." Mika turned away from Ferid and grabbed my free hand. Yoichi immediately let go. "Let's go Lily."

I nodded and followed soon we were leaping from building to building until we got to a mountain side. He sat down next to a large tree. He patted the ground and smiled at me. I knew he was trying to get me to forget what just happened. I sat next to him and we watched the sun set.

"Wow, it's amazing how cold it can get when the sun goes away. " I said. Without saying a word Mika took off his uniform cape and wrapped it around me. "It's still warm..." I whispered to myself.

"Thank You." I said out loud and beamed.

~Mika's POV~

We sat there for a while staring at the place where the sun was. Soon she placed her head on my shoulder which made my face heat up.

"You know, when you didn't come back for dinner, 4 years ago. I knew something was wrong. I searched for two days. I ran into Vampires and one said they saw a girl that looked like you on the ground with two boys and gave me a direction to go in. I got to the back channels and all that was there was a small tiny pool of blood and a pipe. I knew it was you. When I asked the vampire what you looked like she described you exactly. I thought a vampire killed you. I missed you everyday since. Then I saw you again and thought, "This is my second chance. I won't let you go this time, because I Love You."

I turned to at Lily's expression but she was already fast on my shoulder.

"*sigh* I guess I'll have plenty of times to tell you I Love You later." I smiled and picked her up and brought her back. Yuu was on the couch rolling around in sleep. I looked down distasteful at my own bed which was a mat made of some straw and a sheet.

"Mika, where am I?" Lily said waking up in my arms.

"At Yuu's and my House." I answered beginning to move upstairs. I usually sleep and the coach and Yuu sleep on the bed but now that Lily is here I sleep on the floor and Yuu on the couch.

"Was that your bed? On the ground?" She asked half asleep, how cute.

"Yeah, but I really don't mind. It's not that bad-" she cut me off.

"Well, I -er have a favor to ask. Could you sleep *insert deep blush here* with me upstairs." She blushed so hard. I gulped and said, "Lily, we we aren't even dating yet!"

"I know, but I didn't think it would be bad if you slept on the other side of the bed..." She said nervously.

"oh, OH! Oh. oh.Okay." I said suddenly she jumped out of my arms at the foot of the bed.

"Wait, I was talking about you not having to sleep on a hay pile. What were you talking about?"

I blushed hard and tried to lie, "the same thing you were, of course!!" She eyed me suspiciously.

"Okay, I doubt you were really talking about 'that' because I trust you. So..." She got in the bed and moved all the way to the edge.

"Well? Are you going to get in?" She mumbled and I blew out the candle and got in on the very edge.

I could not sleep, even though the bed was much more comfortable, neither could Lily.

"Hey Mika." She poked my hand.


"Could you light the candle for all night?"

"I could but it might burn down the house, so I can't sorry."

"Well, then...could you hold my hand?"

"Sure." And I held her hand and it was surprisingly warm.

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