Chapter 12

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Finally after some walking and chitchat we found the entrance. It was big enough so that a large pick up truck could drive in and out.

"This is it."Lily smiled at me. She seems so innocent but when she was fighting Ferid she looked like a demon. What happened between those two. I doubt Ferid would tell me and I just meet Lily. Why would she tell me. I do not think she even told Mika yet.

She already began to run inside but the ground shook violently as 3 Horsemen crashed out of the ground. Lily covered her face as one almost trampled her. "GAh." She hit a near by tree. It did try to attack her again because she was not moving. I killed all 3 easily and ran over to her.

"Lily? LILY!" I shook her body and she rolled over. Eyes half open she nodded slowly. I breathed a breath of relief.

"I guess I am just having a bad luck streak." She muttered to me from the ground. She got up. Now, she appeared to have more injuries. Crap. I retained my smile and she got up. She walked more slowly into the building and I followed her. This is getting tiring.

When we entered it was very damp but filled with food, water and gasoline just like what she said.

"I'm pretty sure this was a fall out shelter or something. They have enough food to last someone along time." She told me as she went to the back.

"How are we going to get it all back to the camp." I asked her.

"With this~" She pulled off a sheet and there was a nice looking jeep underneath it with a small trailer attached to it. She began to grab large crates filled with canned goods, food, medicine and hygiene products and gasoline. A low grumbled emitted from around us. It shook the room a little.

"Are you going to help me or not?" She snapped her fingers at me and that was the first time in a while I was staring off into space. I started to help her stack the boxes onto the back of the jeep and trailer thing hitched to the back. It was more like a attached flat floor thing.

She went through some clothes most were adult men and young lady clothes. She held one dress in her hands a long time. Eventually she had a box of clothes usefull to the village.

"Aren't you going to take that one. It is rather...charming." I commented and looked at the dress while I had my hands full of boxes. She looked down at it and the jeweled dress sparkled in her eyes but she stared with a blank expression. "Nawh, it is too formal for an Apocalypse." That is all she said about it. She was right, the white cloth was fine and looked easily damageable but the tailoring was so fine and it had a matching white crown thing. The jewels resembled diamonds and almost appeared real. Honestly I do not even know why I decide to grab the dress and small crown thing. I just felt like doing a favor. I packed it into a small brown box and hid it in the boxes.

After we got almost everything the Jeep could not hold anymore. "Hey, we need to tie it down with rope. Do you got it any?" I asked her. She thought for a moment and yelled, "AH! I think there is some in the storage closet. "

She opened the door and went it. It was quite larger than a normal closet and went back many paces. Suddenly the ground shook, "LILY, GET BACK!" I yelled to her. She started to run back but a large piece of concrete fell from the ceiling in front of her. She tried to squeeze through as the ground around her shook. She could not fit.

I was at the other side trying to move the concrete. I could not get a good grip on anything because of the shaking. More concrete fell and I heard a scream. I could now clearly smell blood and saw a crimson color. Soon the shaking stopped and I could not hear Lily.

"LILY! SAY SOMETHING. LILY!" I called and I heard a weak voice, "I can't breath, it hurts, it really hurts." I moved several smaller pieces and made a small hole to crawl through.I saw a large blood pool and Lily's legs. A large boulder fell on her chest.

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