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Hello guys well here it goes again. Another Barry story. Sorry if threading you. If they do let me know in the comments but this is kinda like a diary that I can share. It's really reliving. Anyway here it goes:

I got my fire turn out gear! Yay! I will first remind you. I am small. Dad said the biggest problem with me being a firefighter would be finding gear to fit me. Well, as you know Barry is also a junior firefighter. And he is also small so you'll never guess who the gear originally belonged to... Yep. Barry! According to Whitney "it's so cute that I'm going to be wearing my man's gear" Yes, she calls him mine btw. I don't know if he was told or offered to give them to me but all them same.

The only thing that didn't fit was the boots because I have unusually small feet. On the other hand the jacket, bunkers (pants), gloves, and helmet fit. I'm gonna get super girly and say this: Isn't it so cute that I get to wear his helmet? It's like picture perfect. *sigh* Okay. Shake that off. The girly moment is over and I'm back.

Girls, here's the lesson for today, God is more and more kind of teasing me with all these sweet moments of crush problems. And it makes me smile to just think that, hey who knows what else God has in store. For you and for me.

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