He should know

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Fuzzy disclaimer: song as usual, I hope you enjoy.

*Cartman's pov*

I woke up again by Mom and I go do my usual routine. Stare at the photos. Go shower. Get dressed. Make some tea and put some tea in my book bag for later and now walk to school. Not like the guys will miss me if I don't ride the bus.

Maybe Kenny would miss me a little.. wait no he wouldn't. We just make fun of each other. That's it. No one would miss me. So now I walk a mile to school in freezing winds and snow falling down from the skies like pins.

The bus passes by and I see Kenny in the window. I sigh and push through the snow and soon make it to the school. 

Kids are scattering to their classes, so I miss seeing Kyle, Stan or Kenny. I'm okay with that I guess, not like they even noticed. I head to my locker and prepare for the first four periods of the day.

It is now lunch. You'd think I'd go sit with the guys and get something small to eat. Nope. I'm gonna go to the gym and run around for a little bit.

Thus I start. I run. I pant and I feel like my lungs aren't working but I push myself anyway because I want this. I want Kyle to see me as something besides a fat bastard.

But the bell rings and I need to head to American history. I step out into the Hallway and walking toward me is Kinny, Stan and Khal.

I want to cry. But I suck up and I walk the other way. None of them come after.

*After school*

I'm going home to get ready for a run. My stomach is eating at me, I am ready to pass out. I got a full night of sleep but, here I am. Haven't eaten until yesterday morning and it is killing me.

I yawn and triedly watch as the bus passes by me again and I see Stan and Kyle kissing again, my heart clenches in my chest. Goddamn perfect boys. But I am jumped on and I scream and fall back on my butt.

I look up to see a squealing Butters who is laughing so hard that he may pee himself. I grunt and glare at him. I get up and walk away and I hear him gasp and run behind me.

"Please Eric! Don't tell my parents! I'll get grounded! Please Eric!" He begs with me.

I groan. "I'm not gonna tell your parents Gaylord."

He walks in front of me with a smile planted on his face. "Thanks, Eric. "

I nod and stay silent and keep walking, wanting to be left alone and hoping Butters would get lost, minding his own business.

Butters frowns softly. "Eric. I saw you walking to school today. That was kind of cool. We could walk to school together every morning if you'd like?"

I shrug. "It doesn't matter, if you want to look like more of a Gaylord than you already do. Then be my guest."

He grins largely. "Yeah!"

We are silently walking for a little bit before Butters speaks again. "Wanna go get some KFC? I'll pay, cause I knocked you over earlier."

I felt my stomach rumble in excitement and I was about to say yes but I remembered. Kyle doesn't like boys who purge on KFC. I gulp.

"Nah Butters. I'm on a diet." I respond, expecting a kind response from someone like Butters, he's usually really supportive of me, even the shitty stuff.

Butters stops right in his tracks and busts out laughing. His high pitched laughter filled the sound of winter air. I guess that proves me completely wrong, he thinks it's a joke. I look at my feet and start walking home. I don't need Butters' input. I was stopped by a huffing and puffing Butters, who looked kind of guilty.

"Eric.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh. I just thought it was a joke. But, I'm really happy for you. How about we tell the guys? If you haven't already. It's a pretty big deal and you deserve all the support you can get!" Butters practically cheers.

I yell this time. "DON'T YOU FUCKING TELL THEM ANYTHING. IT IS NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS!" My heart clenches again but with fear. If Kenny found out, sure he'd rag on me every chance he gets. Stan would maybe give a half assed supportive pep talk, but I don't even want to think about how Kyle would react, he'd rag on me but it'd be a hard pill to swallow.

Butters flinches and nods. "S-So what do you want to do?"

I sigh. "I just want to walk for a little bit."

That's exactly what we did.

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