Back against the wall

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Fuzzy Disclaimer: Song as usual, I hope you enjoy!


I was being shaken by my mom. I yawned and groaned.

"Mam, what?"

Her bright eyes made me cringe. "Well, poopsykins. It is time to get ready for school."

I nod and get up and look at the floor and see the empty KFC bucket on the floor. Mom frowns and picks it up. "Oh, Poopsykins." She speaks in a disappointed tone. I frown.

Even mom is disappointed. I sigh and go make my tea and take a sip and go up stairs. I look at my dieting pills. It won't hurt to start to take them, right?

So I take two along with my tea and get dressed for the day. Maybe I should take some celery to school for lunch. After I ran for a little bit. I sigh and go down stairs and get some celery for lunch and get walking.

I am now only half way to school and I hear foot steps running behind me. Butters. It has to be. The gaywad, doesn't know how to leave me alone. And I am right, his high pitched voice fills my ears. "Hey, Eric."

"Hi, Gaylord." I mutter, staring straight ahead of me.

"I got grounded for being late, but that's okay. It was worth it, to make sure you were okay."

I sigh. "I'm fine, Butters. Don't mother me."

He giggles behind me and goes on about an old show we used to watch called Terrence and Phillip. I barely listen. I am exhausted, but not as much as yesterday. The bus passes by and I see Kenny and he waves at me and I look down at my feet. I yawn and soon me and Butters make it school. I walk through the hallways.

I pass the other power couple of the school. Tweek and Craig. They are just as adorable as Stan and Khal. But I don't say a word to them. Instead I go to class. The first period, I have with Kenny Stan and Kyleood thing I sit away from them, I have a reason not to talk to them. So I take my seat and get started on the work I had from yesterday.

It was going well, my stomach only gave me light pains but I worked through them and I kept sipping on my tea. Well that stopped until a certain tan hand took the paper from my desk and I knew it was Kinny. I just looked up at the boy.

"Don't you have some porn to be looking at, Poor boy?" I mutter and take my paper from his mits.

He just gives me his sly smile. "I haven't seen you on the bus, fat boy. You've been walking?"

I nod and stare at my paper and try to ignore him.

"Good job, Fat boy. I didn't think until you got diabetes, you'd start to try and be healthy." He pats my back and walks away.

I stay silent and get my work done.

*Lunch time*

I was walking to the gym, ready for my lunch and run. I passed the guys. Not like they'd be worried about me. If they cared so much, they would have came and got me the first time I skipped. So now I push open the gym doors and take my pills, drink some tea and get my workout out of the way.


Stan and Kyle were checking their lockers and Cartman hasn't been around in at least three days. I kinda miss the fat boy. I noticed he started not coming to lunch. I've tried to shine attention to it to Kyle and Stan but they don't care that much. But during lunch time, I see Cartman walking to the gym.

"Guys, I'll see you later." I state and quietly follow him, I peak through the doors when he was running around the gym and just doing that. He stopped for a moment. He looked super pale and was a panting mess. He muttered something but I couldn't hear it clearly and then he took a seat on the bleachers and pulled out a sip lock bag of celery. What the hell? He usually would bring cheesy poofs to lunch. He took a bite out of the celery and took a sip out of a cup. And he cringed. I pushed open the door and walked in. He looked up at me, I moved closer to him. He has sweaty pit stains and looked like he hasn't slept in days.

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