Yeah right

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*Cartman's POV*

I am fully committed now. I need to prove them all wrong, I don't need Butters to protect me from Kenny, I don't need Kenny to pity fuck me, I don't need Stan to make Kyle like me,

I surely need Kyle, but I don't think I'll let that show through anymore.

Jesus, I'm the most pathetic asshole ever.

I walk down stairs and Mam's on the phone, she whispers quickly into the phone and flashes me a grin.

I ignore this. She's probably gossiping with Mrs. Tweak over Butters kissing me,  jesus before I know it, the whole school will know.

I start making my tea and she soon enough gets off the phone. "Hey, Poopseykins."

"hey mam." I mutter back.

Mam takes a sip of her coffee. "You gonna go walk with your boyfriend ?" She asks with real hope.

I shake my head, ready to crush that hope. "No. I'm going to ride the bus today. "

I'm going to fake 'em out.

I sipped my tea, I walked out the door. I'm cutting off ties with them all.


"God he kisses like a walrus, I don't get how Kenny thinks Cartman is attractive," I grumbled

Stan's soft hand laced in mine. "I know, I'm sorry.  I just thought he had a crush on you and I wanted to see if he'd make a move,"

I groaned "Boy did he, Fatass was grinding on me and shit."

Stan laughed "Awe sick dude!"


I wasn't going to school, I was seeing the best skinny girl in south park. Henrietta Biggle.

The goth chick, she was big during the transition from kid to teenager, then boom a skinny goth girl. 

I walked far into the woods and in the dark shade of a tree and in the snow sat Henrietta in all of her glory.

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