Chapter One: Winning The Contest

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Hey everyone!
So, this is my first xReader story! I'm so excited to write this! I have so much planned!
Obviously MCR is still together in this story! It's not a reunion or anything, I just wanted to clear that up. However, Bob is still gone. Also, this story will contain swearing.
Comment and let me know what you think! Vote if you like! Follow me and I'll follow back!
Thanks so much for reading!
-The Killjoy Bride

'304.8 Music Hits with Benji Davis, I'm here today with some more concert tickets for you to win, listeners! All morning I've been getting calls, and finally we have a winner! The 200th caller and the winner of two tickets with backstage passes to My Chemical Romance is...... [F/N] [L/N]!'

Your heart stops. You can't believe it. You can't believe that your name was just shouted out from the staticky radio that is on the kitchen table across from you. You sit in shock, staring at the radio. You can hear the radio dude, Benji, congratulate you and start playing more music, but none of it registers. You only snap out of your trance when your phone starts to ring a very familiar tune.

'Teenagers scare the living shit out of me! They could care less! As long as someone'll bleed! So darken your clothes! Or strike a viole-"

The song cuts off as you answer the call, "Hello?"

"Hi! Is this [F/N] [L/N]?" A woman's cheery voice replies.

"Yeah, that's me. Who is this?"

"This is Carol O'Toole from 304.8 Music Hits! Incase you don't already know, you've won two tickets and backstage passes to My Chemical Romance! So we need you to come down to the station the collect your prize!"

Your hands start to shake. This is real. This is really happening. You compose yourself quickly and answer. "Great! I'll come by the station later today!"

After confirming a time you hang up the phone and place it on the kitchen table. You sit there quietly for all of three seconds before you burst into screams of happiness, jumping up and dancing around your kitchen.

You flail around and yell your profanities of joy until you're red in the face. Panting from all the awesome dance moves you did, you grab your phone and slump back down in your chair. You're really glad that you're parents are gone and didn't hear your freak out. Now that all of the major body-controlling excitement is out of your system, you need to call your best friend, Jackson.

The dial tone rings four times until he picks up, already shouting in your ear. "OH MY SWEET LORD, [N/N]! YOU FUCKIN WON! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT! YOU'RE GONNA TAKE ME RIGHT?! YOU GOTTA! PLEASE, DARLING?"
You laugh at your best friends shouting. Jackson has been your best friend since grade five, when he got his tongue stuck to a frozen basketball pole and you helped set him free. He was the one to introduce you to My Chemical Romance when you were thirteen, and you've been obsessed ever since then.

"Of course I'm going to take you, Jack! Who else would be worthy enough To go with me! And I didn't do much to win, just called into the station a bajillion times."

It's Jackson who laughs this time and you can practically hear his smile over the phone. "I can't wait! I have to start planning my outfit pronto! Oh god. We're going to see My Chemical Romance. [F/N] this is really happening!"

"I know! I can't believe this! I'm shaking so much, Jack! I'm so excited! We'll get to meet them! Holy fuck, IM GONNA MEET GERARD WAY! AND FRANK! AND MIKEY AND RAY!"

"Good lord, I'm going to pass out! Wait, [F/N] do you think I could get Mikey to hug me???!! I wanna hug from Mikey Way!"

For them next hour you and Jackson squeal back and forth about how much you can't wait for the concert and what you wanna say and do when you meet the band. Sadly, your conversation has to end. Jackson has to leave for work and you need to shower before you go pick up the tickets.

Hanging up you trudge to your room to go get your shower stuff ready. Your heart is thumping in your chest.

You can't believe this.

You just won tickets to see My Chemical Romance. Your favourite band. Ever. This is a dream come true.

Grabbing all your shower stuff, you hook up your phone to your speaker and cue up your shower playlist, shimmying your hips along with the beat of the song and bobbing your head happily.

This is a good day. This is a very good day.

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