Chapter Two: Finally Real

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Early update! I just couldn't help myself!!
My first chapter got some really nice reviews and I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the kind words!!
Also, a note for anyone interested, this takes place in the Danger Days era, during that albums tour.
Let's try and get this chapter to 10 votes!
-The Killjoy Bride

Exiting the radio station, you look down at the envelope in your hands. A goofy grin stretches across your face. This is real. You must've told yourself that one hundred times by now.

After you had taken your shower, you immediately went down to the radio station; not even bothering to dry your hair. Unfortunately, getting the tickets took much longer than you expected. You had to sign a bunch of forms and show a lot of identification. But, now that you have the tickets, you would gladly do that process a million times.

You carefully open up the bag you brought with you and gently place the tickets in. You probably don't need to be so carful with them, but you can't help yourself! These are tickets to MCR! It's precious cargo! Suddenly, you are very glad you brought a bag instead of a purse. The purse you have is way too small, and to be honest you don't even like purses that much anyways.

Sighing dreamily you run your fingers through your [H/C] hair. You start you walk back home, wishing that your car wasn't at the mechanics. To help the walk go by faster, you pull out your purple headphones and quickly hook them up to your phone. Scrolling through your music, you finally decide to listen to Destroya. You mouth the words to yourself as you walk down the street, ignoring the questioning looks from the people around you. You're in too good of a mood to be brought down today.

Jamming your key into the door, you take out one headphone now that you're home. You notice your moms jacket is hung up, so you know she's home now. "Mom?" You call out into the quiet house. You make your way through the house, peeking into the kitchen and living room to try and spot your mom anywhere. Giving up your half-assed search, you head to your bedroom.
Flopping down on your bed, you sit up and pull your bag into your lap. Unzipping it, you take out the envelope that contains the tickets. Opening it slowly, you tilt the envelope and let the tickets slide out onto your comforter. You stare at them with a mix of awe and excitement. Picking one up with a gently hand, you run your thumb over the print. My Chemical Romance. You are having such the internal freak out right now. Setting down the concert admission ticket next to the other one, you pick up the backstage pass. It's already in a laminate and attached to a MCR lanyard. You slide it on and have to close your eyes and take a deep breath when you feel the barley noticeable weight that hangs around your neck and on your chest. This makes it all finally feel really. You're finally one step closer to meeting your heroes.

After a few minutes of basking in your joy, you pull out your phone to call up Jackson again. His shift at Starbucks is over by now, and you need to plan what you're going to wear to the concert. It is only a few days away after all! Checking the tickets again, you look over the information to make sure you know the correct date.

Your heart stops again.

At this rate you'll need a new one.

You mustn't have been paying attention before when you were told the date, because there is no way in hell you would have missed this! The concert is on your birthday. On your nineteenth birthday you'll see My Chemical Romance live and get to meet them. You feel like you're going to faint. Clicking Jacksons number you try and keep calm as it rings, he answers and you speak before he can even say hello.

"The concert is on my birthday." You voice is steady and deadpan, you don't know how you do it considering you are  a full on mosh pit of emotions.
Jackson snorts, "You just found that out now? Wow, good observation skills, [N/N]."

You gasp mock hurt, "Don't make fun of me Jack! I was too excited earlier to realize! Now I'm even more excited! We're seeing MCR on my birthday! Also, we have ground floor tickets! So we have to get there early so we can stand right at the divider and be closest to them when they preform! Ohmygod, Jack, I'm so excited! We need to plan what we're gonna wear! Get your butt over here!"

He laughs at your rambling and promises that he'll be over within the hour. Hanging up, you lay back on your bed and bite your lip to try and hold back a wild grin.

As promised, Jackson rings your doorbell not even ten minutes later. You roll your eyes, he has a key to your house, but he never uses it. You fling open the door and tug him inside, dragging him to your room as he laughs.
"Hey, [N/N]! You know I like to be manhandled, but all you have to do is ask if you wanted me in your room! However, I'd have to politely decline."

You laugh at him and close the door behind the two of you once you reach your room.
"You dweeb," you punch Jackson in the shoulder. Noticing how his eyes keep flickering over to your bed, you laugh and gesture over to it. "One of those tickets is yours! Go look all you want! Put the other lanyard on! We can match!"

You laugh as he lights up like a happy puppy and bounds over to your bed, scooping up the lanyard and putting it on, a look of pride on his face. "YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND, [F/N]! I LOVE YOU!" He crows, wrapping his arms around your waist and swinging you around in a big hug. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and nuzzle the golden curls atop his head, a happy and content smile on your face. "Love you too, Jackie."
He sets you down and walks over to your closet, throwing open the doors. "Now," he says, already shifting through all your clothes. "We need to pick out what you'll wear! The concert is only a week away!"

Eventually, after an hour and a half of going through all your clothes, you and Jackson have picked out your concert outfit. You're going to wear black skinny jeans, your red high tops and your Black Parade 'Together We March' sweatshirt. With a satisfied smile, you and Jackson high five your teamwork, and plan to go over to his house tomorrow to pick out his outfit, since he has invited himself to a sleepover at your house tonight.
Deciding that is has gotten obscenely late, you and Jackson set up a blanket fort in your room, sneak to the kitchen to ransack your cupboards, then go back to your room and proceed to watch YouTube until you both fall asleep.

The concert is going to be amazing. You can't wait! Especially since you have this nagging feeling that it's going to change your life forever.

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