Chapter Three: Getting There

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Hey everyone! Chapter three! Whoo!
Thanks to everyone who is reading this! We reached the 10 votes goal for last chapter!! Your all so awesome!
I've been feeling a bit discouraged lately, one of my friends read my story then told me it was awful, and then she read some of my song lyrics and started making fun of them.
There are also some family matters that are making me really stressed and unhappy.
Sorry, I just needed to rant.
Anyways! Please enjoy chapter three! Gee is gonna come into the picture soon, no worries!
-The Killjoy Bride

The concert is now only three days away and you can't contain your excitement. Humming, you fold your clothes and start packing your things into a duffle bag. The concert takes place two cities over from yours, so you and Jackson are going to drive down today.
You have the entire eight hour car trip planned. You made a driving playlist and even mapped out the best places to eat on the way there. The songs mostly consist of MCRs newest album, Danger Days, but you have some classic Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge and Black Parade in the playlist too. As well as some other artists that you love.

After you finish packing, you venture out to the kitchen to get some food. Your stomach is rumbling like a caged beast. You dig through the fridge and pull out some left over pizza and a water bottle. You put the pizza in the microwave for a few minutes, then proceed to devour the food. Halfway through your lunch, both of your parents walk into the kitchen and sit across from you at the table. It take you a moment to realize that they are looking at you expectantly, like they have something important to say. You quickly finish the bite you were chewing and take a swig of water.
"Hey... What's up?"

Your dad starts first, "[F/N], we know you've been working hard at school and work lately, and that you and Jackson going to a concert this weekend. We aren't going to tell you not to go, because we know how much this means to you... We just want you to be safe. Concerts can get rowdy and we don't want you getting hurt or for some creep to violate you."

You nod. Think about what they said. Your really happy that they are still letting you go, you think you'd probably die if they said you couldn't. Or you'd just go anyway. "Thanks for the concern guys, but I'll be fine. I promise. I'll have Jackson with me."

Your mom smiles at you softly. "We know, honey. We trust you. We just worry, that's all. So here," she pulls out a wad of cash and hands it to you. Your eyes widen with shock. Your mom just laughs, "That's three hundred dollars, so spend it wisely. It should help with gas and hotel money, and you'll probably have enough left over to buy a shirt or two!"

You stand from the table and walk over to give both of them a hug. "Thank you both so much! I promise I'll be safe! Don't worry!" Your parents hug you back, your mom kissing your cheek and your dad ruffling your hair.

Two hours later, a car horn honks outside your house. Slinging your bag over your shoulder you wave goodbye to your parents as you run out of the house and hop into Jacksons car.

"Ready to go?!" He says with a grin.


You both laugh as he drives off. You're full of jitteriness as your road trip starts, shaking with unabashed excitement.

The road trip is more fun then you thought it would be. You keep a steady stream of banter going with Jackson, and you get to jam out to all your favourite songs. You get emotional during a few of the songs and fall into a comfortable silence as you look out the car window and watch everything pass by, letting the lyrics wash over you.

A familiar curl of want and hope could in your gut. You always get like this when you listen to music you love. You get so inspired, but the negative, more rational part of you always takes over. You tell yourself that wanting to make music will never happen. Not with were you live, people are more focused of engineering and businesses than playing music. You hope you get accepted to a university far away from here. Where you can find others who have the same dreams and aspirations as you. Maybe find some people who actually want to make music with you. You sigh.

You're admittedly depressing thoughts are cut off when Jackson pulls into your hotel. It's only a cheap generic hotel, but it's just fine for what you need. After all, yours here to see MCR, not flounce around a hotel.
Checking in, the two of you head up to your room, tossing your stuff onto one of the beds. It's late, so you go about your night routine. Changing into your pyjamas and brushing your teeth.

Before you go to sleep, while Jackson is still in the bathroom, you walk over to the large window that overlooks the city. You push back the curtains and just stand there, fingertips lightly resting on the cool glass, looking out at all the multicolour, twinkling lights of the city. You can see the stadium that the concert will be in from here, you were lucky enough to get a hotel close to the venue. Soon your life will change. You know it. You'll get to see that band that has saved your life countless times. They have been there in all the dark times. Your chest constricts with the emotion you're feelings. You quickly blink back tears and take in a shaky breath. A small yet wobbly smile appears on your face and you go and crawl into the hotel bed. You take in one more deep breath, closing your eyes.


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