Chapter Twelve: Never Have I Ever...

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The show was, predictably, amazing. All you had to do was show your VIP Staff pass to the guys working the show and they let you into the ground floor for the concert. You felt like a fan again. You hadn't realized how much you missed this, jumping around like crazy, singing along to the songs that have been engraved into your heart. It would only be a million times better if Jackson was here with you.

At one point in the concert, when Gerard stopped to talk to the crowd for a second, you swore he made eye contact with you, and it was hard to miss the way his smile grew a bit bigger.

You have no idea how to feel. This is Gerard freaking Way. The man you've idolized and crushed on for so long, and now, once you've become somewhat friends with him, you can say firsthand he's one of the most amazing people you've ever met. He's kind, funny and just enough awkward to be endearing.

You're so far gone for this man.
It puts you at a crossroads. You've always hated cheaters, people who mindlessly betray their partner just because they think someone else is attractive, or felt the need to just because of one fight. You'd never want Gerard, a happily married man, to jeopardize that. Especially for someone like yourself.

Hell, you're getting ahead of yourself. You remind both your brain and heart that he doesn't even think about you in that way. If anything you're more like a small child he feels responsibility for.

The concert ends with a bang and the deafening roar of the crowd. You cheer along with them as Gerard yells his goodbyes into the microphone. People start to file out of the concert arena, and you vaguely start to wonder where you're going to meet with Gerard and the rest of the band.

You take your time, wandering towards the backstage entrance, flashing them your all access pass. It makes you feel powerful, having a simple piece of plastic that can get you anywhere you need to be.

You're strolling through the backstage, nodding in greeting to some of the staff you know. A few of the other tech crew you work with wave, you smile weakly, giving them a small wave back. Their good people, and you don't think you'd want to work with any other crew, it's just that you still don't feel like you fit in with with. Maybe you're still too new.

"[F/N]!! There you are!"

You turn to see Frank jogging towards you, a big grin on his face. He's still in his stage costume, looking every bit the Killjoy Fun Ghoul. He throws an arm around your shoulders. "C'mon, Gee has been lookin' for ya. He told me you agreed to come hang with us!"

Your smile turns a bit more warm and genuine. "Yeah, it was super nice of him to invite me. I just hope I'm not imposing."
Frank shakes his head as he leads you through the maze of hallways. "Nah, it's just gonna be us hanging out and bouncing ideas around until we have to get back on the road, it'll be fun to have someone else there."


Frank pulls a key card and swipes open a door, laughter immediately pouring out of the room and filling the air. The lounge he leads you into is different from the one you and Jackson waited in during your first show. This one is bigger and definitely more decked out. Obviously made to host the performers of the arena.

"Look who I found!" Frank calls out as he gently pushes you into the room.

"[F/N]!" Gerard crows happily, jumping up from his spot he'd taken next to his brother and rushes over to you. Pulling you into a hug.

Okay. Make it official, you think to yourself, Gerard Way gives the best hugs ever.

"How'd you like the show?" He asks, looking at you with hopeful eyes, likes he's worried you'll say it was bad. You're half temped to try and trick him, but you don't have it in your heart to crush those puppy eyes.
"It was amazing! You guys really know how to put on a good show!"

"Aww, thanks [N/N]!" Frank pipes up as Gerard leads you over to an empty space.

You settle down into the plush seat as the guys all start chatting about the show and things they'd like to change for the next show. Their mindless chatter is so easy to listen to. Ray, trying to keep the conversation on track. Frank, making random dirty jokes that have no relation to the topic. Mikey, occasionally throwing his two cents into the pot and telling Frank to shut up, and Gerard, spouting new ideas for music videos and things about the Killjoy world he'd like to incorporate.
It's fun and carefree and you love listening to it.

"This is getting boring and I think we're putting [F/N] to sleep, let's play a game or something!" Frank says, popping up in his seat.
"Well," Ray looks at his bandmate with a slightly raised eyebrow, "What do you have in mind, Frank?"
The rhythm guitarist pauses, biting his bottom lip in thought, suddenly, you watch as his eye light up with a familiar mischievous glint. "Lets play 'Never Have I Ever'!"

You gulp. You know this game. Players sit in a circle and hold up ten fingers. Anyone who has done the activity mentioned in the 'Never have I ever . . .' statement, puts one finger down. If a person puts down all their fingers, they are eliminated from the game. The winner of the game is the last remaining player with a finger raised. 'Never Have I Ever' is an easy way to learn more about a person, but it can be embarrassing.

"Okay," Gerard smirks, "Everybody put your hands up." You all scoot in to make more of a circle and raise your hands. You can't believe you're about to play 'Never Have I Ever' with My Chemical Romance.
"Since Frank suggested the game he should be the one to go first." Mikey pipes up. You, Gerard and Ray nodding in agreement. Frank laughs.

"Okay! Okay! Never have I ever... Screamed during a scary movie."

Gerard flattens his thumb against his palm. Now down to nine fingers.

This is gonna be fun.


You're down to five fingers. Frank is out. Mikey is only down to seven, Ray to six and Gerard to three.

"Okay," Mikey says, "Never have I ever..." A sly smirk appears on his lips. "Had sex."

Gerard and Ray each put down a finger with grumbles of annoyance as Frank laughs. Your cheeks burn a bright, hot red as you keep all of your five remaining fingers up. The guys quickly notice, all of them turning to look at you with raised eyebrows.

"W-what?!" You sputter.

"Nothing, [N/N], just, really?" Frank asks. You huff, face still a burning red and cross your arms.
"Yeah, so what?! I'm a virgin! Okay?! Happy! You guys are the pervs asking a girl, who is only in her first year of college, might I add, if she's been to the bone zone! It's not that uncommon!"

Gerard hold up his hands in mock surrender, "Hey, it's okay, we weren't judging you or anything, [F/N], we'd never do that." Mikey, Ray and Frank nod.

You sigh, deflated. "Thanks, guys. It's just that I've been made fun of because of it before. It just makes me a bit mad that some people think less of me cause I haven't had sex."

Gerard smiles. "There is nothing wrong with that. Do what makes you comfortable and don't let anyone make you do anything else."
You give him a soft smile back. Your heart swells with warmth and acceptance, once again you're afraid that this is all a dream.

A few moments of comfortable silence pass before Frank lets out a giggle. You turn to look at him, confusion written across your face. "What's so funny?"

"N-nothing," he says, choking on his laughter, "Just, 'the bone zone'? Really?!"

"Shut up, Frank."

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