Chapter Seven: The Band

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The door behind her opens.

Your heart stops.

The first one to walk in was Ray. Followed by Mikey, then Frank. Then Gerard.

You feel your palms get clammy, and your sure you're blushing so hard it can be seen from fucking space. Your heart is pounding so hard you feel like it's going to burst through your chest. Your emotions are on overload, you have to take in a few deep, shaky breaths to calm yourself or you're gonna start crying right now.

The boys start talking and signing to the first little group of fans that go up. You and Jackson get in place so you'll have your time next. You get your CD's out and hold them in shaky hands. You press close to Jackson, shoulder to shoulder. Biting your lip, you look down at the CDs. Bullets, Revenge, Black Parade and Danger Days.

You don't have to wait long for your turn, and as you watch the people who were in front leave, getting their time with each member. Your chest starts to seize up.
Mel waves you, Jackson and two other girls forward.

You take a shaky step forward, a shy, elated smile on your face.

"Hey guys! Thanks for coming to the show!"
It's Frank who speaks up, doing a little wavy gesture, motioning for your group to move closer.

You lets out a laugh that sounds on the verge of hysterical. "It's was amazing, oh my god, it was so perfect." You ramble. Curse your tendency to spew word vomit.

The guys just smile (Even Mikey, but only a little, something that makes your heart stutter with happiness) and thank you for the compliment. You make a snap decision and turn to the closest member to you for signing.

It's Ray, and he gives you a welcoming smile, "Glad you enjoyed the show! What's your name?"

"I'm [F/N], the show was amazing. Best birthday ever!"

"Oh!" He exclaims, "Your birthday!? Well, I can safely say we're all glad we made your birthday the best! Now, can I sign those CDs for you?"
You nod and hand him the albums. He pulls a Sharpie from his back pocket, pulling off the cap with his mouth, and shuffles through the CDs, signing each one, but you see he adds an extra little 'happy birthday!' on the Black Parade cover.

He hands the back and you smile wide. From the corner of your eye, you can see Jackson talking to Mikey beside you as he gets his shirt signed, and then Mikey giving your best friend a hug while Jackson snaps a picture on his phone. That reminds you. You pull out your phone.

"May I also have a picture? Also, and this is weird but, can I kiss your cheek?"

Ray raises an eyebrow, looking like he's holding back a laugh.

"Sure to both." He shrugs.

You smile, opening the photo app on your phone.
Ray puts a hand on your waist and you reach up to press a soft kiss to his cheek, snapping a picture. It turns out awesome and you turn to Ray.
"Thank you so much!"

"No problem, that wasn't the oddest thing I've been asked."

You smile again. Knowing your time with Ray is up. "Thank you so much, this was awesome, you all inspire me so much."

He wishes you a happy birthday again, and you trade places with Jackson, finding yourself in front of Mikey Way.
He gives you a soft smile and hold his hand out for the CDs, you hand them to him and he starts to sign.

"Havin' fun?" He asks, shuffling Bullets to the back and starts signing Danger Days.

"Yeah! So much! This all seems too good to be true!"

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