Chapter Nine: So Long To All My Friends

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To say the least, your parents were livid when you called and told them that you were leaving to go on tour with My Chemical Romance. You tried to explain to them that you'd take online courses to keep up with schooling, but they were too busy shouting through the phone receiver. You need this. Nothing in your life has ever felt more right.
At first they didn't believe you, just laughed and asked how the concert was. But, then you started to explain it to them. Explaining how their lighting tech was fired and that Gerard had basically hired you on the spot. They weren't happy. The next few hour of your life were spent in a yelling and crying match with your parents. They had valid points for you not to go, and you know that this could be a tremendous mistake. But you need to do this. You'd hate yourself for the rest of your life if you didn't take this offer.

Eventually, after your parents had calmed down from the initial shock, you were able to talk about it rationally. Gerard and the band manager even came in to talk to your parents over the phone, Gerard promising to your parents that he'd make sure you kept up with your studies and stayed out of trouble.

It took some convincing, and although they still aren't happy about it, they agreed to let you go.

You don't think anything else in your life will be able to surpass that moment when they gave you their permission to go. Lately your life has just been on a track that is too good to be true, and you're waiting for the fallout.

There is one major downside though.

You're leaving with the band effective immediately. The fact that you don't really have a wardrobe isn't a big deal, you can run out and buy a few thing to hold you over until you can get some of your clothes.

The biggest problem is that you're going to be separated from your best friend for the duration of the tour.
It doesn't matter how many beautiful and new places you'll get to travel to, the fact that your only form of communication with Jackson will be phone calls, is not a pleasant thing to think about.

Hell, you can't remember a time you've went more than four days without seeing Jackson.

That night, after the show and the entire fiasco of you being brought onto the tour, you were told to go back to your hotel and meet up with the band at their hotel in the morning.

It was then that the situation hit you both full force.

You both curled up on your tiny hotel bed, you snuggled into Jacksons arms, trying to ignore the tightness of your throat. The television was on in the background, some dumb show about a chef bake-off was on, usually Jackson loved those shows but at the time the two of you could not have cared less.


Now, here you are, standing shoulder to shoulder with your best friend at the ass crack of dawn in a hotel parking lot where a crew member of the band is giving you the run down of what exactly your position will entail. But, you're not paying attention, you're too busy looking at Jackson. It's not yet light out, but the street lights make Jacksons blond hair glow gold, and you're hit with a sudden realization of how much you'll miss playing with his hair. It'll probably be the small things you'll miss about him the most.

The crew members stops talking and you turn and pretend you were listening. You're handed some papers to fill out. You're also given a VIP access tag, that'll get you anywhere you'll need to go to do your job. The crew member also tell you that you're assigned to Bus B for travel and overnight sleep with all the rest of the stage techs, you'll be taking Erial's old spot.

As the crew member walks away, with a promise to be back in a few minutes to collect the papers, you turn to Jackson and without a word he envelopes you in his arms. You hide your face in his shoulder and try to stop your tears.

"Shh, shh, [N/N], it'll be fine. Please don't cry. You're supposed to be happy! This is a dream come true!"

You sniffle and laugh wetly, "It's hard for it to be a dream come true when you're not gonna be there, Jack..."

He presses a kiss to your temple and holds you a bit tighter. You both sway softly under the street light, lost in thoughts and memories, until someone cleans their throat. You break away from Jackson and are surprised to see Gerard standing a few feet away from you. His arms are crossed, but he has a sad, apologetic smile on his face and his eyes are full of sympathy.

"We have to pull out soon, and you need to get those papers signed. Ten minutes tops."

You give Gerard a nod of understanding and he hesitates for a moment before walking away towards the busses.

You turn back to Jackson. You feel your eyes burn.

"Hey, hey, hey. None of that, okay?" He puts his hands on your shoulders and shakes you gently, causing you to giggle. He smiles. "There's my girl, now, you are gonna go live your life, be on MCR's tour, make me damn proud and have fun. Got it?"

You're voice is strained, but you still manage to smile up at him. "Got it."

"Good. Be safe, [F/N]. I'm gonna miss you so much. I love you. You're my number one best friend."

You throw yourself at him. Tears finally falling. "I didn't wanna cry!" You manage to half laugh half sob. "I love you too, you crazy boy! And I'm gonna miss you more than anyone!"

He rocks you back and forth softly, before pulling away, wiping your tears off your cheeks with his thumbs. "Call me whenever you can."

"I promise."

"Good." He pushes back the hair on your forehead and presses a soft kiss smack dab in the middle. "Now go."

He takes a few steps back, you grab his hand and keep your finger locked with his until you can't anymore. You watch with a heavy heart as he walk towards his car. You swipe at your eyes and sniff. You'll be okay, cause no matter what you know you'll always have Jackson.

"Hey, you gonna be okay?"

You turn and see Gerard standing there yet again. You give him a weak smile and nod. "I will be. Now let's go, I have some papers to fill out."

Hey everyone!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Sorry that it took so long, my personal life has gone to shit. Also, sorry this chapter isn't overly exciting, but don't worry! The next one will hopefully be a bit more up beat!
Votes are appreciated and I love to read your comments! I read every one!
All spelling errors are mine, so please point them out so I can fix them!
Later my Killjoys!
-The Killjoy Bride

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