Chapter Eleven: So Much Better Than A Backstage Pass

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Hey lovelies!
Sorry for the long wait!!
Thank to all you who voted last chapter, and true to my word, everyone who did got put into a draw! And I'm happy to announce that the winner is GerardWay-Iero ! So, she gets a shoutout and go send her some love! And, I also promised that the winner would get another little something, so the wonderful winner got to read this chapter before it was posted!! I'll probably do another contest like this when I hit Chapter20, so keep an eye out for that!
Thank you all again, and I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

You had fallen into a groove faster then you thought you would and three weeks have blown by you in a blur.
Setting up the lights, getting the programming ready. Taking your stuff down, packing it away, and getting ready to set up for the next venue.
Its guaranteed that the second you lay your head down that you're out like a light.

Add in the advantage of getting to see some of the guys every now and then, Frank even going out of his way to talk to you after the whole itching powder debacle, often popping up out of nowhere just to chat about your work or to ask your opinion on a song lyric.

So, all things considered, you shouldn't get as scared as you do when someone comes up behind you while you are setting up. Yet, you still manage to screech like a banshee when your shoulder is tapped. You spin around as laughter fills the air.

Of course, with your luck, it's none other than Gerard. He's doubled over at the waist laughing, and you can't deny the fact that your heart flutters a bit. Because, although Frank likes to pop up to talk about random things, every now and then before a show, Gerard will come up to talk to you about how you're setting into your life, your family, friends and to ask how you're keeping up with your school work. It's safe to say that if you didn't have a fan crush on Gerard before, you have a real one now. You've never felt more relaxed and safe talking to another person before.

"Gerard!" You narrow your eyes but a smile is tugging at your lips. "You scared me, assbutt!"

Gerard, who's laughs have been dying down, giggles and you don't think you've ever heard anything so adorable.
"I'm sorry!" He gasps, breathless from laughter. "I didn't think you'd scream like that, [F/N]!"

You roll your eyes, scratching the back of your neck. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Gee." You say, tone flat.
"Awwww, [F/N], don't be upset with me! I didn't mean it!" He pouts, and you blush a little.

"I-I'm not mad, just annoyed." You curse your stutter.

Gerard grins, "Good, now, I gotta say, I'm really impressed with your work, [F/N], and you've been doing so well juggling the tour and your online classes, and I'm so proud of you. I've noticed you haven't gotten much downtime between all of that plus sleep, so, I've arranged for another tech to come take this over from you, and you, [F/N], are gonna come enjoy tonight's concert."

You swear your jaw drops, and you're speechless for a moment, before you snap back to reality. "Oh my god, Gerard! Thank you so much! Oh my- this is so amazing! Thank you!"

He just waved a hand. "You deserve it, [F/N]. So, I expect to see you at the concert, then you're gonna come hang out with the guys and I afterwards, mostly because Frank is an annoying little fuck and has been bugging me to get you to come hang with us cause he and Ray wanna get to know the girl who pulled our asses out of the fire."

"O-oh, no, it's okay Gerard. You giving me the time off to see the concert is enough, I don't need to-" You start, but Gerard cuts you off.
"[F/N], please come hang out with us after. We'd all like to get to know you, we like to know who's on our crew. We're a family. Also... I dunno," he shrugs, ruffling his candy red hair, "I kinda feel responsible for you, ya know?" You bite your bottom lip, a nervous habit you've been meaning to break. A soft smile graces your face, "Thank you, Gerard. I'll definitely see you guys after the concert then.... and I don't think I've thanked you enough for vouching for me. Without you I wouldn't be here on the tour, I'm having the time of my life and I'm learning so much."

Gerard smiles back at you, then the next thing you know he's pulling you into a hug. Your arms go around his waist, hands coming up to grasp at the fabric on his shoulder blades and your head on his shoulder. It doesn't last long, Gerard soon pulling away, but it leaves an intimate, warm feeling in your heart and a blush on your face.

"I gotta get going," he says, "but I'll see you later, [N/N]." He walks backwards for a few steps, giving you a small wave before turning around and making his way to most likely change into his Party Poison outfit. As he said, another crew member almost immediately comes over to relive your from your task. You decide to head back to your bus to freshen up for the show and maybe rest for a bit, but not too long, considering the concert is only and hour away.

On your way out to the busses, you mentally start to go back over your conversation with Gerard. A giddy grin taking over your face. Gerard had been right, between all your tasks, you haven't had any time to really watch any of the shows and enjoy the music. Not to forget the fact that the members from your favourite band want to hang out with you.

Oh yeah, that's so much better than a backstage pass.

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