Chapter Fourteen: Goodnight Kisses

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Hello, fellow earthlings! It is I, The Killjoy Bride, bringing you all another chapter! This one has to be a favourite of mine. It's the longest chapter yet, it kind of ran away from me, but I defiantly urge and recommend reading until the end ;) If you enjoy it, please leave this chapter a big ol' vote,  those honestly are the best motivation, alongside all your wonderful comments of course. There is nothing that fuels my writing fire more than comments. Also, would you guys be interested if I did a Q&A, get to know the author type thing? If so, comment your questions, and maybe I'll answer them in my True Life book! Anyways, I'm done rambling, sorry for the long wait, I hope this chapter makes up for the wait. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the chapter my Killjoys.


"You don't love me anymore."

"What?!" You laugh, phone wedged between your face and shoulder as you jump around, trying to get into your jeans. "Jackson, of course I love you, sweetheart!" You mentally punch the air as your jeans finally give in, sliding up your legs allowing you to button and zipper them up.

"You never say it to me anymore! I'm needy and affection starved [F/N]!" Jackson whimpers through the phone and you roll your eyes at your best friends antics.

"I'm guessing this means you haven't gotten the new merch I've mailed to you yet?" You say, putting on your best overly concerned mom voice. As expected, Jackson promptly freaks out over the prospect of a new band shirt. The two of you talk while you continue to get dressed for your outing with Gerard. You're a bundle of nerves right now, and Jacksons aimless chatter is like aloe-vera  on a sunburn; soothing and grounding. You haven't told him about Gerard inviting you out, you don't want to make a big deal out of it. Its just two friends hanging out. At least, you think you and Gerard are friends, you'll have to ask him later. You slip on a Foster The People shirt and after a moments deliberation you add a red flannel over top of it.

"So, what are your plans for today? Busy tour girl?" Jackson sing songs. You huff and flop on to your bunk. "I'm going out today, its a rest day."

"Hmm, going out you say? With whom?" You can tell Jackson is  just playing it cool, he's probably on the edge of his seat, itching for gossip. "A friend," you reply, "I met him on the tour." It wasn't exactly a lie, you were just leaving out certain plot points.

"Ooooooh! A boy!" Jackson gushes. "Is he cute?" You feel a flaming blush creep up your neck, and you're very glad Jackson can't seen you right now. "If you must know," you hiss, whispering despite being alone, "He is very cute, very hot, and very much not single." Jackson laughs and you cant help but laugh too. "So," Jackson hums, "Is he even hotter than Gerard Way?" You panic momentarily, but settle for making a noncommittal noise, hoping it will be enough to appease Jackson. It dose, and you quickly divert the conversation off of you. "What about you, any hunky guys in your life I should know about?" You ask, looking up  at the clock on the wall, 12:00, you decide it's good as a time as ever to put your shoes on so you busy yourself with getting your tattered red converse on.

"Uhh, well..." You can practically feel Jackson blushing through the phone. "Oh my god, there is someone, isn't there? JACKSON OH MY GOD YOU LITTLE SHIT YOU DIDNT TELL ME!" You screech at him, you cant believe that Jackson didn't tell you he had someone in his life! Jacksons half guilty and half embarrassed laugh fills your ears. "I wasn't sure if it was serious or not, I wanted to wait before I told you!" he reasons.

Okay, you'll give him that, considering you're still hiding the Gerard-thing from him.

"So, who is it?" Who is this mystery man who's stolen your best friends heart? Is he tall? Short? Nice? An asshole? Dose he like My Chemical Romance? What is his social security number? Does he like dogs or cats? That is all the obviously pertinent information that runs through your brain as you wait for an answer. You need to know those things, its your duty as Jacksons best friend.

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