Chapter 10

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Louis POV

It was geting dark by now and me and El were cuddling watching a movie. She yawned "Llou im tired" she snuggled more into my chest and i smiled "Lets sleep then" I took the remote and turned of the DVD player. I put the sheets on us. "You sure your mom wont get too worried about you?" she laughed "No silly, she knows, remember when i called her?" Oh yeah I do. "Y-yeah" Its just that I still had feels - well awkward feels - for Harry and I dont know why but this felt like fucking cheating. I unwrapped my arms from her waist and she opened her eyes. I gave her a reassuring smile and she snuggled into my chest. "We didnt do this for a while Boo, and I missed it " yeah, since school started and I met Harry..I didnt pay as much attention to her. But honestly, i didnt miss it that much. "M-me too El" I saw that she didnt actually believe, but eh, she didnt press me on it. She looked up at me "I love you" I opened my mouth to say that i love her too, but i closed it and no words came out. What the heck ? Since when you werent mentally alloweed to say you love your girlfriend ? I swear, my mind is the strangest thing on the whole Earth.

I am wondering what Harry is doing. I mean, he probably doesnt actually give a fuck about this whole thing and so on. I heard a light knock at the door. Who the heck could it be ? "El, damn, wake up" I whispered to her and she growled "Boo I want to sleep" "Shit El hide i think someone is inside the house" I heard the front door slam and I grabbed El by her wrist. "Get in the damn closet. NOW" She nodded as tears started to fill her eyes. I didnt want them to catch her, i eman, if its me its me but I gently got under the bed. The bedroom door slowly opened and I saw 6 big feet standing by the door. They were coming by the bed and they all sat on the bed. Shit, my back was hurting like hell, they were soo heavy . "Dude you sure theyre here" he asked in a non questioning voice. "Lets see" They went to the closet. shit. shit. Noo. Istarted to cry silently and I covered my mouth with my hands. "I dont think anyone is in the closet" I silently breathed relieved. i mean, my closet was a really big mess so she probably mixed up with the clothes there. Huh. "Lets check under the bed dude" "Who the hell could be under the bed ? Dude, come on, they couldnt know that we were coming." I attached bot of my hands to the bed and lifted myslef up, so if they wont look careful they couldnt see me out of all dirty clothes out there. "Man, i should check" I heard him going on his knees as he slowly pulled up the blankets. "Nope, no one here" He got up. Creeeeeak. Shit. i think i was kinda heavy so the bed FUCKING CREAKED. FUCKING DAMN BLOODY CREAKED. Lets just hope they didnt hear it "What was that shithead ? You said no one was there" I heard one man slap the other one. The thinner huy pulled up the sheets again. " one here..Guess the idiots living here dont really care about a modern and no creaky squrky house" I suppose the other one nodded "Yeah...probs some old men " Shit. Old men ? ughh. I heard them leave the room and close the door behind them . I slowly got up from under the bed and rushed to the closet. El was laughing. "Whats so funny ?" i whispered "It was fun to hide here" "El you do realise this was on life and death right ? "Y-yeah" she laughed and i smirked. I heard footsteps again. "Get back El NOW" I hid again under the bed and pulled slowly and silently pulled the phone out of my pocket. I dialed Harrys number. i didnt care about our fight now. Come on , answer me before they get here. "That bitch is under the bed I swear. Before I could lift myself up they grabbed me by my left leg and pulled me against the wall. Harry answered. No. No now. "Hii Louis I have sooo much to tell you!" He was really excited. i dropped my phone out of my hand. they were approaching. One of them punched me in my stomach and i growled. i started to cry out loud, I was never used to this kind of treatement, it was all new bullshit for me. They turned around and I leaned down for my phone.  "Louis, whats wrong ? " "H-Harry I need h-help" I swear his face changed as soon as i said that. I was about to tell him to come at my place quick as a man pulled out a sharp knife and slowly sharpened it with a knife sharpener. He was slowly but surely approacheng, the knife pointing at me. He grabbed my wrist and I couldn stand out for my self. He started to kinda carve into my wrist. " AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH" I felt like a halloween pumpkin. I looked down at my wrist. There was written "GSDG" what the heck ?? Fuck, one of the guys spotted my hpone. "GIVE ME YOUR PHONE MUTHERFUCKER" I slowly nodded and with my carved hand i gave it to him. My other hand was by now ited around a chair so yeah thats why i couldnt move it. I was crying out loud and couldnt stop sobbing. I was now sitting in blood. in my own blood. Thanks god they couldnt hear El sobs, they probably thought they were also mine. "Louis where ARE YOU?" I could feel the desperation in his voice. The two men threw the phone at me, and the third one had tears in his eyes as he looked at me . I looked at him with pleading eyes. "Let him go he had enough" wut ? Thanks god "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO TELL ME THT MOTHERFUCKER?" He reached them nice man and slowly but surely drew a line along his shoulder. He pened his mouth to speak "DONT DARE YOU TALK. Ill tell you. You are mine, you do what i say, you never do things I say to nt do and you never get into my bussiness okay ?" He Nodded slowly as the knife was digging slowly deeper. He had tears in his eyes. Shit, Harry  " H-home" One of them turned around to afce me. "C-come quick " She slapped my cheek "Shut up if you wanna at least survive" I nodded slowly "Whats on here?" He forrowed his eyebrows "THAT PHONE? BLOODY HELL if it is the police none of your family would be alive tommorrow,got me ? NONE. NEITHER YOU, NEITHER YOUR LOVELY MUM JY AND NEITHER ANY OF YOUR SISTERS. NO ONE." He punched me in the stomach and I started yelling and screaming for help again.

"Good. You are one of us now." WTF ? "W-what is t-there c-carved or- w-writted o-on my sk-kin ?" "Oh forgot it. Gays Shouldnt Date Girls" What ? Noo. "N-no Im her boyfriend. " he untied my hand from the chair and smirked. "Because you ant it to. She is a stupid lovesick teenager bloody heellll tomlinson i wasnt even expecting to find you her i just needed some money maybe gold but you know what this is even better that xpected. having to fuck off the mother fucker that stole my fucking grilfriend shit we even had sex. and dirty sex if you know what i mean. What did you offer? I TELL YOU NOTHING BUT YOU FAT ASS BODY " He started to angryy cry. "GET OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU" I rushed downstairs and when i saw about to open the door it opened by itself . Wut ?

I saw a mop of curls crying and standing there. "I-i heard all the screaming from outside" I jumped into his arms and we went out of the house. He was carrying me by now. "Harry i love you" His face dropped "No you dont" he pouted and then I giggled "Yes  I do I mean shit you could be killed by now..and i dont know it just felt right to tell you thi-" I couldnt finish as his lips crashed into mine in the middle of the street. I couldnt reach for the back of his neck as I didnt barely feel my hands anyore, so i just enjoyed the kiss.

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