23: ignored

281 21 0

Dean: Cas

Castiel: Hello Dean

Dean: you okay?

Castiel: Yes, why would I be anything but okay?

Dean: you seem off

Castiel: I do not understand

Dean: well your acting different

Castiel: *you're

Dean: yea yea stop with that grammar; what's wrong?

Castiel: I do not know, I feel fine

Dean: why have you been ignoring me most of the day?

Castiel: Gabriel told me you would think it was funny

Dean: seriously?

Castiel: Yes

Dean: it's not

Castiel: I apologize

Dean: bit your fault don't worry

Castiel: Okay, I will not worry


Dean: Gabriel you son of a bitch

Gabriel: what did I do now?

Dean: stop telling Cas to ignore me

Gabriel: aw poor Deano your just upset because Cas wouldn't bone with you

Dean: shut up you bag of dicks

Gabriel: no thanks

Dean: I hope Sam breaks up with you

Gabriel: you don't mean that Deano


Dean: tell Gabriel to stop being a bag of dicks

Sam: what did he do?

Dean: he told Cas to ignore for the whole day because it would he apparently funny

Sam: I'll talk to him, but Cas should know not to listen to Gabe

Dean: yea, whatever


Dean: Cas

Castiel: Yes Dean?

Dean: don't listen to Gabriel when he tells you to ignore me

Castiel: Yes Dean

Dean: thanks

Castiel: You're welcome

Dean: so how was your day?

Castiel: How was you day?

Dean: fine how was yours

Castiel: Fine how was yours

Dean: Cas?

Castiel: Cas?

Dean: cAS

Castiel: cAS

Dean: son of a bitch

Castiel: Son of a bitch


Dean: you told him to copy everything I was saying didn't you?

Gabriel: somebody give him a medal!

Dean: stop


Dean: Cas stop copying me

Castiel: Okay Dean

Dean: thanks

Castiel: You're welcome Dean


Castiel: I cannot see your message


Castiel: Dean?

Dean: damnit, I was trying to send something to you but it didn't work

Castiel: Oh

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