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Gabriel: so I've heard you've been playing with Deano, amirite Cassie?

Castiel: ....I believe I know what you mean... So yes

Gabriel: look at you! I never knew you'd have it in you

Castiel: I do not understand what you mean by that

Gabriel: I'm shocked, you know how to be all sexy with Deano but you can't understand a message as simple as that

Castiel: I still do not understand, what do you mean by "had it in you"?

Gabriel: what I mean is I never took you for the sex type

Castiel: That makes more sense, thank you Gabriel

Gabriel: no prob Cassie

Castiel: Are you and Sam together?

Gabriel: I would like to think so, yes

Castiel: I think you both make a wonderful couple :)

Gabriel: thank you baby bro

Castiel: You're welcome

Gabriel: Ima go fuck my boy now

Castiel: I would suggest the pizza man and the baby sitter as a fun activity

Gabriel: haha, okay

Castiel: Dean wants me to watch a movie now

Castiel: This movie is very graphic

Castiel: It is very sexual

Castiel: Gabriel this is confusing me

Castiel: Gabriel?

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