27: we are a couple, right?

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Castiel: Dean?

Dean: yea Cas?

Castiel: We are in a relationship, as in we are together correct?

Dean: yea, why?

Castiel: We do not do anything a couple would do

Dean: ? Pretty sure we do

Castiel: I do not recall ever going on dates or displaying random acts of kindness

Dean: not all couples do that babe

Castiel: Are you sure? I feel like we are doing something wrong

Dean: your thinking of the wannabe couples

Castiel: "Wannabe couples"?

Dean: yea, hard to explain just we don't need to do all that to show we care, do we?

Castiel: I do not know, I am new to this

Dean: right

Dean: movies?

Castiel: That would be nice :)

Dean: awesome


Castiel: Sam?

Sam: what's up Cas?

Castiel: Would you consider Dean and myself a couple?

Sam: yea

Castiel: Okay, I have felt we were not doing any sort of thing a couple would do...

Sam: why would you need to? As long as your guys are happy then who cares?

Castiel: You are right, thank you Sam

Sam: no problem

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