Chapter 30

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was by myself. No one else besides the instrument players. I turned around in the piano bench and stared at Justin, who was creeping at the side. He nods, signaling me to go on. But I froze. Whatever confidence I had in me vanished like, that. Justin came up behind me. "Baby, you can do it... I know you can. I believe in you.." He sat to my left, hooking his arm around my waist and made sure the audience could see me. "Close your eyes and think of the first time we learned how to play.. Think of the happy times." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes while nodding slightly. "Good, good.. Now, open your eyes, and sing your heart out, baby." He pecked my lips once then walked backstage. I sighed. "Um.. I- I wrote this song about a year ago.. And it's got some sort of memory... Uh. I- I hope you like it." [lmfao k so she just basically sang and played a piano version of Demi Lovato - Don't Forget :D] I played the last few notes with my eyes closed, feeling like crying. Yeah, I seemed happy back then. But truth be told, I was miserable. I missed Justin when he left.. I pressed the last key as the crowd errupted in screams and "WOOPS!" I stood, smiled small, and bowed slightly. Justin ran out and gave me a big bear hug. "I'm so sorry..." He whispered so only I could hear it. We waved once to the crowd before walking off stage as another home video started playing. Justin: "That was... I don't even have any words for it.. AMAZING!" I sniffled and wiped my eyes with a tissue. Me: "Thanks." Justin: "But..." He sighs. Justin: "It was about.. Us. Wasn't it?" I nodded. Justin: "I'm really sorry, Mels.. It's just... You wanted me to... And I-" I hugged him. Me: "It's okay.. It's my fault for even telling you to do it." I stretched up on my tippy toes and kissed him. He smiles against my lips and places one hand on the small of my back and the other on my cheek. I heard "AWWW'S!" coming from the arena, and just found out that Chaz put us up on the big screen. Oh god. I stared up at the big thing. Justin smirks and pulls me back into the same position for another taste. Yeah, this feels really good. 


"Oh my gosh I'm gonna pass out." Becca collapsed on the couch. Right on me. I groaned and weakly pushed her. She didn't budge. "Becca!" I whined. Justin came to the rescue and pulled her off of me. Me: "Thank you Justin." He kneels down in front of me and kisses my cheek. Justin: "No problem, babe." He laid his head on my chest and closed his eyes. "What're you doing?" He shushed me. Justin: "Listening to your heartbeat." He breathed slowly, sending shivers down my spine. OH MY LAWD HELP ME NOW. I gently pushed his head away, loosening up. He chuckles. Justin: "Why'd you do that for?" Me: "Breathing. Slowly. Killing. Me." He laughed and pecked me. Justin: "You're so cute." Me: "I know." He stared at me. Me: "I'm just kidding. JEEZ. Thanks, Biebs." I grinned cheekily. "I'm tired." Justin: "Well, that was random..." He laughs. Me: "Yes, well, I am a tired lady. Mkay? I go crazy after nine o'clock." I puffed up my bangs. "Yeah, that came out of nowhere.. So imma go to bed." I gave him somehwat of a hug and shuffled to my bunk. Why? 'Cause my laptop was in there. And I wanted to go on Twitter. I hopped into the bunk and closed the curtain. Almost immediately, I pulled out my laptop. Twitterrrr... "@MellySummers: Had an AH-MAZING time tonight.. Vegas, you're awesome! Haha :) How was my singing? ;)" I followed some people, talked to more people about tonight, and RT'd some things. Unexpectedly, Justin whipped the curtain open. "Babe, you do know that I get your tweet sent to my phone, right?" I pshh'd him. "Of course I knew that. Duhh." He rolls his eyes. Justin: "Go to bed, babe." I stuck my tongue out. "Fine." He kisses my forehead then closes the curtains. "@MellySummers:@justinbieber is a fat headed meanie. >:P" I got a lot of "haha" tweets. Then Justin's reply. "@justinbieber: @MellySummers Go to bed! And my head isnt fat!!" I laughed. Sure it isn't, Justin... "@MellySummers: @justinbieber you cant make me! Fat head. :P" "@justinbieber: @MellySummers dont make me get @KennyHamilton" "@MellySummers: @justinbieber @KennyHamilton wouldn't do it. He's mahh bud." He then came back to my bunk and took my laptop. "Bed. Now." He ordered. I tugged on his bangs. "Fine, mother..." I paused. "Meanie fat head!" He stuck his tongue out and closed the curtains. I pouted but eventually started getting sleepy. Oh well.. Sleep time... 

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