Chapter 71

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"HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVEEEEEE!" Justin screamed as he ran out the backyard of our new house. Before my mind could process what was happening, he scooped me up and jumped into the pool, clothes and all. I swam back up to the surface and gasped for air. "JUSTIN!" He came up a few seconds later, shook his hair, then we both laughed. He swam to me and backed me up against the wall. "My iPhone was in my pocket.." I frowned. "Awww, I'm sorry. I'll buy you a new one tomorrow. And new clothes. And shoes. And anything else you want. Mkay?" I nodded. He kissed me. "You spoil me. I feel so guilty 'cause you spend so much money..." "You deserve to be spoiled, baby." After a few moments of silence, I asked, "Can you believe it's been 355 days?" "Of what?" He asked, confused. I raised an eyebrow. "I'm kidding. Of course I know what. Tomorrow's our anniversary! In exactly... Ten hours and thirty five minutes, we would have been together for a whole year. No break-ups, few fights... Ahhh, that's awesome." He grinned. "I love you, Justin." "I love me too." I gasped and slapped his arm. "Hurtfulll! I was kidding again. I love you more." I swam away from him and got out of the pool. I grabbed his towel. "I love you the most." I grinned as I walked away, leaving him without a towel. "You're lucky I love you!" He yelled after me. I stuck my tongue out and sat on one of the patio chairs. We'd already started to add furniture to our home. After a few minutes of swimming laps, Justin got out. I swear, he looked like a friggin' god with water dripping down his toned body and the sun glistening off his golden skin. "Like the view?" He smirked. "Mhmmm... Estás caliente." [I used Google translate so sorry if it's wrong. DON'T MAKE FUN. xD]

He raised his eyebrows as he took a seat beside me and drank some water. "My babe knows Spanish, eh, senorita?" I shrugged a shoulder. "Alfredo may have taught me a word or two." "Oh, and those words just happened to be 'You're hot'?" "Yep." I grinned. He chuckled. "You're cute." For the rest of the day, we just hung out in my house with Ryan and Becca. Sadly, though, Chaz couldn't make it since he had an exam for college. ---- "JUSTIN, BE CAREFUL!" I yelled out at him. He merely smiled and winked at me. Justin's about to go wakeboarding. He. is. crazy. I mean, I know he's done it before but I've never actually seen him do it. Becca chuckled beside me. Since her and Ryan's parents told them not to bring MariCris to the beach because of all the sand and stuff, only Becca came. "Mels, calm down. I've seen Justin do this a million times." I bit my lip. "Still... What if this is the one time he gets hurt?" "I dunno but-" "HEY GIRLSSSS!" A familiar manly voice called out. I looked at Becca. She grinned. We turned around and saw none other than Chaz running towards us. "CHAZZY!" We screamed in unison, standing up with open arms. He ran into us and wrapped his arms around us. "We missed you!" I giggled. "Gosh, I missed you too. Where's the baby? And Ryan? And Justin?" "At home, at home, and-" "The physic’s out there." I finished for her, pointing a thumb towards the ocean. "HEY JUSTY!" Chaz screamed, waving an arm. Justin turned his head and waved. A few minutes later, he joined us. "Hey Chaz! I missed you, man." They man-hugged. Then Justin caught Chaz in a head lock, giving Chaz a noogie. "Ha! Gotcha." He let him go. "Nice one, bruh." "NINJA BIEEEEEEEEEEBER! WHA-CHA!" I rolled my eyes. "Sure, Justin. Surrrre..." Becca and I let them have their guy time while we went to the shore. I sat down and started drawing in the sand. Becca walked along the water's edge. "Hey, so like, when are you planning to move into that house Justin bought?" I shrugged. "I dunno.. Justin wants to move in a few days after the wedding but I don't think I'm ready to leave Mom and Alex. I mean, like, the house is like only a few blocks away, but still." I sighed. "I kinda feel like this is all happening so fast.. We've got the wedding in two months, already have a house, next thing we know, I'll have a ball in my stomach." She laughed. "I know what you mean, Mels." I drew a smiley face in the sand. It reminded me of a time when Justin, Becca, and I were on the beach when we were little. I really miss that...

"Justin, do you ever miss when we were little? Like, before you left?" I asked him while he supposedly "shaved." Psh. He got no hair! I was lying on the bed, playing with his hat. We spent all day at the beach and it was now 10pm. "Of course I do. Those were the second best times of my life." "Second?" "The first is dating you." He smiled. "Oh. Awww..." He ran out and jumped onto the bed. "So what should we do tonight before our anniversary?" "Sleep." I replied matter-of-factly. "Oh, you're no fun. Let's doooooo something." "Like what?" I groaned. "I dunno. Something. Anything. Everything." He wagged his eyebrows. I laughed. "Wow Mels. You didn't roll your eyes.." "And..?" "You usually roll your eyes when I make those kinds of remarks." "Well, I've gotten used to it." I shrugged. "No, it's more than that. What happened?" He asked excitedly. "Nothing, Justin. I'm still the same." "Nuh-uhhh! You didn't roll your eyes! That's not Melani-like." "You're being so childish." I laughed. "And you're laughing at my childishness! You never think that's funny." He grinned. "Why are you so happy?" "'Cause this is a good thing! You likeeeee me! No. You loveeeee me!" "No reallyyyy..." I said sarcastically. "I mean, like, you're actually being nice. I like this Melani. But the feisty Melani is good too. She turns me on." He bit his lip. I laughed. "Mels, the bottom line is, I love every part of you. Your personality, your looks, your different moods. Everything. You are perfect to me." He smiled. "What's your favorite thing about me?" He looked at me with curiosity flooding his eyes. "Your laugh. It just.. I dunno. It's adorable." He grinned. "And... What else do you like about me?" "Everything except your annoying actions." He chuckled. "Annoying like how?" "Your stubbornness! That's it." "Well, the only thing I don't like about you is that you're too beautiful." I crinkled my nose. "That's a bad thing..?" "Yep. Too many guys would want you in their pants and that's definitely not good. Only JustyBear gets to do that." He furrowed his eyebrows. "If... You'd let me." He paused. "When the time is right!" He quickly added. He stared at me, as if waiting for a reaction. "What?" I chuckled. "Nothing. Just looking at you." He smiled and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I snuggled into his chest, growing tired by the second. "Sweet dreams, baby." Justin kissed the top of my head then turned off the bedside lamp

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