Chapter 70

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Saturday —

"Hey Sel!" Justin smiled and gave her a hug. "Hey Biebsy!" I awkwardly stood there, watching them greet each other. "Sel, this is Melani Summers, my fiancée." He stated proudly. "Mels, this is Selena Gomez. I'm sure you two have heard of each other, but you haven't officially met yet, so there you go." He smiled. I held out my hand and she shook it. "Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Bieber." She laughed. "Aye, remember when you used to call me that when we dated? Oh, good times..." I faked a smile. Don't get jealous, Melani. That was the past. This is now. "Well, um, the party doesn't start for another half hour so you two wanna hang for a while?" She offered. "Oh. Sorry, I thought the party started at six. But, uh, sure." "It's no problem. I don't mind more company. Come on." She led us into the club, which was empty as of right now. We sat on a couch in the far corner of the room. "So you're getting married, huh." Justin nodded. "Next year on Valentine's Day." "Awww... You're so cheesy, Biebsy." They laughed. I would've forced a laugh, but I was too busy looking at something else. Her leg was reeeeeally close to Justin's. Oh come on, Melani. You're overanalyzing things! They're just sitting together! They're just friends. Only friends. He loves me. "Babe?" I snapped out of my trance. "Um, yeah?" "You okay?" I glanced at their legs. "Um, yeah." "You sure?" "Uh, yeah." He looked at me as if he didn't believe me but said nothing. "Um, may I be excused? I gotta use the restroom." I stood up. "Oh, yeah, sure. Go down that hall and it's the third door on the left. "Thanks." I quickly walked to the bathroom. What's wrong with me? I trust Justin. Why am I being so paranoid? I leaned on the sink and took big breaths. Okay. I need to keep my sanity. But I don't think talking to myself is helping. I shook my head. Never mind. I washed my hands then walked out. As I walked down the hallway, I got nervous. What would I see when I walk out? I slowed my pace as I inched closer to the doorway. I peeked through, and saw... Nothing. I mean, there was something, but nothing was happening. Justin and Selena were in the same exact position as they were before I left. They were talking. Just talking. I relaxed and walked over to them. "Hey, what'd I miss?" "Not much... Just Justin going on and on about how much he loves you." He looked at me and smiled, as if to say, "See? I told you nothing would happen." I relaxed a little more. "I'm guessing people are starting to show up now so I'll just wait outside and greet the guests. You coming?" "Um, actually, we'll stay." Justin looked at me. "Mkay. See you around." Once she was gone, he looked at me again. "I can't do this." I admitted miserably. "I'm going to get jealous no matter what happens. I'm such a bad girlfriend! I'm overanalyzing things, I'm creating ridiculous scenarios in my head, and.. And I-" He gently cupped my chin in his hand and softly kissed me. "Melani, calm down. You're not a horrible girlfriend just because you're jealous." I blew a raspberry. "It's normal to be jealous. Especially since I've dated her before. Nothing going to happen, though. Do you trust me?" "Yes, I do. But-" "Then you shouldn't have to worry. Okay?" I nodded. Trust. I trust Justin.

 Two hours into the party, and I'm already tired. I'm not the party type, so what? I took a seat on a nearby chair. Justin saw me and came over. He leaned closer so I could hear him. "Everything okay?" I nodded and pointed to my feet. "Feet hurt!" I had to yell over the music. He chuckled. "But are you having fun?" I nodded. Then the song changed. Jealous by Jasmine V. began. I rolled my eyes as Justin smirked at me. He sang along with a high voice, which was supposedly his "girl voice." "I don't know why I don't trust. I go crazy when you hang with her." I stuck my tongue out. He continued to sing along, getting louder and louder. "J-E-A-L-O-U-S. Boy, I don't know how you get me acting like this." He came close to my face and smiled. I pushed him away and he laughed. "Shut up! I know I was jealous. Gosh you don't needa tease me about it." "I'm just messin' with you, babe." Even then, he continued to sing. I gave him a look. "What? I like this song! Don't wanna be nag-naggin'. Don't wanna be drag-draggin' you dowwwwwn." Once this song ended, Tonight came on. I groaned and face-palmed. "Ooooh! This my baby's song! C'mon let's grind!" He smirked. "Noooo..." "Yes! Let's go." He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up. "No Justin! People are here!" "And? The guys can envy me 'cause I got some sexy ass on me." "You're such a douche!" He laughed and set me down. "You know you wanna..." Despite my annoyed mood, I smiled. I love dancing. But hate when people are watching. Not including when I perform. He came close to my ear once again and whispered, "Show 'em what you got." He grinned. I closed my eyes and soon lost myself in the music. Somewhere in the midst of it, Justin came up behind me. I was too absorbed in dancing to be embarrassed by grinding on Justin. He pushed himself into me, causing an unexpected groan to flow from my mouth. I felt my cheeks immediately burn red, but Justin merely smiled and continued dancing. "Wooo! Go Melani and Justin!" Selena winked at us. I laughed and stuck my tongue out at her. Not long after, I slid my body down Justin's, which made him create a similar noise to the one I'd made a couple moments ago. This time he blushed and I laughed. The song soon ended and the audience that had gathered while we danced cheered. I leaned back on Justin's chest, breathing heavily. "Still amazing.." He breathed out. I turned my head and kissed his cheek. "Thanks." I grabbed his hand and took him to the couch. "Hey Mels, about that.. Um, move earlier..." I blushed once again. "Oh. Um. Yeah?" He leaned into my ear. "It felt good.. I liked it." He whispered, pronouncing the words slowly. He placed a soft kiss on my earlobe then traveled down my jaw line, leaving small, moist kissing along the way. He grabbed my waist and gently massaged it as he lowered down to my neck.

"WOO! GET SOME, JB!" A drunk dude's obnoxious voice rang out. Justin's chuckle vibrated against my neck, which made me giggle. As his tongue slowly glided along my neck, I quickly stopped giggled. He gently pushed me over, kissed along the skin above my chest, then started again on the other side of my neck. "Whoa there, Justin." I chuckled. I felt him smirk. "I want a turn after Melani!" That drunk dude yelled again. "Okay, seriously, Justin, It's starting to tickle now." "Mmmm," He groaned. "Wait." He kissed my jaw line again. "One," Cheek. "More," Nose. "Minute." Lips. It was a slow and gentle kiss. "Mkay. I'm done." He stared at me. "You sure?" I laughed. "Wait. Missed a spot." He kissed right on my cleavage. Funny how I'd gotten used to that feeling. "Now I'm done." "Ergh. I got your spit all over me." He grinned. "Good. Now no guys would want to touch you." He leaned down to my ear. "You're mine." He growled playfully. "Okay, JustyBeast." He frowned. "I like JustyBear better. It makes me feel all cutesy wutesy like a teddy bear." I laughed. "Come on, let's go get a drink." He nodded and got off me. The rest of the night consisted of: dancing, more dancing, drinking (non-alcoholic beverages, mind you.), even more dancing, making out, and... Dancing. When the party was finally over, it was nearing three in the morning. I'd actually made friends with Selena. Wow. Justin and I said our goodbyes then headed home. "You really know how to dance, Mels." He chuckled as he took his shirt off. "Thanks." I mumbled while brushing my teeth. "Y'know," He placed his hands on my waist. "I love slow dancing, but the way you moved on my body was heaven." He grinded into me. A moan attempted to escape but my toothbrush prevented that from happening. "Anyway, tonight was fun, babe. G'night. I love you." He kissed my cheek. "Night, Justin. Love you too." He smiled at me before walking out. I finished my nightly routine then climbed into bed. I exhaled loudly. What a night.

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