Chapter 87

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Melani's Pov ♥

"You know, out of all of Justin's past girlfriends, I think you're the best one. Shhh, don't tell Caitlin." I laughed. "Thanks, Mr. Bieber." We'd just finished jetskiiing. Of course, I was scared shitless. But after maybe five minutes, I was having fun, fun, fun, fun. Hehe. "Mels, you know you can call me Jeremy, or Dad." I felt myself blush of embarrassment. "Errr, okay.. Jeremy." I grinned toothily. He chuckled. "I see why Justin loves you so much. You're funny, smart, and so much more. I mean, he can go on and on about your eyes!" I raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?" I took a sip of my smoothie. "Please, tell me more." "Well, for one thing, he has a secret shrine of you in our basement. Although, I don't think it's very secret anymore... I mean, even Jazzy knows it's there." Wow. Well, that's not creepy at all... See my sarcasm? Yeah. But it's kinda cute... "Every time we talk on the phone, it always ends up in a conversation about how you're so beautiful and all... Uh, Erin once found a pair of boxers with your face on the bottom," I almost choked on my smoothie. Oh gosh. Now I've got something to hold over Justin...

Justin's Pov ♥

"Justin, you do know that I trust you with Melani, right?" I nodded. Kill me now. Robby may be Mels's stepdad, but I still don't like him. After all, he did say no at first. And by the looks of it, I don't think he likes me either. "You better take care of her or else." "Or else what?" I scoffed quietly. "You don't wanna know, son. I have connections. I can make sure you're never seen again." I rolled my eyes. "Look, sir, I don't care that you're Melani's stepdad or that you're my soon to be dad-in-law. You will NOT threaten me like that. I can get your ass kicked all the way to Russia. Got it?" We narrowed our eyes at each other. "Young man, I will not be spoken to like that." "Yeah? Well, it just happened." I grabbed my keys and started to storm away. "I'm telling Melani about this!" He yelled after me. Hahaha. Lame ass. "Fucking tell the world!" And with my middle finger in the air, I walked out.

Melani's Pov ♥

"I'm serious! He used to have Barbie and Ken dolls and pretended it was you two!" I laughed even harder. Oh God. I now have a LOT of things to hold over Justin. Jeremy and I were now heading back to the hotel. "It was really disturbing, actually," He smiled. "Wow, Jeremy. That's interesting," I chuckled. "The point of all this weirdness is, Justin loves you so much. I hope you see that." I smiled and nodded. "I do. And I love him the same."

 Justin's Pov ♥

And... Here comes the pissed off Melani. I sighed as I slid my key card in. Sure enough, there she was; hands on her hips, 'disappointed in you' face. "Look, Mels, I-" "Is it true?" "Yes, but-" "Why? You can't always be rude to the people you dislike, Justin! Whatever happened to 'kill 'em with kindness'?" "Well he was being a dick! What the hell was I supposed to do? Treat him like the fucking Queen of England?" She crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows. She's overreacting. Ugh. "What?" I snapped. She said nothing and just stared at me. "Fucking what, Melani?!" I said, raising my voice. "Whoa, hey, what's going on?" Becca, Maddie, and Caitlin came in. "I won't put up with your stepdad if he'll act like that. I just won't!" I continued my rant. "Well what do I do? Try to make him like you? I don't think that's possible with your douche bag self!" I raised my eyebrows. I'm not a fucking douche bag! "Oh, so this is about me now? It's MY fault that your lame ass stepdad is a dick? You know what, Melani?" She furrowed her eyebrows even more. "What? Tell me what, Justin!" "I'm tired of your annoying, naggy little uptight ass! 'Justin, do this. Justin, don't do that. Justin, stop. Justin, blah, blah, BLAH!' You're so damn bossy! And I hate it!" "If you hate it so much, why are you engaged to me?" "I ask myself the same question! That was the worst decision of my life." "Justin! You did NOT mean that," Caitlin exclaimed. Mels dropped her arms and the anger in her eyes vanished. "Just get out," She said quietly, looking away from me. "This is my hotel room," I replied. I admit, that was a bit childish there. "Justin!" The girls scolded me. "What? It's true!" Then Mels just pushed past them and left. The girls gave me a look. "Quit fucking staring, goddamnit!" "You didn't mean any of that bullshit you just said," Maddie stated. I didn't answer. "Get out. I need some damn sleep," I literally shoved them out and slammed the door close. Bitches.

Melani's Pov ♥

"Mels? You okay?" The girls and Christian came into the room. "Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. Sure, I was a little angry at Justin, but it still hurt. Even if I knew he says things he doesn't mean when he's mad. It's the wedding stress; it's getting to us. Yep. That's it. Becca sighed and sat next to me. "You know he didn't mean any of that..." I nodded. "I know, but it still hurt." They gave me sympathetic looks. "He'll get over it soon.. I'm sure he will. Chin up, girly," Tori said. Yeah. Think positive, Melani. It'll all be better soon. I hope

Justin's Pov ♥

I was staring at the ceiling when a soft knock sounded on the door. I groaned and got up. I opened the door to find Melani. "I left my clothes in here," She said quietly as she walked past me. Her voice and the redness on her nose indicated that she'd been crying. Probably not a lot, but still crying. She grabbed her things and left. I sighed. I shouldn't have said those things earlier. I meant none of it. Well, except when I said I didn't like Robby. That was the truth. Anyway, now Mels and I have a problem. Three freakin' days before the wedding. Ugh. Damn my stress. Fudge my life right now. Curse my anger issues and douche-ness. By three in the morning, I was still awake. But I didn't choose to stay up. I couldn't sleep. I moved around and around, tried sleeping on the floor and couch, everything. But nothing worked! Why?! I watched the clock tick away. Four o'clock... Five o'clock... Six o'clock... Finally, at six forty-five, I got up. I need to fix this. I grabbed my shirt and walked out. At the same time, I saw Melani walk out of Caitlin and Tori's room down the hall. We stood in the middle of the hallway and stared. Just stared at each other. "I'm sorry," We finally said in unison. Then, I spread my arms out and she ran into them. I hugged her tightly, continuously kissing the top of her head. We stood there for a long time, until she finally pulled away and looked at me. "I'm so sorry for all the things I said. I didn't mean any of it, baby," I apologized. "I'm sorry for being so harsh on you for a stupid incident," She sighed. I shook my head. "We could have easily avoided this problem if it weren't for my rude behavior. I knew better." "How 'bout we both take half the blame, make up, then make out?" She smiled shyly. I grinned, but it faded. "I want to, but sadly, I'm using all I have to try and keep my eyes open." She frowned a little. "Let's sleep then," She decided. "You mean, together? In our hotel room? On the bed? Together?" "Nooo... On separate concrete squares on the roof," She replied sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "C'mon, beautiful." I put my arm around her. We got into bed and soon fell asleep.

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