Chapter Twenty Four

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The weather was warming up around the castle and quidditch season was back up as Hope was preparing for the upcoming match against Ravenclaw. Henry was desperate for Gryffindor to destroy Ravenclaw just so he could rub it in McGregor's face. But he wasn't sure how well the game was going to go since McGregor and Hope still seemed to be smitten with one another. When it was just him and Hope, things were great and Henry was at his happiest, but whenever McGregor jumped into the situation, Henry wanted to strangle him. Perhaps it was because whenever McGregor showed up, Henry automatically felt like the third wheel in the situation.

The morning of the match, he was walking right next to Hope who was complaining about Wood's stupid early morning and late evening practices before the match took place.

"But you're a morning person." Henry pointed out.

"I know...but not that early. And since when does Fergie get out of bed so early?"

"Well, you guys lost against Slytherin, this is your last chance to win if you guys want to win the quidditch cup this year."

"It would be nice to win the cup, but my life isn't solely depended on winning the cup, like Fergie."

"Can you blame him? Remember all the stories Harry told us about his father growing up? Wood had one thing and only one thing on his mind when he was in Hogwarts. And that was quidditch."

"And Todd." Hope snorted.

"Hush." Henry chuckled.

"I thought I smelled low tide."

The two stopped and turned around to see Peeves standing behind them, leaning against the wall in the corridor.

"And surprise, surprise...I find the SeaCow with Dopey Hopey."

"My advice would be to close your mouth, Peeves. It might help with the smell." Hope said.

Peeves narrowed his eyes at the girl as she smiled triumphantly.

"Ready to lose again?" Peeves asked her. "Poor Dopey Hopey couldn't even manage to win her first game of the year. I think the Gryffindor team would be much better off if they replaced you with..let's see, perhaps a wooden post."

Hope turned to Henry. "It's like he's speaking a different language. I can't understand him at all. Did you say something Peeves?"

"I can't hear anything?" Henry said as he looked everywhere but at the poltergeist.

"Perhaps it was just my imagination running wild again." she shrugged.

"You two think you're so funny..." Peeves huffed in annoyance.

"Oh there it is again, Henry. Did you hear it that time?"

"I think it was just the wind, Hope."

"Oh well, I guess it's not important then. We should keep going."

The two left down the corridor wearing cheeky grins as they whispered back and forth to each other.

Peeves was fully prepared to retaliate when he heard someone's throat clear behind him.

"What's this I hear about low tide?"

While most people had witnessed plenty of mothers go into Mother-Bear mode to protect their young, only few had witnessed one go into Mother-Mermaid mode.

Nixie glared at the poltergeist that was eyeing her. "You want to repeat what you said there?"

Upon reaching the quidditch pitch, Hope had to part ways with Henry to join the Gryffindor team, leaving Henry to head to the stands alone. As he sat down waiting for Stella, Eliza and Teddy to arrive, he looked over to see his father and Remus entering the stands with a familiar face joining them to watch the match. Henry smiled to see Hope's Greatpa Lyall come to the match, knowing that Hope would be thrilled to see the man there.

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