Chapter Twenty Eight

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Hope was in a cheerful mood as she closed her trunk over with a grin, ready to go home as the school year had come to an end. It hadn't been the most eventful for her when it came to excitement, Gryffindor had failed to retrieve the Quidditch cup and Hufflepuff had taken the Quidditch Cup and the House Cup giving all the bragging rights to Teddy that summer that the group they would never hear the end of.  But she continued to tell herself that next year they would be able to do it and then she and Henry could spend all of next summer rubbing it into Teddy's face.

As her mind thought of Henry, her hands came to a halt as she thought about the upcoming summer, wondering if everything would be able to return back to normal between them. There was still obvious problems that Henry had with Benji being around and Hope couldn't figure out why. Benji was nice and funny and never had a bad thing to say about Henry, but Henry could not stand the boy.She could see it clear on his face whenever they were together and she was sure that Benji had noticed it too.

She wasn't sure what to do as she enjoyed the company of both of the boys and since Benji really hadn't done anything wrong, she obviously couldn't just push him away as she didn't want to be mean.

 All it did was leave the poor girl confused as to what to do.

That's why she was counting on summer to mend everything.  She wouldn't see Benji until September which meant that she could dedicate all her time to Henry so things wouldn't be weird between them anymore.

 At least, she could only...hope.

She was going to meet with her family, Nixie and Sirius along with Henry at the Hogsmeade Train station but the group was going to leave from Hogsmeade back home. She and Henry waited at the train station together on one of the benches, watching several other students board the train to go home. Henry was talking to Fergus who was waiting with them until the last call for the train when Hope's name was called.

The boys watched as Hope arose to her feet and smiled as she saw Benji approaching her. Henry made a face and in the distance saw Tori and Alyssa who were watching the two as well.

He couldn't hear what they were saying but he didn't need to as he saw them grinning at one another with bashful body language. Hope had never been shy or at least, he had never witnessed her ever being shy in his presence. She was a child that oozed confidence since birth, knowing exactly what she wanted and how to get it. But as she stood before Benji, he could see the tinge of cheek creep up on her cheeks as she looked to the ground, her shoes twisting back and forth slightly.

Sirius caught sight of his son and went to call his name but before he could, his wife clapped her hand over the man's mouth.


Sirius looked on as did Remus who arrived as they witnessed the group of students in the distance.

"Why does Henry look so sad?" Sirius asked looking at his son's expression.

"What are you... blind?" Nixie looked at him. "Look who Hope is talking to.Goodness, where have you been for the entire year? It's obvious he's upset that Hope is talking to Benjamin McGregor."

"Okay that's it, no one makes my child sad." Sirius said rolling up his sleeves.

"Simmer down, Fluffy." Nixie said grabbing the back of his shirt. "We can't get involved in this."

"Why not?" The two men looked over at her.

"What do you mean, why not? First, because we're professors and we can't beat up students. And two, we can't just force Hope to hang out with Henry..she's allowed to hang out with other boys and have a crush."

"No she's not!" Remus said rolling up his sleeves.

"Will you two stop it?!" Nixie whispered harshly at the two of them. "These two need to figure this out if it's meant to be. I think they're both starting to figure out what those kind of feelings are... you don't want to scare them for actually feeling something."

"Right but..." Sirius pouted. "Look at his sad little face..."

"And look at McGregor making Hope blush..." Remus narrowed his eyes at the boy.

"For the love of Merlin..." Nixie sighed. "Look, let them figure it out. They don't need you.." she looked at Sirius and then turned to Remus."...or you interfering. It's not something that someone can tell you, they both have to recognize it on their own if it's meant to be. Besides, they're still little ones... this could all be a simple first crush!"

Remus gasped loudly.

"Oh come now, Remus, I said crush, not fu-"

Remus didn't let her finish as he grabbed her head with his hands and forced her to look back in the direction of the teens.

The woman's eyes widened as she saw Benji kissing Hope lightly on the lips.

Fergus' jaw dropped as did Henry's who immediately stood up in a defensive stance, as Hope pulled away in shock from the boy.

Benji turned a bright red and began to apologize but Hope quickly stopped him reassuring him that it was okay it had only caught her off guard.

Henry turned to Fergus with a wounded expression.

"Look at the bright side," Fergus told him. "It's a kiss goodbye, not a kiss hello!"

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