Chapter Forty Two

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Stuck in the History of Magic class, Henry and Hope glanced at each other with bored expressions as Professor Binns, had the two wishing that the ghost would finally just retire and spend the rest of his ghostly days, lecturing a tree in a forest, far far away.

"Just when I thought Uncle Percy's stories were boring at family dinners..." Hope groaned before dropping her head onto her desk.

"We should stick your Uncle Percy and Professor Binns into a room." Henry smiled.

Hope covered her mouth as she snickered. " They'd probably fall madly in love, he'd leave Audrey...Molly and Lucy would grow up without a father-"

"Okay, Hope, you're taking it to the next level. Bring it back down." Henry told her.

"Oh...Whoops." She said with a small shrug of her shoulders. "Anyways, this day just needs to end and the announcement has to hurry up for tonight. I want to know if we can compete or not. I keep getting myself all worked up over the Tournament, but I'm not even sure if we're going to be of age. If it's anything like the last tournament, we're going to have to seventeen. Boo."

"Hey, who knows, the chances might be in our favor." Henry said. "Besides, from what I heard around the castle, no one really wants to join the tournament, they're all too afraid. That and their parents have threatened them in every letter coming in with the post. I know my mum's threatened me about several times this week."

"It's only Monday, Henry."

"I know." Henry said. 

"Yeah well, did you see how much knitted stuff my mum sent me? After the letter she sent me along with Grandpa Rem Rem lecturing every second he gets, I thought they were done. But I guess they figured that if I wasn't going listen that I might as well be safe." Hope grinned pulling out some knitted hand warmers.

"Your parents know you too well." Henry snorted. 'Despite your mum telling you no, she knows you're still going to go along with it, if you can."

"Yeah, and have you seen your dad lately?" Hope whispered to him before the two fell silent for a few minutes as they waited for Professor Binns to pass by them. The professor gave the two a look with a disproving glance, only to have the two flash beaming smiles in his direction.

Once he was a safe distance away, the two resumed their conversation.

"All you have to do is hold out until dinner tonight, DopeyHopey."

"But it's so far away, GuppyPuppy. Especially having to suffer through this class. If he mentions the Giant Wars one more time, I'm going to scream. I mean it."

"Now," Professor Binns faced the class. "The historical significance of the Giant Wars-"


"How did you manage getting detention with Professor Binns?" Eliza asked completely stunned as the group of friends and family were gathered outside of the Great Hall.

"Go on, Ope, tell her." Henry grinned as he sat down in the window seat. "Tell them all about your little outburst in class."

Hope rolled her eyes. " Thanks, Ry, I didn't think it was that bad. I mean honestly, the man...ghost..ghostly man...manly ghost?...."

"Stop stalling, Hope." Teddy told his niece.

"Anyways, the man went on for what seemed years about the Giant wars, I thought I was about to go mad. No regrets. I enjoyed every minute of yelling in that class. Worth every second of detention I'll have with him." 

"You know he's just going to talk about the Giant Wars, right?" Stella pointed out.

Hope's face fell causing everyone to laugh. 

"Aww man." She turned to Stella. "Why did you tell me this sooner?"

"Oh sure, blame me." Stella rolled her eyes. "Just jump on the bandwagon why don't you." She grumbled before entering the Great Hall, leaving her younger cousin confused.

"Um...I...what did I do?"  Hope said confused. "I was only teasing, you guys knew that right?"

"It's not your fault," Eliza said before giving Teddy a look and entering the Great Hall.

"What did I do?!" Teddy said placing his hands on his hips in disbelief. He turned to Elliot.

"Don't drag me into this." The boy said putting his hands up. "I'm not getting involved in any drama this year, I made a promise to myself. This is between you and Stella, you two need to sort it out.'

Elliot disappeared into the Great Hall to join Eliza at the Ravenclaw table with Teddy shortly entering in after them.

Hope looked to Henry. "I feel like we're missing something there something going on between Stella and Teddy beyond the usual?"

Henry shrugged. "I don't know, you and I are always the last to find things out."

"That's true!" Hope said with an offended look and tone. "The nerve of them!"

"I know! We have every right to know, they know everything about us!"


Fergus came upon the two standing in the corridor and gave them odd looks.

"Why do you two look angry?" He asked with concern.

"Because...hey look a knut!" Hope said before looking down with a smile, picking it up off the floor.

"Oooh lucky! I bet it's a lucky knut!" Henry told her.

"Yay, I'll add it to my collection."

"You have a collection?" Henry asked her.

"Yeah, look at these knuts." Hope dug into the pocket of her robes.

Fergus clapped his hand over his face and walked into the Great Hall blindly to get away from the two.

"You did that on purpose." Henry chuckled quietly.

"Of course I did." Hope winked at him. "He's so easily flustered,Fergie is like the brother I never had to bother."

"I'm sure he's honored to fill the position."

"Good, because since I don't get to bother your father as often in school, I need to channel it somewhere."

"I'm sure my dad misses your teasing." Henry laughed with her.

"Remember the time I let him with the Bertie Bott challenge?"

"How could I fo-"

"You did what?!"

The two stopped and turned around to see Sirius standing behind them, his lips parted slightly in shock as he stared at the two.

"Hey Paddington," Hope greeted him quickly in attempts to change the subject.

"Little Lupin Weasley Spawn! And you..." He looked to Henry. "My own son!"

"This is our cue to run.' Hope whispered to Henry.

"I want a rematch!"

"But it's been years-"


"Your dad is such a sore loser."


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