Chapter Seventy Nine

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After the second task, it seemed all the Champions were looking forward to going back to somewhat of a normalcy in their lives. If anything, it was one of the first times where the students were actually enjoying being in class and doing school work. Among them was Hope as she arrived early to all her classes after the second task and avoided causing the usual trouble she normally did. Apparently, the second task had shaken the young girl more than she liked to admit to her friends and family. She was having trouble sleeping at night and even Henry couldn't get her to settle for a peaceful nap in the afternoons. 

Her mind continued to wander back to being pulled under water and the sensation of being able to free herself. When she was younger, Hope remembered having competitions with Henry to see who could hold their breath the longest underwater. Normally, she lost and it was only later that she discovered that Henry had the advantage of actually breathing under water. But she didn't have fear of going under the water back then, it was just something that developed over time, especially when she realized that she was not a destined swimmer by any means. 

She had faced dangerous things before whether it was seeing dragons up close with her aunt, uncle, and cousins or testing new products out with her father and Uncle George, but the Grindylows had definitely left her feeling frazzled. When she was pulled under, she immediately went into a panic, mainly because she didn't get a good breath of air before going under. The multiple attacks unleashed by the creatures had also set her heart into a pounding frenzy as she thrashed about to free herself. 

She ended up using the small reservoir of air she had and found herself in even more trouble. The pain she felt in her chest and lungs was beyond any pain she had ever felt and that was even comparing it to getting hit with a bludger as she had many times before. Having no idea of what the third task involved left her in a bigger panic than she had been before the other two tasks.

Luckily, she had held onto the key to open up the chest that would reveal the answer to the final task. Unfortunately, when the three girls opened the chest they were highly disappointed to find one of the gold coins and were told they could keep the key.

The key and the coin were their hints to the upcoming task and Hope couldn't even begin to think how to the two correlated with each other. She was beyond irritated and found herself tired, even though when she tried to sleep at night, she only tossed and turned in her bed. It was after the lesson in Defense Against the Dark Arts when they were covering counter-jinxes that Remus decided to finally approach his granddaughter to voice his concern. 

He could see the small dark bags developing under Hope's eyes and it bothered him the most because he remembered being her age and even younger, wearing the same tired expression. Even though Hope didn't suffer the same problems as he did when he was younger, it appeared that stress took the same toll on those who shared the Lupin genetics. As the class filed out of the classroom, Remus gave Henry a look, requesting a few minutes with his granddaughter alone. Henry gave him a small nod and a smile before leaving the classroom as Hope continued to sit in her seat.

Her focus was on the small crochet project she had in her lap until Remus pulled up a chair to sit across from her.

"Hope?" He called out.

The teen glanced up at him and set her materials aside to give her grandfather her undivided attention.

"Hey Grandpa Rem Rem," she gave him a small smile. " What's going on?"

"I was going to ask the same thing to you," Remus said. "You look tired, Hope. Have you been sleeping at all as of late?"

"Yes," she lied. "I've been sleeping just fine, why?"

"Hope, you get your inability to lie from your Lupin genetics, I'm sorry to inform you," he chuckled. 

"I forgot about that," Hope giggled before resting her chin on the table. 

"Are you having trouble sleeping because of...the incident in the lake?"

"That...and the third task," Hope sighed. "I have no idea what the hint is supposed to mean. Stupid coin and stupid key!"

"You shouldn't spend so much time thinking about it, Hope. It's not good for you to dwell on it, you'll only end up driving yourself mad." 

"Are you trying to tell me that I'm not already there?" She said. The man smiled and reached a hand across ruffling her hair. 

"You should go and try to get some sleep," He said.

The girl opened her mouth to protest but instead a yawn came out, giving her away.

"Alright, alright," she huffed. "I'll go take a nap, but only because I want to! This is on my terms."

"Of course it is," Remus said before standing up as Hope pushed herself up and collected her things.

"See you later, Grandpa Rem Rem," she called out to him as she left the classroom with a small wave.

"Sleep well!" He called after her.

Hope entered the common room after greeting Elizabeth to find Fergus and Armina sitting together on the couch.

"There you are, I was beginning to think that you fell asleep in class," Fergus said.

"Why is everyone concerned with my sleeping pattern?" She asked.

"That means they care about you,"Armina told her.

Hope smiled before looking at Fergus. "Is Henry-"

"Yes," Fergus answered with knowing nod.

"Thank you."

She traveled up the stairs to the boy's dorm and found Henry sitting on his bed with a book in hand. He glanced over as he heard the approaching footsteps and saw Hope drop her things on the floor before plopping down beside him. She didn't say anything as she snuggled into his side and closed her eyes.

"Are you going to take a nap finally?" He asked her setting the book down. 

"Are you going to join me?" Hope muttered into his pillow.

"Only if you want me to,"  he said before turning on his side to face her. Hope already had her eyes closed and her breathing was slowing down. 

She didn't respond as she quickly drifted off to sleep. 

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