Chapter 1

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For future reference;

-0- with italics in between are dreams/ visions/ flashbacks

Bold and italics are songs that I DON'T own

Bold ,italics and underline are the songs I DO own and wrote

*** is scene change and/or gap in time

" with italics in between are either thought, unidentifiable voices, or robots/phones(ex. Chopper, TV, Siri)

italics is an exaggerated word (Ex; She really wanted to say something)

(A/N); is an author's note with all words in Bold


It was an average day on the Ghost. Chopper was doing maintenance on the hyperdrive, Sabine was painting in her room, Ezra and Zeb were eating, Kanan was meditating and Hera was in the cockpit preparing to jump out of hyperspace.

She was nervous because this was the Earth system that they were passing to meet up with Fulcrum and the fleet. The Earth system was very dangerous, Earth was a violent planet compared to any other planet she has ever heard of. Instead of dealing with just one Empire, the planets had hundreds of different empires. And barely anyone has ever left the planet, so the population had exploded in numbers. And there were only humans. If she were to land there, who knows how people would react?

Hera snapped out of her train of thought when Kanan had entered the cockpit.

"How's it goin' ?" he asked, handing Hera a drink.

Hera sighed "We should be passing the Earth system soon, hopefully Jupiter won't pull us off track."

"I wonder what it's like on Earth. I mean like, all kinds of people have never even left the planet. And not one Force-sensitive person ever recorded." Kanan wondered out loud as he sat in the co-pilot seat.

"Well, hopefully we won't be finding out today."

"Yeah,"Kanan continued "over half of the planet is in war."

"I don't get it." Hera said "Why do the governments portray us a fictional? What is the point of that?"

"I don't know." Kanan answered in a low tone of voice.

There was silence that fell over the cockpit until the swish of the door had broken the silence. The two turned around to see Ezra.

"How much longer?" he asked.

"Not much longer." Hera answered the boy.

"What system are we passing?" Ezra asked, now sitting in the seat behind Hera.

"It's called the 'Earth system'." Kanan answered.

"Huh," Ezra thought out-loud "I'd love to visit it one day. You know, Earth."

Hera and Kanan gave each-other confused looks and then turned to Ezra.

"Why?" Hera questioned.

"I don't know, maybe because it is the most populated planet in the galaxy." Ezra said, reclining on his chair.

"Don't get your hopes up,kid." Sabine said, standing at the door. "That place is more violent during 'peaceful' times than Mandalore ever was."

"Yeah," Zeb agreed as he came up from behind Sabine as the two entered the cockpit"They are worse than Tatooine."

The New Girl, from Earth (A Star Wars Rebels fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now