Chapter 10

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"How and why are you helping us?" Kanan asked.

"You didn't do anything and the world wants to kill you both. I don't think that's right, you are a legend around here," Rae explained and turned to Athena. "So Syla, how was it like to grow up on Earth then go to space?"

"Call me Athena," Athena shivered.

Rae sat Athena down on the edge of the bed,got a blanket and wrapped Athena in it, "You're cold, this'll help."

"Thank you," Athena thanked.

"What do you mean 'legend'?" Kanan asked.

"Everyone loves you guys, no one wants you to get captured," Rae explained.

"Where is the ride you said you had?" Kanan asked.

"In a garage, I'll take you to it soon," Rae told. "But we won't be able to leave for a while because of the Dia de los Muertos celebration."

"Great..." Kanan sarcastically remarked.

"We'll get the car tonight and leave in the morning," Rae explained.

"Hablas Español?" Athena asked.

"Sí," Rae spoke. "You must get warm, you're freezing."

"I'll be fine," Athena assured. "You're an orphan?"

"Yep, I was inspired by you and ran off, the locals are really nice," Rae explained.

"And you have a car?" Kanan asked,suspicious of this girl not too much older than Athena.

"No, but I know a woman who has one that she can spare to you," Rae said.

"Are you sure she's willing to give us her car?" Athena asked.

"Yes, she loves you guys," Rae said.

"I don't know-" Kanan was cut off.

"Don't worry, she is like an adopted mom to me."

Kanan sighed and palmed his face, "Fine."

"It's almost dark, we better start going through the crowds to get to the car," Rae suggested.

"Okay, shouldn't we try and blend?" Kanan asked.

"I know where to get some costumes," Rae offered "Just follow me. You can leave your stuff here."

Kanan and Athena put down their stuff and followed Rae out of the little home and out into the street. Rae turned a corner and when they turned the corner, they saw a dumpster filled with plastic bags with clothes inside of them.

Rae reached into the dumpster and grabbed a large bag and handed it to Athena. Athena was shivering, but not as bad.

"It's a size 6, I think it'll fit you," Rae said.

"What is it?" Athena asked. She pulled out a large black dress out of the bag and stared at it.

"A dress," Rae answered.

"Cool," Athena said, examining the dress. It had black roses all over.

Rae then threw Kanan a bag. Kanan was taken aback as he had to catch the large bag.

"I think that'll fit," Rae said.

Kanan opened his bag and pulled out a suit, he gave it an odd stare. It even had a large black and white sombrero.

Rae pulled out a dress for herself also, it was yellow and orange with flowers decorating it,"Okay let's get changed, then we'll it in."

"Why did someone throw these away?" Athena shivered.

The New Girl, from Earth (A Star Wars Rebels fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now