Chapter 2

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Sabine was waiting at the lift gate waiting for Kanan and Ezra. She had changed into the most Earth-like thing she could find in her cabin, a blue/purple jacket and stretch pants. She had put some temporary black paint in her hair and eyebrows but left one lock of hair her blue/green color.

Ezra finally showed up at the lift gate, his hair also had some temporary black paint in his hair and eyebrows. He wore an orange t-shirt with his usual pants.

"Seriously?" Sabine remarked.


"You barely look any different than usual." Sabine pointed out "You couldn't have at least worn any other color?"

"Hey, what can I say? It's my color." Ezra defended.

Sabine rolled her eyes "What is taking Kanan so long?"

Ezra shrugged "I don't know. Maybe he's trying to think if he should leave his lightsaber or not."

"I'm taking my pistols, I just painted them to look like an Earth gun and put them in my boots."

"I'm taking my lightsaber, I just put it in my backpack." Ezra said turning around and pointing at a gray string-bag.

Kanan then came down the ladder to the lift gate, he was dressed in a black t-shirt and his normal pants and a string-bag like Ezra's. He held a piece of paper in his hands with all of the supplies written on it.

"Okay so let's go over the rules, don't talk to anyone, don't look at anyone, we don't walk too close and-"

"We know, this place is very dangerous. You don't have to remind us every thirty seconds." Ezra moaned.

"I know, but-"

"We'll be okay." Sabine assured.

"Ok, we'll walk to the nearest market and come back the way we came." Kanan explained.

"Hey Kanan, are you bringing your lightsaber?" Ezra asked.

"Yes, I put it in my bag." Kanan said.

"Come on." Sabine said walking out of the ship, Ezra and Kanan followed.

Kanan and Ezra caught up to Sabine and walked next to her and they all swatted the corn stalks out of their way as they continued to walk to the road.

Ezra was intrigued by this planet's plants. These tall grass-like plants were similar to some crops on Lothal, but these were different. The sky on the planet was a much brighter blue and white clouds dotted the sky. The dirt beneath his feet was rich and fertile and was very different from Lothal's.

The road was even different than others Ezra had seen once he,Kanan and Sabine had made their way out of the corn field. The road was a blacktop with white dashes going down the middle of the street. Ezra wondered why these lines were here and why the road was so badly worn down. Ezra continued to look around and observe this planet's surface as he and Sabine and Kanan walked down the road.


The three humans had walked for a little over an hour when they started to come across some buildings that weren't just homes like they had seen when they walked past all of the farming fields. There was a slight breeze in the air and no cars ran over the pavement. The buildings and roads were fairly strange to Sabine, Ezra and Kanan.

"Where is their market?" Ezra asked, exhausted from the long walk.

"Do they even have a market?" Sabine questioned.

"I don't know, but we need food." Kanan said.

"How are we going to pay for our supplies if their currency is different?" Ezra asked.

The New Girl, from Earth (A Star Wars Rebels fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now