Chapter 15

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Athena still laid unconscious on the ship's roof. She could kinda hear the fighting, mere yards away, but not clearly. The noise started to fade and she saw nothing but black. It then started to seem to her that she was standing in a dark room as she had dreamt like before.

In the dark room, there seemed to be an owl on a branch in front of her. The owl had white feathers and brown speckles across it. The eyes of the owl were big, emerald green eyes.

She reached out to touch the bird and then it flew away. Athena was intrigued and followed the white owl, and the world seemed to start to form around her. She started to run through a thick forest with green grass under her feet and luscious tree's around her.

Athena figured out it was a dream, but still pursued the bird. She had ran for a little while until the green-eyed owl lead her to a small, circle patch of grass surrounded by trees. The owl vanished and Athena stood in the middle of the circle of tree's.

"Kanan? Rae?" Athena called out into the deep forest.

No response.

Athena was getting worried. Was she dead?

She slowly spun around to examine the circle of trees around her. She turned her head and stopped once she saw the green-eyed owl sitting in a tree.

Athena tilted her head at the owl as she stared into it's emerald green eyes. Then the owl started to change. It owl started to morph.The owl began to morph into a beautiful green- eyed woman with long brown hair and seemed to be in her mid-30's. She wore a long, green dress that draped onto the ground as she sat in the tree on the low branch.

"Hello,Syla," the woman spoke. Her voice was calm, warm and as smooth as silk.

"Who are you?" Athena asked, surprised.

The woman let out a small chuckle, "You have grown wise, haven't you?"

"Tell me who you are," Athena demanded with a stern voice.

The woman smiled at Athena ,"You may not remember me, but a mother never forgets."

Athena stood still in absolute shock.

"I see you have my green eyes," the woman commented.

Athena couldn't manage to utter any words. She was at a loss. The woman she had dreamt of meeting for all of her life sitting right in front of her. The one that had such a large impact on her life, yet, she had never been in the presence of.

"You seem shocked, my dear Syla. Don't be afraid."

" mom... Am I dead?" Athena questioned.

Still having her warm smile, she told, "No, you are not dead. You are only in a dream."

"Are you dead?" Athena asked.

"There is no death, there is the Force. Tell me Syla, how is Caleb?" the woman asked.

"Kanan?" Athena questioned and then came to realization that he and Rae are still fighting Jalo. "Kanan! I got to get back to him, I got to help them!"

"Calm down, Syla," the woman spoke to Athena "I brought you here for a reason."

Athena lowered her panicked and questioned the woman, "What is the reason you had brought me here?"

"Your powers are growing, along with the evil inside."

"Evil?" Athena asked.

"Yes; because you are Force-sensitive and were born on Earth, you are very susceptible to any evil around you," the green-eyed woman said.

"Can I stop it?" Athena questioned.

"No evil is more powerful than hope," the woman in the tree began to look away and turned her gaze to the tree next to her. "I knew leaving you on Earth would mean you were safe from the evil of the Empire, but I fear that you are going to grow a much darker evil here on Earth. This planet is like no other in the galaxy, that is why the Empire has not taken it under it's rule. There is something on this planet that slowly deteriorates a Force-sensitive's ability to use the Force within their will. It almost bounces off the surface itself and goes anywhere it wants. Most can only use the Force to pick up only the weight of a person for the first few months, but that is all. But you on the other hand are different ; you were born on this planet and grew immune to its...peculiar Force ways."

"What about Kanan...I mean Caleb?" Athena asked.

The green eyes looked back to Athena,"He was born on Coruscant, he has normal Force abilities as most Jedi did."

"Are you still alive? Can I ever see you again?" Athena asked.

"I am afraid you, nor your brother, will see me for a long time."

"What is your name?" Athena asked.

"Cyla Dume, " The woman said "you are very curious aren't you? You have a natural tendency to know and wanting to know things, just like me."

"I guess so," Athena said softly.

"Us Dumes, we were born with a thirst for wisdom and knowledge. Your brother, Caleb, do you seem to take after his intelligence?"

"Yes, kinda," Athena answered with a shrug.

"You will wake up soon. Do not forget this," Cyla instructed and the woman once again turned into a white owl and flew away.


The world around Athena began to blacken and she snapped open her eyes.

She saw that she was still laying on the roof of the ship and sat up.Athena looked over to the humming of lightsabers and saw Jalo, Rae,and Kanan fighting.Athena started to run on the higher part of the roof, looking for a lift gate or something.

Jalo saw Athena, now fully conscious. He pushed away Kanan and Rae and started to run towards Athena. Kanan and Rae pursued after him.

"Watch out!" Rae yelled.

Athena glanced behind her and saw Jalo, Rae and Kanan running towards her.

Athena ran faster. How could she fight him? She had no sword, no training, nothing. Athena ran to an edge of the ship where a lift gate would be, but it wasn't open.

"Hoover Dam!" Athena said to herself.

Athena turned to Jalo and back to the edge of the ship, the road quickly passing under the ship. Jalo was about a three yards away when Athena, without thinking, jumped off the ship.

Kanan didn't know what to do the second Athena jumped off the ship backwards, "Athena!" he yelled before striking at Jalo.

Jalo blocked Kanan's strike along with Rae's.

"Your sister is dead! Surrender before I destroy you too!" Jalo yelled.

Kanan was enraged and swung at Jalo. Rae and Kanan continued to fight Jalo, Jalo continuing to block them.

"Why did you leave, my apprentice?" Jalo asked as he blocked one of Rae's swings of her duel, purple lightsabers.

"I am not your apprentice!" Rae yelled and then kicked Jalo in the stomach.

Jalo stumbled, but not by much and continued to fight.

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