Chapter 3

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The crew was in the kitchen eating the leftover waffles for breakfast, all except Athena, who had still not woken up. They were all dressed in their regular clothes and Ezra's and Sabine's hair were back to their normal color. Zeb and Kanan sat on one of the side of the table and Sabine,Hera and Ezra sat on the other side.

"What was that yelling I heard last night?" Hera said, looking at Kanan.

"Nothing, Athena just snuck out in the middle of the night and Sabine had to bring her back." Kanan answered.

"You mean she tried to run away! And you brought her back by force?!" Hera yelled a Kanan and Sabine.

"What's the problem with that?" Zeb asked.

"She needs to know that we trust her, we can't just bring her back to the ship if she doesn't want to be here! Now she'll never want to help us!" Hera exclaimed.

" It wasn't like that, she was just wandering outside and Sabine went and told her to come in. I sensed them outside and went to see what was going on."

"Oh. Sabine, is that true?" Hera asked.

"Yep." Sabine said, then continuing her breakfast.

"Where is she?" Ezra asked.

"Still sleeping. Chopper, go wake her up." Kanan told the droid.

Chopper let out a string of rude comments and left the room.

"So, Sabine, what did you guys talk about?" Ezra asked.

"We mostly talked about you." Sabine said.

"Really?" Ezra asked, hopeful.

"No." Sabine said and smiled.

Ezra looked disappointed. "Then what did you talk about?"

"Why do you care?" Sabine asked.

Ezra shrugged. "Do you think she'll stay?"

"Maybe, it wouldn't be bad to have another teenage girl around." Sabine commented.

"It'll be nice if she stayed because I wouldn't be the shortest any more." Ezra commented.

"What I don't get is why does the government want her so bad. What could a kid like her do?" Zeb said.

"Yeah. I've been wondering about that.I noticed she is pretty strong with the Force. I think it may be because she may have used her Force abilities in public."Kanan shared.

"If she's Force-sensitive and she does stay, do you think Ahsoka will take her as a Padawan?" Hera asked as she was taking her plate to the sink.

"I don't know." Kanan responded.


Chopper rolled into the common room, where Athena was sleeping. He rolled up to her and poked her shoulder. She didn't wake up, so he poked harder with his robotic arm. She only rolled over, but didn't wake up. Annoyed, her shocked her. Her body stiffened and she immediately sat up and punched Chopper's seeing camera without a second thought, he only saw a jigsaw like pictures. He flung up his robotic arms and wailed many swear words in droid language.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Athena yelled in apology.

Chopper rolled back to the kitchen where the others were.

He wailed, and Athena was right behind him.

"I'm sorry!" Athena said sympathetically.

"What happened?" Hera asked as she bent down to see Chopper better.

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