Chapter 8

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Athena looked over and saw the sun starting to come up as it turned to October 30, 2015.

"It's sunrise, let's go to a town and exchange this money for pesos," Athena said.

"Okay, then I'll drive for a few hours for you to get some rest," Kanan offered.

"Yep, and we'll probably want to find a McDonald's for a restroom so you can change out of that sweater."


Athena tapped her phone, "Siri, find me the nearest McDonald's."

"Here is some directions to McDonald's," The phone spoke.

"Great, the closest McDonald's is 2 hours away," Athena sighed and put her phone down.

"We'll be fine, just keep driving," Kanan encouraged. "And don't turn that music back on."

"Hey, Siri. Play my soundtrack."

"Playing; 'Good to be Alive' by Andy Grammer."

"Do you hate me or something?" Kanan asked.

"Nope, I just like my music."

Kanan sighed and Athena continued to drive.


Ahsoka was standing on the main bridge, she was researching the name Jalo Hikra on the HoloNet. She had no results, no information told her anything about the man that kidnapped her Padawan and Kanan. Ahsoka turned around as she heard Ezra's voice.

"Have you found anything?"

"No, their kidnapper still eludes me," Ahsoka told.

"Kanan said that they are in Mexico right now, do you think that that Jalo is near wherever that is?" Ezra suggested.

"He may have already left Earth, so there is no telling where he is," Ahsoka then realized he said Mexico. And she quickly typed in Mexico on the HoloNet.

"What does that say?" Ezra asked Ahsoka, who was examining the page.

"What part of Mexico?" Ahsoka asked.

"I don't know, they said that they just got there from America."

"Can you contact them?" Ahsoka asked.

"Are they in trouble?" Ezra asked.

"No, but they will be. The Mexican military is in search of them around the American-Mexican border, right where Kanan and Athena are," Ahsoka told.

"I have my com with me right now, I'll try to contact them."

"Good, we want to warn them, I can get positions of their military and we can warn them," Ahsoka told the teenage boy.

"Kanan? You there?" Ezra spoke into his com.

"Yeah, we're here," Kanan's voice sounded over Ezra's com.

"Hi, Ezra!" Athena's voice came over the com.

"Ahsoka wants to talk to you guys," Ezra told them.

Ezra handed his com over to Ahsoka, "Kanan, Athena, are you guys alright? What part of Mexico are you in?"

"Chihuahua, Mexico. How come?" Athena asked.

"The Mexican military is looking for you guys, they're everywhere looking for you two," Ahsoka said.

"Makes sense," Kanan said.

"Just try to stay under the radar," Ahsoka said.

"It's gonna be hard for us not to be noticed, a 14-year old girl driving a car in the middle of Mexico isn't exactly normal. Especially if the legal age to drive here is 18." Athena said over the com.

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